- the ability to take your sim-racing experience and use it towards a NASA competition license.
Advantageous to Americans with an interest in both real and sim sport, but we're all agreed not a lot of use to use Europeans and the rest of the world.
- Race2Play is fully recognized by that sactioning body as a legitimate part of it's organization. I only know of one other that *claim* this, and that series has yet to host a single online event and still does not offer the first item I have listed.
The Federacion de'Internacional de'Automobiles may have something to say about that! Although only 1 event so far. The key here though is what that offers, primarily it's an appeals process - which in the case of an American sanctioning body puts the appeals court in America, which is actually a negative point for Europeans.
- Race2Play offers a location where you can race more then just LFS... at any time of the day, not just the set schedule of one "league" and that league-operators personal life schedule. If this doesnt appeal to you specificly, id surely does to many others in your community.
It sure does appeal to us! Which is why in LFS we have thousands of races every day. Pickup racing isn't possible in other sims, it is in LFS. And sure standards vary, but there are pro racing servers where you can just turn up and get a race against high quality licensed racers with a formal complaints procedure.
- Race2Play does not force a "licensing process" down your throat. We all know how to drive and do it properly, and the ones that do not are obvious and simply educated or removed if need be.
LFS doesn't do this either, but likewise, the alternative path is there on some servers.
- Race2Play offers a safe environment for both sim and real drivers to compete for enjoyment. There are live Stewards watching over each and every event ensuring the integrity of each participant and event. Very few "leagues" offer this.
Some of our leagues offer this, some dont, personally I stick to leagues that do - and of course my own league has live admins too. The truth is though that live admins keep the event organised but they dont improve the quality of the racing. Any admin who makes decisions live is liable to make the wrong decision, which is why almost all offences in my own league are dealt with in stewarding after the race, and not live. It also creates inconsistencies with those incidents that are seen, and those that are not, in any case stewarded events are only as good as the stewards.
- No other league offers this.
LFS World. OK it's not inter-sim, but lets be honest, LFS racers have a chosen sim and stick to it because - for the most part - there's very little that other sims can offer LFS racers. You really should put aside some time and try it
- You already "pay to play" in many different meanings of the word. Specifically many league participants "donate" to server funds.
Both true & false. I dont take donations for the STCC, and if I did they wouldn't make a dent in the costs tbh !

Most leagues dont have big expendiature, and so any money involved is typically very small and, on the whole, most LFS leagues do not charge anything or accept donations. STCC doesn't, and as leagues go i'm going to stick my thumb out that it probably has amongst the highest expenses of any league - but as a hobby, i'm happy to spend money on it.
I'm not trying to be argumentative Tim but I really think you are flogging a dead horse with this idea in this community. LFS is years ahead in terms of online play compared to other sims, and your solving problems that exist in other sims and assuming LFS falls into the same pitfalls.
It doesn't. LFS is a long way ahead, and that's why we all love it so much, and that's why you are flying against a tide here. It's a case of lack of market research.