The online racing simulator
How many people have you converted?
(33 posts, started )

Poll : How many people have you converted to LFS

1 or 2
More than 10
Recently I've managed to get two of my mates playing LFS. So I thought I'd ask how many people have you managed to get to 'see the light'?
#2 - ZORER
i managed to "2" too.

And another friend got into GTR just because i was telling him about LFS. (He played it for a few months and threw it away.)
None-to-one, I must be hanging around the wrong ppl..
i have converted at least 15 NFS kids to LFS racers
I've managed to get 12 S2 licences and about another 5 - 6 demo drivers
None, zero, null, void, emptyness, ehm.

My friends aren't really into games or sims. I have managed to few to try LFS but without a wheel the experiement hasn't really done much.
I originally got my brother into LFS, back in our demo days. Then I stopped playing for a while and he talked me into reinstalling it. Then I rekindled my LFS flame and we both decided to buy S2 licenses together. Never looked back.

The downside is that now I suck in every other driving game around, cause most other games have heavy idiot-proofing
0.5 of a person lol. They got me into lfs but then i got them to buy S2 lol.
I managed 3 so far, but 2 more are saving up!
Just got my Dad into LFS!!
He has also just bought a new Dell Athlon 5000 pc and G25 to go with it.
1! My best mate!
My mate just stayed with me for a week and he asked what games I had on my HD that didn't involve killing people (not many btw), so I made him race UF1s against the AI. He loved it - instantly addicted :up: After a few days, and after he finally beat the AI at AS Cadet and did some other races in the FOX, XRG & LX4, he started asking how much it was, how much a good wheel was, what it was like online etc. Good result! :up:
i allmost got a mate into buying lfs, but then i found out he allready had s2!!
dunno his lfs name tho other mates just wanna play world of warcraft
Well, I got one of my friends to buy LFS, he doesn't play much, he used to have a crappy connection and now he isn't that interested because he is crap and I beat him every time...some people just don't have the patience
And I'm still converting my brother, don't know if he has bought a copy already but he was impressed after April patch how the things had come forward from S1 when he had tried the demo. Ironically, a man who has nice racing seat and G25 and projector doesn't have time to play. World has no justice.

Sooo, I would say 2
i allmost did, but then i found out the guy allready had lfs s2
Quote from Blackout :Well, I got one of my friends to buy LFS, he doesn't play much, he used to have a crappy connection and now he isn't that interested because he is crap and I beat him every time...some people just don't have the patience

I've got a mate like that. It was him that discovered LFS. I was a GT4 man at the time. I went and played it at his house and loved it. Went and bought S2, raced him a few times and then he got fed up cos I was so much faster than him. He also couldn't handle the fact that he was so slow on public servers that he would get in peoples way and stuff. He gave up playing LFS when the new patch came out. Now it doconnects him from online immediately everytime.

He's now bought GTL which he thinks is much better than LFS. Each to his own I guess.

I think now he wants to play LFS again though because my two other mates Matty and Toby have just got it.

I wonder what is causing his problem. My guess is the update didn't work and he is being disconnected because of a version conflict or something.
Might be good to close this thread.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I've converted three. A mate from next door, a classmate (he showed great interest, but he hasn't got a wheel yet) and Xaid0n .
#21 - robt
2 friends, a cousin, and your very own teammate..........kringle!!! i remember showing him lfs. hehe.
my friends all love playing it at my house but none of them want to spend the money to get a wheel so they don't play otherwise.

Quote from robt :2 friends, a cousin, and your very own teammate..........kringle!!! i remember showing him lfs. hehe.

You ruined his life! Now all he does is create skins for new R4R team members. lol
I think I have well over 10 or 20 more people into LFS.

Almost half of them have already gotten themselves S2 license, while others are still enjoying demo.

Though problem is, they can't really enjoy LFS "internationally" due to Malaysia's crap ISP. But I assume this could be solved when there's more LFS players locally.
#25 - JTbo
At least 4 in person, but can't really remember how many via internet, could be quite few actually

How many people have you converted?
(33 posts, started )