The online racing simulator

Poll : Faster or slower with clutch/Shifter?

I don't have a clutch/shifter
About the same
I have a clutch/shifter but don't use them
Has switching to clutch/H shifter made you slower?
Now clutch/H shifter usage is more widespread thanks to the G25, thought it'd be interesting to see if its slowing people down adjusting to it and coping with the lack of real gearbox simulation, or if its sped them up - by use of faster shifts and being able to skip gears downshifting, etc.

Personally its made a massive improvement to my driving. The immersion is much greater, and I feel more "in tune" with the car, so I'm faster and a bit easier on the tyres. Took ~4 months to start seeing an improvement in my laptimes though.
all i can say is that i want to find my shifter again (not because of the G25, but because i just.. dont konw where it went lol)

i will say this; although it did make me slightly slower, not only was it more fun, but if you do have one, you can start off in reverse faster than anyone else
About the same, but if you misshift, you'll lose more time.
About the same, and as above stated, if you misshift you would loose a bit
I have 3 Pedals but not the G25, its alot of fun with the H Gate Shifter but due to the workings under braking and occasional misshifts it is of course slower than 2 Pedals and F1-Shifting.

Using driving Aids like Automatic Clutch or Tip Tronic Shifting on some cars should slow you down quite alot more, so that driving Aids are not faster then driving in Simulation Mode. Hopefully future Updates will include a slight disadvantage for the cars using driving aids for the sake of fairness.
Quote from George Kuyumji :I have 3 Pedals but not the G25, its alot of fun with the H Gate Shifter but due to the workings under braking and occasional misshifts it is of course slower than 2 Pedals and F1-Shifting.

Using driving Aids like Automatic Clutch or Tip Tronic Shifting on some cars should slow you down quite alot more, so that driving Aids are not faster then driving in Simulation Mode. Hopefully future Updates will include a slight disadvantage for the cars using driving aids for the sake of fairness.

Or at least make them the same.

Not everyone can or wants to buy a full fledged setup with a third peddal and shifter.

One should not be forced to use even a wheel actually. Maybe that is financially out of reach?

But I guess making them the same would be a difficult task in either case?

I'm faster with it, and the feeling is much more satisfying as well.

Broke some of my PBs for the past few days.

Only on the road cars though.
Depends on the cars... I'm faster in the real shifter cars, but I'm slower in the formula cars. But I think in the end I'll be faster using the shifter and proper heel/toe.
#9 - Misko
I would vote for "slower" but I only used G25 with H shifter for two days, and now I had to return it. Heel-toeing was great fun, 3 times more work than with 2 pedals and paddles and autoclutch, so it was very difficult to get really used to it at least in this short time.

I'm very interested if it is indeed possible to drive at "WR pace" like this. I suppose it is with ehough practice and dedication.
The shifter and clutch will make you slower in LFS, there is no benefit to it other than entertainment/fun. If you're superhuman fast with the clutch, the shifts ARE faster in LFS, however it is highly unrealistic for the road cars at least.

If LFS makes them have a slight advantage in the future (which I really hope happens), I'd for sure use it. But for now all that I ever use with my G25 is just the accel/brake pedals, 270 deg wheel rotation, and the paddle shifters. LFS needs to have quick responses for a lot of things, and using the shifter and clutch just makes you slower, no matter how good you are.
yessss i found mine

i am curious about one thing for those that own a G25; is it quiet with the boot on it? because i have been thinking (ever seince i got my ACT Labs H shifter) about making a boot for it because it is so loud, and i'm curious if the G25 shifter is quiet
I enjoy using the full set, its lots of fun, but for any semi-serious racing, I use paddles+clutch, and for serious, just paddles.
The shifter by design makes a clicking noise when you engage any gear, if it wasn't for this (or if you replace the steel balls with a nylon ones), the shifter doesn't make much noise at all.

A shifter boot on the AL unit would work well I think. Maybe you could make one to cover most of the base unit as well as the shaft/plate.

Hmm I can't be the only one using the full shifter/clutch for all racing can I? I use the paddles in the single seaters, but that's it. I feel too disconnected from the car when using them on the road-going cars now.
I bought the G25 for the exact reason of being able to drive LFS using 720 deg steering rotation, manual clutch and the H Shifter. If I were to remain using the wheel only with such a low deg of rotation (open wheelers/GTRs are exceptions) and no manual clutching, why would I even get a G25 in the first place.

The above only applies to LFS road cars though, for GTRs, I'll normally reduce the steering rotation as in game and uses Seq gear + clutch. Open wheelers (though I haven't really gotten too involved in any) I'd prefer paddle shifts as they should anyways.

Yeah, being slow (and a noob in drifting) is a sure thing at the moment, but its the learning and the driving experience that makes me love the game even more, thanks to G25 of course.

My 2cents.
I was always slow, but having a shifter means I have more fun being slow. (Act Labs not G25 BTW)
I`ve had my G25 for just over a month now. Yes, I`m slower. compared to a mouse and (auto clutch-ed) key gears for most cars, but am I having more fun? Oooooh yes. How much more fun? An indescribable amount.

GTR cars don`t feel right with an H-shifter in LFS. They demand Sequential. The BF1 holds a Glock 9mm to my head and threatens to "pop a cap in my ass" for some reason, unless I use Paddles.

...but, the road cars (and the MRT/FOX/FO8 in patch V). mmmmmmmmm. If I try and use anything other than the "H", it just feels badly wrong. Yes I am faster using paddles, or sequential, but I`m just betraying what feels "right" in this sim. I can run round a track all day using auto clutch/sequential/paddles in any road car and get a really good time (for me at least) but I`m far happier running slower, changing each gear in the H shifter by hand, and doing the clutch thing (no aids, blip, etc) The car responds totally differently, and to me, it`s far more real in feeling than using the "wrong" controls for the type of car.

I`d rather be slow, and have fun, than be faster and feel bad about it
BTW, for ultimate realism...
I have created scripts so that:
The paddle cars (BF1, FO8) move the brake pedal to the clutch pedal
The FO8 turns autoclutch ON (there's only 2 pedals in paddle cars)
All the GTRs with the exception of the XRR use a sequential shifter instead of H-gated.
The only thing I have to change when going sequential is the dial on the G25.
Works great!
Quote from TagForce :BTW, for ultimate realism...
I have created scripts so that:
The paddle cars (BF1, FO8) move the brake pedal to the clutch pedal
The FO8 turns autoclutch ON (there's only 2 pedals in paddle cars)
All the GTRs with the exception of the XRR use a sequential shifter instead of H-gated.
The only thing I have to change when going sequential is the dial on the G25.
Works great!

What sort of a script is that? is it free for sharing?
Just wondering while reading this: isn't button clutching and shifting still faster than H shifter,.. ?
Quote from StanleyCarter :What sort of a script is that? is it free for sharing?

LFS scripts...
Yes, I could share them, but you'd need to change all the button and axis numbers because mine are all different... Also, it would only work if you have a G25.

To get the GTRs to have a sequential gearbox, change the 'run road' line into 'run sequential' for all the ??R.lfs files in LFS\data\script

I've included the gearbox script files. Just check it out and then create your own.
If you want to keep using the FO8 with paddles, you'd need to add the /autoclutch 1 line to FO8.lfs

BTW: @devs: Forum misconfiguration... As we can exchange scripts, the .lfs files should be allowed to be attached to forum posts...
Attached files
paddle.txt - 418 B - 344 views
road.txt - 344 B - 206 views
sequential.txt - 359 B - 340 views
Much thanks TagForce, and yes I have a G25.

I've read Shotglass posts in another thread and I've already figured it out myself, never knew there's such great feature, gotta love those scripts!!
In real life, no lift sequential shifters are faster than standard shifters, so why wouldn't a game be the same way? I've notice that LFS doesn't shift as fast as the real thing in some cases.

Fast sequential shifter (like XTRAC), turndown the sound because the rear end whine is really high pitched and loud when the car is at higher speeds.


Formula 1 car back in 2002 when the sequential shifters were fully automatic:


BMW M3 GTR Race car at combined Nurburgring / Nordschleife (two laps at Nurburgring, first is a warmup, at end of second lap, the car goes onto Nordschleife. It's a pattern shifter, but apparently a no clutch / no lift one.

I own a G25, but I don`t use the h-shifter yet

I have tried it, and it slowed me down, very much indeed
I migth use it later on
Quote from JeffR :In real life, no lift sequential shifters are faster than standard shifters, so why wouldn't a game be the same way? I've notice that LFS doesn't shift as fast as the real thing in some cases.

Fast sequential shifter (like XTRAC), turndown the sound because the rear end whine is really high pitched and loud when the car is at higher speeds.


Formula 1 car back in 2002 when the sequential shifters were fully automatic:


BMW M3 GTR Race car at combined Nurburgring / Nordschleife (two laps at Nurburgring, first is a warmup, at end of second lap, the car goes onto Nordschleife. It's a pattern shifter, but apparently a no clutch / no lift one.


That BMW at Assen just sounds like it's going to explode.

Regarding the other GTR BMW... That's neither a no clutch nor a no lift one... At least in the slower parts he's definitely clutching and lifting... He may not clutch above 3rd gear on downshifts though. Although the clutches in these things are basically an on/off switch, so it's faster than you can do in LFS. They're also a pita to get off the line in a normal fashion as he proves while leaving the pits
#25 - Gunn
Same lap times are possible. Miss-shifts do occur though and the way the clutch currently works in LFS needs to improve before fast shifting is sufficiently realistic.
Getting used to the shifter requires some time investment but skills will improve with practice.