The online racing simulator
I am thinking that you really wish you hadnt bothered with this thread...... You have been made to look a fool and all you have done is back track from your original post.

Once you have matured a little more you will realise how dangerous and unforgivable the roads are.

Go and do a track day and thrash out your frustrations, you will enjoy it and not need to worry about the poor innocent family you almost wiped out on your last NFS cruise!!!

People like you really wind me up, Slow the F down and have consideration for everyone else instead of your imature little self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!illepall illepall

H (Jack Bauer)
I used to be incredably stupid on the roads when i was 17 and 18ish.

Thinking back on some of the things i did makes me crindge to be honest. Not something i'm proud of. I have grown up now and i do take alot more care. Guess i've just matured... like good cheese!

However i would still speed, no point in pretending i'm a saint. Not wrecklessly, but i do regularly break the speed limits.

I wouldn't say i'm a GOD at driving but having had a job that involved ALOT of driving in the past i can safely say 90% of the drivers on the road are shockingly bad! The worst thing is some of those 90% think they are good enough to break speed limits. Thats when we get serious accidents.

Like Tristan said above i like to "play" too, roundabouts are my favourite! Especially in the wet! But only ever if the road is clear and i dont have anyone in the car.

I do enjoy driving in the early hours of the morning 2.00 - 4.00am when no-body is about, sometimes just doing laps of a round-about I'm not harming anyone if there's no-one around to harm.
Mmmh about the traffic puzzle thingy that you write before, if you plan a Europe trip in the future, visit Naples.
Rent a car, and drive there.
This will teach something about traffic.
Part number two: have you ever drive a car to it's limits? No need for expensive race cars, a rallycross race in parking lot will be enough, you will feel slower and inexperienced, but the more you go the more experience you will get.
And it's a type of experience that normal driving or LFS would never give you.
Without considering the fun (and for what i know you have lot of "wallet" friendly autocross in parking lots in USA).
My bad english cant let me explain better than this, i hope you get the point, because if your talking about how often other drivers on the street are indisciplined and stupid i can totally agree with you, but if your talking about "i'm smarter and faster than everyone i need to race everyone on the street to show them" then i will not agree with you.

P.S. I would not considered using engine as a brake a great talent.
My mother use it everyday and she is not Schumaker/Andretti/Senna/DoriftoGripMaster/Whatever you like.
I totally disagree with this kind of attitude, too many people to quote.

Although you might think computer games tend to give you this kind of attitude:
- omg i have a g25, let me see what i can learn to do with my bmw!!!
i'd like to say that it had the total opposite for me.
I don't have a g25 , i wish i had one though. just a normal ff wheel with two pedals. In lfs i learned how to perform threshold braking and trail braking.

I just want to mention that if i didn't know how to threshold brake, i would've rear ended somebody a few days earlier. I do admit i was speeding (doing about 60km/h in a city), but he was way in front of me and going quite slow. He came to a sudden stop, i panniced and slammed the breakes then remembered to release the damn pedal. to there was a short *screetch* and then a nice stop at under 1m from him. I couldn't see his numberplate anymore (placed low on the bumber).
Conclusion? +1 to sim games , got a lot to learn.

p.s. i've got an autocross layout for learning lateral parking .
long time no talk
Correction....maybe I was a bit drunk or something when that was posted but let me clear things up a bit so all you haters don't get heart attacks while trying to comprehend what I was saying......I love driving, I love driving just as much as somebody with a motorcycle loves riding his bike. You know the smart type that knows the flow of traffic and can judge between right and wrong, what will and what will not get you into accidents...well my friends I drive like that...I'm not a jerk that cuts people off, and I'm not a stupid ass thats pushed the limit of what they can or cant do in a car in public..Simply put I know my limits and I never go over there...maybe thats why I have a perfect driving record without accidents...see I believe some of you people have gotten into accidents and thats why you think of me to be some mad man...sorry guys thats not the case I just have a passion for driving and well sorry but I can't drive slow, probably from hardwiring my brain at such a young age to win at all the computer racing games then when I got older putting it to the test on the track and so relax your nerves, take a breather, or a bong hit, just relax...I'm not saying it's fun to push yourself to the point of no return, just to take the experience you have behind the wheel and have fun with it....not be a driver that is constantly afraid of everything around them...I consider driving as easy as walking if not damn...okay now for the comments how I'm a madman and I should be locked away.......
#56 - CSU1
Quote from theblackrabbi :I'm not a jerk that cuts people off, and I'm not a stupid ass thats pushed the limit of what they can or cant do in a car in public..Simply put I know my limits and I never go over there...I should be locked away.......

The first post you where, now you're better
Quote from jayhawk :Im glad I dont live in the same state as you...take your manical drving OFF the road and onto a track. I have seen too many of my friends get either hurt or killed street racing. KILLED. I went to 8 funerals for my street racing friends before I turned 20. They all thought they were invincible, superior drivers like you, too. The cocky ones always are, and alway get punished for it in some way in the end. They were punished by having their lives taken from them. You are not a superior driver to all others, and if you think you are, prove it at the track. Why dont you join the SCCA? Or are just scared to find out that there are better drivers than you, and reality sets in that overall, you are just a mediocre driver?

I never street raced as they did, do you know why? Cause people die as you said and I have enough commen sense to keep that kind of stupidity in a game or on a closed track....see that kind of racing I just never got...sure it must be fun, but why would I want to risk my own life when I could do the same things in a game? Thats why I love live for speed cause I can have a blast racing people as I would never do in real life, then when I go on the streets I have that much more commen sense about driving...hell no I would never ever ever put myself in that much danger..i just respect my life and those around me too much to take chances like that....
Quote from CSU1 :The first post you where, now you're better

Good to know something i'm saying now is making a bit more sense BTW does anyone know how to take the passanger seat out of a 97 altima That shiznit weighs too much......
Is it just me or did the story change?

A socket set always works well.
My 5$ are still on the bet he'll either kill someone or get himself toe-tagged.
Quote from theblackrabbi :

By the way I know the kind of opinions I will get that will be negitive...
1:don't drive like that out in the street you will kill somebody
-well I never got into an accident and never caused anyone to.

thats just stupid: its like: "my car nerver broke down the last 150.000km why should it brake down in the next 150.000km"

or like an 65 year old says: "i smoke since 35 years and did not have any problems, and died 2 years later of lung cancer"

you'll never know, jsut because you did not have a crash it does mean you will never have one. statistically it's quite the oposite around. as longer as you don't have a crash or accident, as likely you will have one...

noone has anything against the fact you are driving fast (who is not driving fast sometimes or makes a kickdown start with the guy next lane), but what if you kill someone else. a random kid running over the street after a ball, a guy getting out of a taxi not watching, or a woman bending over to get something from the road which she lost. did you ever think about that yourself?
if you harm yourself its your business, if you harm any other one (and not only those in the cars) you are into a shit load of trouble... and not only that legal stuff, could you look into a mirror seeing the face of a childmurderer just because you felt to overtake that guy who braked before the crossing...

don't race in public roads or where there could be the slightest chance of people running over the street... race online, be the best there but not on the streets man...
I'm not gonna bother reading all the posts, I am just gonna say what I think about the OP's attitude

IMHO.. you're an idiot, buddy!

If they happen to suspend your license AGAIN, then I hope it's for good, cause you've got a screw loose there, and people like you should not be driving untill you've had proper psychiatric help.

A guy with the same attitude that used to live in my town killed two girls when he was overtaking a car in a spot he thought was "perfect" for it, being a superior driver and all, and having lots of experience in sim racing (yeah like that compares to real life traffic illepall ).

No matter how good you think you are, humans were not meant to drive cars in the first place. Our brains are equipped to handle situational changes and act accordingly at speeds no higher than running. That is why there are traffic accidents.. you don't see many joggers smash into each other in the park do you?
You can't "know what will happen in 10 seconds" ..not in traffic, total BS.

So you've just been lucky so far that nobody else around you suddenly makes a mistake and gets in your way, not too mention the fact that pushing the limits on the public roads will eventually make you lose it too, hell even the best racing drivers on the tracks lose it sometimes, they just wreck their cars, not somebodies loved one in the process. It's like fischfix says, statistically you risk it more and more every day.

I've seen plenty of your type, and a few have been buried before the age of thirty, one is disabled for life, and another one has to live with the fact that he killed two people.

Catch you later dude, say in 10 years time... If you're still around then.

Oh and I am not going to bother with the cliché "Drive fast online not on the streets" because I honestly think you are having a rather hard time telling reality and fiction apart. I think it would be wise if you gave up racing on the computer and buy yourself a bicycle and go out into the woods and inhale some of that stuff called oxygen for a change. Using games as an excuse.. illepall

I guess I should go out now and shoot people, after all, I play a lot of first person shooters aswell.

(sorry if I come across a bit harsh, other readers, but I knew one of the two girls and I hate these kind of attitudes a lot)
Quote from Viper93 :Is it just me or did the story change?

Quote from theblackrabbi : BTW does anyone know how to take the passanger seat out of a 97 altima

= a 1997 Altima? illepall :detective:bananadea

A 1997 Altima, and I assuming its the L30 body, not the U13U body, making it the plainest, ho hum Altima ever. And the engine? A KA24DE, 150 snorting horses from an engine cribbed from the D21 truck.

Can I get a PW3ND?
Haha... I hadn't read that 'taking the passenger seat out' part yet..

That's just hilarious..

I wonder how he is going to be "pickin up chicks" now
(well that's what stated as one of his interests in his public profile)

Seriously though, if this is your day to day car, and you seriously want to take it out, as that "shiznit" is to heavy.. then you really really need to get to grips with reality my friend.

If you feel the weight loss from a passenger seat gets you that edge you need to get faster through every day traffic... then you need to be locked away. Fruitcake.
(andybarsblade) DELETED by andybarsblade