Not sure how i feel about these sounds. Some cars sound better, some just sound rediculous. Let me do a break down on how i feel about each car sound now....
First off, for the life-like street cars, the gear whine is TOO much compared to realism. In what average street car do you actually hear the gear whine? If it was fuel pump whine, then maybe i could understand. But even if it was, most street cars you dont hear the fuel pump unless the car is idling.
Uf1000: Sounds fine, i can live with it. Too much gear whine.
XFG: I think it sounds alright, but U30 sound was more aggressive, made the car seem more mean. Too much gear whine.
XRG: Sounds fine i guess. Although, i think i would prefer U30's sound over U32's. It was more agressive sounding and it actually sounded like a 4 cyl at high rpms. Too much gear whine.
LX4: Not sure how i feel, but there is too much gear whine. It should sound more like this.... ... &q=caterham&hl=en
RB4: Not sure how i feel about the new sound here. May be more muffled than U30's sound. Too much gear whine.
FXO: Sounds like crap. The FXO was one of the best sounding cars in the game, and now thats lost. This is one of the sounds that most upsetted me. Too much gear whine aswell.
XRT: Dont like the xrt sound either. It sound sound something like this ... 35552&q=rx7&hl=en
....again too much gear whine.
LX6: Sounds bad ass! I like the new sound.

Gear whine is fine here, i guess.
RAC: Why is it so dang muffled???

Like every time you step on the gas it sounds like theres open intake, or as if someone puts their hand over the throttle body when accelerating.... i dont like it at all.
FZ5: i guess it sounds... OK. I really wish it wasnt so muffled. I like the U30 sound better. Gear whine ....maybe at low gears since the 350z has slight gear whine in 1st and 2nd gear, aswell as the porsche. Gear whine is too much right now.
UFR: Turned into a space ship. Thats all i can say.
XRR: TOO muffled. Whats up with all these muffled cars now?
MRT: Well, considering it has a street bike engine in the rear, and this sound is more like a touring bike sound, its safe to say that the sound isnt right. The gear whine is fine, because a lot of street bikes have that. Wish it sounded more like this ... 4467&q=zx6r&hl=en
FXO: I think this sound is great. Sounds alot like the mazda formula cars like someone had mentioned above.
F08: Too muffled. Needs to sound like the pistons want to fly out of the cylinders. Real life formula v8 cars SCREAM.
Sounds rediculous. Patch U32 installed a suped up moped engine in to the sauber. I have already been on 3 servers already that refuse to allow the sauber just because the sound is rediculous.
GTR cars: They all sound too muffled, not realistic... blah blah blah. Not happy.
Another thing. I do not like how the "gear whine" that has been implemented is a synthetic whine. It sounds more like radio interference than actualy gear whine. I think everyone should listen to how GTR2 sounds.... they have done a very good job replicating the sounds of all the cars.
I tried to keep it honest.