Hi all!
Something occupy my mind for some time. It is influence of anti-roll bar on lateral dynamics of car. (in LFS)
I expect to stiffer anti-roll bar affect that increase lateral force which wheels can stand in curves. For example if I have oversteer, i make stiffer rear end ARB and get better control of rear end. Ofcourse if i make to much stiffer i will get understeer.
Actually it is hepend. Long time a go i recieve some "WR"
setup for XF GTI - BL GP track (demo days
) and I feel much over steer so I make stiffer rear ARB a car vas mor in control. After short time I drive much better time! 
Now I drive LX4 - AS Club R and somethinh strange happend. Increasing stiffnes of rear ARB makes car oversteer much more than before, and stiffer ARB on fornt doesn't decres understeering
So i make two run, tryin to drive on same conditoins - same line, speed, throttle (aproximatly), with 2 same set, but one difference. In 1st run front ARB was on max and rear on 0, and on 2nd run oposite.
And i saw this.
Run 1
Run 2
Pict 1 show clear understeer. Pict 2 show on all 4 wheel "red" force but it is also clear owersteer.
But if we look on vertical force on tyres wi see that are in 1st case vertical force on tyre (as U say tyre load) bigger then in 2nd run! And tyre load on rear (outer ofcourse) wheel is bigger when is rear ARB stiffer. So stiffer ARB incress vertical force on outer wheel resulting weight transfer during turn. Thats I expected but...
How can wheel with bigger vertical load loose grip more rather than same wheel when have smaller tyre load?
I hope we can agree that is lateral force same in both case, cause it depend of CoG position between front and rear wheel, and it is same on both case....
What do U others think about this?
Something occupy my mind for some time. It is influence of anti-roll bar on lateral dynamics of car. (in LFS)
I expect to stiffer anti-roll bar affect that increase lateral force which wheels can stand in curves. For example if I have oversteer, i make stiffer rear end ARB and get better control of rear end. Ofcourse if i make to much stiffer i will get understeer.
Actually it is hepend. Long time a go i recieve some "WR"

Now I drive LX4 - AS Club R and somethinh strange happend. Increasing stiffnes of rear ARB makes car oversteer much more than before, and stiffer ARB on fornt doesn't decres understeering

So i make two run, tryin to drive on same conditoins - same line, speed, throttle (aproximatly), with 2 same set, but one difference. In 1st run front ARB was on max and rear on 0, and on 2nd run oposite.
And i saw this.
Run 1

Run 2

Pict 1 show clear understeer. Pict 2 show on all 4 wheel "red" force but it is also clear owersteer.
But if we look on vertical force on tyres wi see that are in 1st case vertical force on tyre (as U say tyre load) bigger then in 2nd run! And tyre load on rear (outer ofcourse) wheel is bigger when is rear ARB stiffer. So stiffer ARB incress vertical force on outer wheel resulting weight transfer during turn. Thats I expected but...
How can wheel with bigger vertical load loose grip more rather than same wheel when have smaller tyre load?
I hope we can agree that is lateral force same in both case, cause it depend of CoG position between front and rear wheel, and it is same on both case....
What do U others think about this?