I know I know, thread about Ford, and in steps Fordman. Well here you go
a) They Bloody Last
b) They actually bloody work
c) They do what they bloody say they will do
d) They come with what they say they will bloody come with
e) They work on a price that suits the market
f) They pull there bloody fingers out
g) If they had any sence, they would take a leave out of Mazda and Kia
OK I work for a dealership, and we dealt, I said DEALT

with Ford as a major Manufacturer. And what you pay for a Ford nowadays, is crap for what you get. You can get a Highly spec't Kia or Mazda for less, here's an example.
Kia Sedona - 7 Seater - All bells and whistle's, INcar DVD and SAT, £16,000 +
Ford Galaxy - 7 seater, Bog Standard, no Alloys, fog lights, nada, £19,999
Der doesn't take a genius to work that out. Also with KIA, you get something like a 5yr warrenty, as with fords you get 3 years, and they like to question that after your purchase
Mazda, well thats a different kettle of Fish. I am currently driving a Mazda 5 Sport
Here Lovely car to drive. 2lt 6speed, diesel, 7 seats, lots of extras, 16K. It has the Ford 2lt Duratec Engine in it, 147bhp which is OMG for a people carrier, Traction Control, the works.
We are selling them like hotcakes atm, outselling the Ford ShatMax
Vic, can I change my name please to MazdaMan