I'm not gonna bother reading all the posts, I am just gonna say what I think about the OP's attitude
IMHO.. you're an idiot, buddy!
If they happen to suspend your license AGAIN, then I hope it's for good, cause you've got a screw loose there, and people like you should not be driving untill you've had proper psychiatric help.
A guy with the same attitude that used to live in my town killed two girls when he was overtaking a car in a spot he thought was "perfect" for it, being a superior driver and all, and having lots of experience in sim racing (yeah like that compares to real life traffic

illepall ).
No matter how good you think you are, humans were not meant to drive cars in the first place. Our brains are equipped to handle situational changes and act accordingly at speeds no higher than running. That is why there are traffic accidents.. you don't see many joggers smash into each other in the park do you?
You can't "know what will happen in 10 seconds" ..not in traffic, total BS.
So you've just been lucky so far that nobody else around you suddenly makes a mistake and gets in your way, not too mention the fact that pushing the limits on the public roads will eventually make you lose it too, hell even the best racing drivers on the tracks lose it sometimes, they just wreck their cars, not somebodies loved one in the process. It's like fischfix says, statistically you risk it more and more every day.
I've seen plenty of your type, and a few have been buried before the age of thirty, one is disabled for life, and another one has to live with the fact that he killed two people.
Catch you later dude, say in 10 years time... If you're still around then.
Oh and I am not going to bother with the cliché "Drive fast online not on the streets" because I honestly think you are having a rather hard time telling reality and fiction apart. I think it would be wise if you gave up racing on the computer and buy yourself a bicycle and go out into the woods and inhale some of that stuff called oxygen for a change. Using games as an excuse..

I guess I should go out now and shoot people, after all, I play a lot of first person shooters aswell.
(sorry if I come across a bit harsh, other readers, but I knew one of the two girls and I hate these kind of attitudes a lot)