Was coming here to post exactly that Hyper. Agree with you fully... yes the gear whine is nice, but the rest is just (sorry) nonsense. The BF1 is worst of all... to be honest Im a little disappointed that this BF1 sound is even approved and released... I had a little more faith in devs and bèta testers. This is not even close to the Forti Corse V8 F1 we've seen on track ages ago...
What the cars need (in my opinion, and no I don't say I can do this myself) is a powerful, aggressive sound. High pitched, screaming kind of sounds... not the low buzzing and humming as it is now... I want the feeling that Im actually going FAST, sense of speed is missing.
Maybe it is something to get used to, but damn, what a pity, Im truely dissapointed.