Hmm, no updates since April? What the heck are the developers doing? They should be working on LFS!
April update brought us new physics in patch S. Then they fixed some stuff and put out patch T. A bunch of little bugs and stuff came up, so they produced test patches T1 - T9? T12? I can't remember how many T test patches there was. Then those were compiled into patch U. Vista is coming and LFS wasn't ready, so they started on the U test patches. Along with Vista stuff, we recieved quite a few other really nice requests like the speedometer working off of the transmission/driveshaft like it should for realism, sorting the server list by pretty much each heading in the list, and the ability to open replays through Windows Explorer, and also rename, and delete replays from within LFS just to name a few very nice feature additions. We are now up to test patch U30, which I imagine is nearly complete to compile into patch V.
So, LFS is very much NOT dead. Not in the least.