new NKP circuits...
(76 posts, started )
I got a lot of pleasure out of Trackmania a while back, for a couple of weeks
Screamer 4x4 for the win.
I raced the season just gone in that GPC league. It's actually very good. Closer to 200 participants, not 8.

I'm not part of this 'my sim, your sim' oddness. I like LFS, nKpro and other sims. All fun
Quote from Mark_Casey :The NkPro RSC administrator is an active member of the 8 man NkPro users group and (as he wouldn't know the meaning of the phrase 'conflict of interest'), has actively locked any negative NkPro threads.

Threads have not been regurlarly locked but you'll get warnings if you continue complaining (or as they say, trolling) long enough.
It is pretty much the same here. Threads that are just questioning the whole way of LFS being made filled with "why is there no more tracks", "why isn't LFS progressing", "LFS sucks..." etc. will get locked because there is no actual content in those threads. At RSC kunos is getting much more shit than Scawen is getting here. If you say at RSC that kunos is lazy most people would "agree". If you say Scawen is lazy you get shot. But in both cases the thread gets locked because there is no actual content. Why let useless moaning threads live? I'm not saying that kunos is doing perfect job with nk pro but calling him lazy and constantly making threads about "nk pro sucks" isn't really an appropriate way of dealing with it.

I think it is the same with copyrights inside and outside LFS. People here have no problem using stuff from rf, GTR etc. without mentioning where the stuff came from, but if some people (at RSC for example) do the same with LFS: it is a horrible crime, how dare they!

It is not what you see, it's what you want to see
Quote from Hyperactive :At RSC kunos is getting much more shit than Scawen is getting here. If you say at RSC that kunos is lazy most people would "agree". If you say Scawen is lazy you get shot.

One would be true, the other wouldn't, so on 'manners' alone they both get locked.

Kunos (and his gang of merry-fanboys) only get the 'shit' they deserve. If nKP had lived up to expectations, been supported and improved well, and Kunos actually said anything then we'd all be happy, and ready to forgive the odd bug here and there. As it is we've got a shoddy buggy product, no progress, no word on progress, and a deaf fanboy converting GP4 tracks to nKP despite it being 'against RSC rules'...
Trying? Yes. Buying? No(t yet), at least in my opinion.
In a few more weeks Zandvoort and one other track should be made available for nkp.
And Montreal (probably another cheap characterless port from GP4).

You'd have thought that the Jaap conversions, being the first and almost 'official' would be really nice, but it's like he's got no emotions, and is happy to see very lifeless looking tracks.

Maybe Zandvoort will be nice. Fingers crossed.
It is 2007 and standards should be much higher than doing a half decent GP4 conversion imho. Then again NKpro should be a lot better than it is so perhaps that 'matches' :-)

LFS might only be dx7 but on most tracks things just look pretty good, not too saturated. Beyond acceptable and better than any 'shader using' sim (should say "sim") currently available.

Odd isn't it! I much rather look at LFS and even GPL than Nkpro / ISI dx9 stuff. I suppose the less there is, the less there is to f%#k up...
You're forgetting something... those tracks are not official tracks for nKp.
No, but made using a non-public tool, by a very well known beta-tester - they might as well have the nKP stamp on them. If he was just another modder (i.e. the tools were released and people were submitting content) I could understand below-par work, but he's representing nK whilst it sorts out the **** up that was 2006 for Kunos.

Just depends on your point of view!

Woah, was that Mr Deggis sticking up for nK briefly? Edit that post, or you'll get a reputation as an nK fanboy
#39 - Jakg
actually, LFS is DX8, and tbh i hope that for either S2 or S3 final we get DX9, as most people have DX9 hardware now-a-days
The point is that LFS doesn't even use DX8 features, as far as I know.
Jaap is working on a release of the Gilles Villeneuve circuit now
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
Now this could be something good! With any luck it'll make Jaaps poor, amateur track conversions look really really sorry for themselves, and the car does look pretty exciting too!

More details will come soon - March 2011 (the eta for the next bug fix patch, V21.2234)
Hmm, I guess I should maybe try NKP at some point, now that I have a computer that'll actually run it
Looks VERY interesting. I'm not sure how fun it will be to race on F1 tracks with that car. I found some specs for the car and it seems that it has a 3-litre BMW engine in it, no info if it is turboed but still not a real prototype

Very interesting, a decent car. It's also good to see that the tip of the week is changed few times in a year
The news on the hillclimb and car sounds promising, but nK still needs major work before it will ever be a rival to any other sims.

Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :It is 2007 and standards should be much higher than doing a half decent GP4 conversion imho. Then again NKpro should be a lot better than it is so perhaps that 'matches' :-)

GP4 track conversions need not look like they've come from the ark, with a bit of work they can look very good like the rF Suzuka.

Quote :LFS might only be dx7 but on most tracks things just look pretty good, not too saturated.

LFS uses Dx8 AFAIK
Woah... I didn't quite expect this. In addition to this very interesting looking car, if this patch also fixes all MP/fps problems I'm ready to forget all jokes I've made about nKp (maybe except what comes Kunos behaviour towards community).
#47 - joen
I'll believe it when I see it.
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
netKar Pro gets a hillclimb!

Quote :The Marangoni Group, operating in various sectors of the tyre industry, was in search of a driving simulator which could realistically reproduce the most important hillclimb race in Italy: the "Trento-Bondone".

Logically, it is of extreme importance for the Marangoni Group to simulate this hillclimb race in the most authentic way. What is better than the full support of the winner of the 2006 Italian Speed Hillclimbing Championship? Simone Faggioli won the 2006 championship driving an Osella PA-21 prototype and helped the netKar PRO crew to accurately simulate this car in the netKar PRO engine.


new NKP circuits...
(76 posts, started )