Hi !
Not much time so I'll keep it very short...
Anyone knows where on the internet I can find a complete essay about 'History, use of and how a sonar works' ? I have some history by now, but more info's and urls is welcome so I can limit my searching time, in orde to work faster.
I clearly missed something during science classes and appareantly I've to write an essay at... tomorrow (!) about 'History, use of and how a sonar works'. :guilty:
Anyway, don't say 'look at google yoursel', I've done some research myself, mostly in books now, but if some of you want to spend some time searching beyond page 2 @ google and if you find something interesting (some text, photo's...) and want to publish the url here, please do so. I'll be VERY gratefull, even if it is a small picture only... everything helps!
Your stressful student,
Not much time so I'll keep it very short...
Anyone knows where on the internet I can find a complete essay about 'History, use of and how a sonar works' ? I have some history by now, but more info's and urls is welcome so I can limit my searching time, in orde to work faster.
I clearly missed something during science classes and appareantly I've to write an essay at... tomorrow (!) about 'History, use of and how a sonar works'. :guilty:
Anyway, don't say 'look at google yoursel', I've done some research myself, mostly in books now, but if some of you want to spend some time searching beyond page 2 @ google and if you find something interesting (some text, photo's...) and want to publish the url here, please do so. I'll be VERY gratefull, even if it is a small picture only... everything helps!
Your stressful student,