[quote=Tomtheman70;321615]Mike, I see where you're going with the whole engine thing. I too would really like to be able to fit engines into cars and adjust every single minute thing.
That'd be pretty awesome.
Oh, and I'd pay for real cars... Not if they had the name brands on them in the game though, but if the fictional ones were modeled after their realistic counterparts more. EX: like how the XR GT resembles a RX7.
I just really want to see a CRX. :P
Ahh do I know you? And yes I think a beefed up 350-400 hp crx will kick ass. My idea on this Game Concept is, the developers are making the game who they want it and how they see it should be, do they use any of the suggestions or what, I think not but I could be wrong. I'm no bussiness man but if this were my game I would have taken a different aproach on cars, track and most of all PHYSICS, thats why you start with a beta version and eventually work out all the bugs and so on, I would have started with physics, then tracks and then cars, but all people are different and I understand that, I hope with the new release of S3 it'll be a full fledge Racing Simulator. Also why cant we get people working on different things, like car models and people on track designs and people on motors, people on physics and so on....I've seen alot of good work from people on these forums and I think it's time to putthem to work so we can all have the S3 we've all been dieing for..... Supra's Skylines,TypeR Civic's, Subaru's,Chevy's not really kewl with the idea but it's kewl with me, Needs some mitsubishi probally spelled it wrong but all well, I think people get my drift right?
P.S. Didn't mean to affend anyone in any way, just using my head. I'm truely sorry if I did in fact affend anyone in any way.
