YES, I would love to see some default setup servers out there
It might just fill the *massive* void for the newbies (like me) between newbie and competent driver
I dont care if its only division 1 (or 2 or 3.. lol) and not the Premership!!
Myself, knowing i will never be as good a driver as probably 99% of yous, would probably play mostly one of these, safe in the knowledge that most of the other peeps playing there are all possibly noobs too

only then, when i (or we?) feel confident enough to enter a server with the pro's and hopefully not get vote, vote kicked or vote, vote, banned

because we havent trimmed this/ that by 2mm, lol
just my tuppence
QD (the bloke who got vote, vote, banned in July from 3 servers in a row for no fault of his own and has been terrified to play online ever since !!!!)
ps. I know this will not appeal for most / all of you's because your at proffesional level, you most likely have your setups already and have ample knowlege of them, but i don't. and i'm sure i am not the only one. quite frankly, i was prepared to buy this game and run on default setups as tweaking sets is really not my thing ( i love LFS that much

). to not enable such a thing is nothing short of commercial disaster or at least its a big hole where new people are dropping off... (out)
in short, enable server admins the ability to host default set only servers, and i will host my own server. all i ask is that when you join you join with respect for the new and be helpul - offer tips etc

and be happy to chill as it wont be the premier league like 99% of servers atm are!!!! lol :hippy:
it would not be fair to mention AI atm as LFS is still after all in beta stages (eagerly awaiting all improvements, lol) just to say between the bots and the bans the gap for newbies the jump is just way toooooo g'ddam big !!! :ices_rofl

aps. I don't care how bad my set is, I am not BEGGING a set off anybody
(however, if your offering, i'm sure i'll be very pleased, lmao.....)