The online racing simulator
(151 posts, started )
Think i have located the problem:

I copied my Westhill settings from the empty folder to a new Westhill-folder, started noobTV and it works. Then i choosed the new Westhillfolder and it worked fine till racers drive to 1 of the cams in the infield.
I had a syntax-error in my file and thats why noobTV does not start - i thought.
Closed noobTV after edding the westhill.txt and wanna start -I copied the file in another folder - but it wont work again.

Then i had an idea:
I extracted the noobTV again in another folder copied my westhill.txt in that cam folder and - now it works. But my old noobTV in my LFS-Tool-Folder wont work anymore.

I hope i could help some others with the same probs

I am really sorry for those bugs, I would love to fix them, but Im afraid I dont have time to do that.

About the camera presets, I hope to be able to make a set for the Masters of Endurance stream of the next race at Westhill.
U don´t have to be sorry for this bugs.
We have to thank u for this tool, and I only want to help others with the same problems.

Its maybe a incitation for u, to know others still fiddle about ur noobTV since its release in April and then maybe u´ll find the time faster to enhance ur tool.



Does nobody publish his selfmade camfiles?

My first 3 Bug-free cams for WesthillRev are added in the txt-file. I have made some more but they don´t look fine for me and im still tryin to make some experince with that camtool.
Attached files
WesthillR.txt - 678 B - 360 views
Hello. I'm run LFS and multiplayer replay. After run noobTV.jar i see players but not see affect from blackwood.txt which lie in folder ../cams/blackwood/ See standart camera only

What i doing wrong???

ps sorry for english
1. Ensure there is no admin-password set in ur noobTV config.txt and ur LFS Multipayer-Server settings
2. run live for speed
3. type "insim 65000" in ur chatterbox (shit+t). U can find the port in ur noobTV config.txt
4. run the multiplayer-replay in window mode in lfs
5. start noobTV
6. choose a racer in NoobTV menue and press "costum"-cam-button with the left and another cam with the right-mouse button. If u don´t select the TV-Cam (right Button) u can c which cam is made with noobTV

If it does not work well, then copy my WesthillR.txt in the empty-folder in NoobTV/Cam and try it with a WesthillRev Replay. But dont forget to chooce the empty folder in NoobTV-Menue.

Ps: ur English is better than mine
GrandlHuber shiFt not shit
need a little help:
I don´t know why this cam not works:


The position of this cam should be behind the 100m sign on the exit of the dangerous corner (without kerbs outside). But i can do what i want. A Cam in tis positon wont work for me.

Has anyone an idea?
guys i have a question. i start a replay,noobstv and fraps to record that in avi,but when i change from lfs to noobs tv recording stops. is there another way to record that? thanks in advance
I normally use noobTV on my laptop and connect it through LAN to my desktop. That way it should work, but other than that I dont think it will.
Here is version 0.9. Some new features etc. Version 1.0 will be the same as 0.9, but then bugfixed and including all the cameras I've made and the ones that were found in this topic (fetzo: I have to edit your camera's to make them work properly in v0.9), since I am sure there are some minor bugs in it. Please report them here
hey frank nice to hear you are still working on it.

but what is new in 0.9?
New features:
  • Rotating custom camera (will automatically look at the secondary player).
  • Probability of camera's. This way you can define multiple camera's for one area and the tool will choose a certain camera, where camera's with a high probability setting are more likely to be chosen. This way it will be less repetitive and it can also be used to give trackside sponsors or objects (public in the grandstands) some airtime during streams (point a camera at some sponsor board and give it a low probability).
  • The cameratool can now copy the data of the custom camera to the clipboard, so now you dont have to write down the coordinates anymore (saves time and risk of typos/writeos).
Known issues that will be fixed in version 1.0:
  • Random soft/hard lockups in the control panel.
  • The cameradefinition files should be perfect, otherwise noobTV wont load (for example, you can't enter a floating number for the FOV, although it should be possible). Same fore config.
  • The program doesnt tell you when there is a connectionproblem or has a reconnect button.
  • Trackside cameras show some weird behaviour when it is trying to focus on two cars, especially the FOV calculation is a bit weird.
Also, noobStarter is kind-of built into noobTV (since the noobTV functions come in very handy when you need a good overview of the field), so I'm probably going to combine them, so some kind of menu has to be added as well, since it looks a bit weird at the moment.

At the moment I can't really think of more features, apart from more control over the camera and some camera-creation wizzard that just requires pushing some buttons, but I cant promise that will happen very soon, since I'm pretty busy with other things. I think the bugfixes go first now
cool stuff!
A little tip for people experiencing problems with noobTV or any other Java program. I just switched on Anti Aliasing and all Java programs kept crashing the monitor (all other stuff kept running, sound, mouse etc. but the screen went black). This is a nvidia forceware problem: java cant handle forced Anti Aliasing, you should put the AA option to 'Let application choose'.

If you still want to have AA (for LFS for example) you can workaround this by adding a profile for all javax.exe programs that are located in your java folder. There are several files, like javaw.exe, java.exe etc, you should all add those to the profile. This profile should then contain the AA -> 'Let application choose' setting. You can then leave the global setting to 2xAA or something.
I've used 4xAA 16xAF with noobtv in both windowed and full screen, no problems.

NV 7800GT, 91.28.
Hm, might be an issue with old forceware versions. For some reason I cant find an up to date version of forceware that will install on my laptop AND produce more then 4 fps So I'm stuck with version 82.93.
(Fischfix) DELETED by Fischfix
UMm For some reason i cant see the downloader.. i saw the v 0.8 and that didnt work...

Can any one get me noobTV.please

If this was asked. Then im sorry
is there an autoswitching function to be planned like in that lfstvdirector? whats the command for that probability stuff?
Thanks bro
Quote from Fischfix :is there an autoswitching function to be planned like in that lfstvdirector? whats the command for that probability stuff?

When I find time for new features, I will mainly focus on ways to present the current race events as good and extensive as possible to the user, so he can quickly make the decision himself. I think this works better then a program that decides for you.
hmmm... so there is no chance for sitting on the couch plugged my laptop on tv and have a watch of a replay of a MoE, STCC, LFSCAR or random online race withouth working myself...

too bad...
hi, i have problems to start noob tv.

when i type /insim 6500. i've to start the the cameratool.jar. but my WinRAR wants to open it.

so my question: how can i start noob tv coorectly ?
Hm, not really sure, try to open the jar using javaw.exe or java.exe in your java folder (Right click -> Open with...).

(151 posts, started )