The online racing simulator

Poll : Would you pay for real cars in LFS

No I'd rather not
Depends on the price
Yes you would pay
I'd pay for real cars and tracks. I think it would add a lot more appeal to the game.
Quote from nrgetik :I'd pay for real cars and tracks. I think it would add a lot more appeal to the game.

The question is then, would you pay for fictional cars and tracks?
I'm not really fussed one way or the other about more real cars. If they get added, great. If they don't, I'm happy with the ones we already have.

What difference does it make to me? I can't jump in my Viper GTS and test it's handling against the sim, so that's just the same as not having a real XFG to test IRL
Well I've been thinking about this topic last night before I went to bed and I've come up with some reasonable ideas. Well if people are woundering how to keep the classes the same I'd guess you can have a mod like in multiplayer you can have, regular mods, medium mods and heavy mods. It can be seperated into HorsePower classes and the host will be able to make changes accordingly. Some people think this is not " Racing " but ask pros what they think. Yes I think this subject is over looked and if I knew anything about programing I'd do it myself. I can deal with knock off versions of cars but damn lets change something, lets make S3 off the wall. I want to see some major improvements in order for me to upgrade to S3. I will not upgrade to s3 if this is how the game will always be, to me personally I'd like to see alot more physics involved and a few more tracks as well. The game needs some SPICE some jaw dropers to be a realistic racing sim and i'm not saying it's not realistic but it's time for and improvement.

Thanks for the votes guys, keep them coming

Lets find some millionaire or multimillionaire who can donate us like Bill Gates or ?
depends on the price (and what cars would be offered)

I would really like to see some cars that are common on our streets today though!
Yes I would have to agree with you as well, Civic TypeR would be a blast, but on the other hand I'd like some circuit cars as well, aslong as we get some newer cars and they are bad ass I will not complain, but if the cars and tracks are the same when s3 comes out I'll not buy it
thinking about it, if would pay for a car it has to be a very exclusive car... ariel atom is the right car then
Mike, I see where you're going with the whole engine thing. I too would really like to be able to fit engines into cars and adjust every single minute thing.

That'd be pretty awesome.

Oh, and I'd pay for real cars... Not if they had the name brands on them in the game though, but if the fictional ones were modeled after their realistic counterparts more. EX: like how the XR GT resembles a RX7.

I just really want to see a CRX. :P

Quote from rediske :depends on the price (and what cars would be offered)

I would really like to see some cars that are common on our streets today though!

Tom's 24/7 Escalade racing server!!!!


Tom's 24/7 Neo Geo super fast race server!!!
[quote=Tomtheman70;321615]Mike, I see where you're going with the whole engine thing. I too would really like to be able to fit engines into cars and adjust every single minute thing.

That'd be pretty awesome.

Oh, and I'd pay for real cars... Not if they had the name brands on them in the game though, but if the fictional ones were modeled after their realistic counterparts more. EX: like how the XR GT resembles a RX7.

I just really want to see a CRX. :P

Ahh do I know you? And yes I think a beefed up 350-400 hp crx will kick ass. My idea on this Game Concept is, the developers are making the game who they want it and how they see it should be, do they use any of the suggestions or what, I think not but I could be wrong. I'm no bussiness man but if this were my game I would have taken a different aproach on cars, track and most of all PHYSICS, thats why you start with a beta version and eventually work out all the bugs and so on, I would have started with physics, then tracks and then cars, but all people are different and I understand that, I hope with the new release of S3 it'll be a full fledge Racing Simulator. Also why cant we get people working on different things, like car models and people on track designs and people on motors, people on physics and so on....I've seen alot of good work from people on these forums and I think it's time to putthem to work so we can all have the S3 we've all been dieing for..... Supra's Skylines,TypeR Civic's, Subaru's,Chevy's not really kewl with the idea but it's kewl with me, Needs some mitsubishi probally spelled it wrong but all well, I think people get my drift right?

P.S. Didn't mean to affend anyone in any way, just using my head. I'm truely sorry if I did in fact affend anyone in any way. -Mike
#37 - Gunn
Quote from TypeRCivic :... so we can all have the S3 we've all been dieing for..... Supra's Skylines,TypeR Civic's, Subaru's,Chevy's not really kewl with the idea but it's kewl with me, Needs some mitsubishi probally spelled it wrong but all well, I think people get my drift right?

This is why the community should have no say in new content. Your vision of "the S3 we've all been dying for" is not appealing to me in any way, shape, or form. LFS is already a racing simulator and adding real world cars won't make it any more of a simulator, but if real world cars would be added I think it would be better to choose decent cars. Tuneable rice rockets won't do anything to advance Live For Speed, they would just attract lots of FnF boys who are more interested in pimping cars than racing them. Hearing your comments just makes me thankful that modding has not been allowed in Live For Speed so far.
#38 - joen
Atleast LFS fans seems mature and knowledgable enough to handle licensed cars. In other games one can really tire of fanboys whining because their M3 CSL doesn't fulfill their wet car dreams or the normal clashes between rice/muscle/euro sports (no insult intended I just lacked a better term than 'rice' ) which plague forums.

But I don't think it is needed, LFS seems very good as it has been setup now.
I asked a pretty similar question a while back:

I think it is quite fair to say that majority would eventually pay for some additional addon but many would not like to see such additional content happening in the first place. Still, if 170 voters are willing to pay 20€ each for the ring, I could see that there is actual chance of buying the rights for it. If the lisence for the ring costs (let's say) 30000€, it would need 1500 people to pay the 20€. Too bad the issue is the time available, not the money

The price for a real life Ferrari F50 or Lotus Elise is far less, as is the work needed to make to into the sim. But the money isn't really the major thing as there are things not so obvious that can also have major impact on how and why certain cars could or could not be in LFS. Having 2 real life cars in 1 car class would make it very hard to balance the car class. The car manufacturer may not like that his Gallardo is constantly being beaten by some cheaper Porsche. The car manufacturers may not want to make deals which include stuff like "as long as LFS keeps going". With GTR they buy rights for the one season only and probably for the one game only. With LFS they would be making a long time agreement with the car use. Also it is questionable who much it would positive feedback (=basically increased sales) to the car companies to have their cars in LFS...