hehe Fly!
I really can't see the point in having this thread remain open. Everything's been said so many times before, in sooo many other threads.
Do people really want the devs to declare the sim finished? It's certainly more finished than most v1 sims out there, and I've never seen anyone give a viable argument to the contrary. So can there really be people out there who'd want development to stop now? Close the doors on progress? Halt mid-flight? Are they really that happy with S2 that they don't want the devs to keep improving it?
I wonder, to myself.. are they nuts, or are they just not thinking about what it is they're asking for? When S2 does go Final, and get "released" as a finished sim, the doors close. No more feature enhancements, no more feature requests, no more physics improvements, no changes.. WYSIWYG and nothing more. Only bug fixes (though there won't be many of those because most of those get zapped during this.. the Alpha stage).
LFS will be ready for FINAL release when it's ready, and not a minute before. And thank the lord for that, too! Long may development live.. in the meantime, enjoy it, knowing that the thing you've paid for will keep getting better and better!
I'm going to close this thread now. I think most of us are tired of repeating ourselves on this topic.