The online racing simulator
Live for Speed Camera Hack
(62 posts, started )
Live for Speed Camera Hack
Update to latest stable patch Y

+ Be sure to read the front window for hot key shortcuts
+ Must be in SHIFT + U camera mode
+ Update to Patch Y
+ Added update for Test Patch Y22 (Requested by Kahin)
+ Added .NET version - Might be buggy - But works OK for me (trying to phase out VB6 - Let me know :razz

Note : I noticed when applying the hack that the camera in this patch didn't lift or lower on command and had to wiggle the camera for it to shift position, just be aware of this as it still works. - I'm not sure if this was the case with the last few Patches but when in paused mode, the camera will lift and fall as you apply the hack.
Attached images
Attached files
CamHackY.rar - 7.2 KB - 4436 views
CamHackNET.rar - 24.7 KB - 2689 views
Live for Speed Camera Hack Y22.rar - 24.7 KB - 4312 views
woot? only 7 kb? compact source ^^
nice, surely can become handy and will have less strechted screenies of big areas
cool stuff!
Huzzah! Thanks a million for this. I can forsee so many new and interesting possibilities for screenshots with this handy little tool.
Great, like a Google Earth
WoW, that's nice! THX
This thing is awesome. So simple, but great idea.
I really hate that 40 metre limit, so thank you very very much
Sorry to bring up a old topic, but where do I put the file that I downlaoded?

All there is is a rar file and I dont no where to put it.

Please reply quickly I kinda need this.
old? its only 10 days old?

better than starting up a new one here (unlike most forums who just lock them)

you can put the file anywhere, it doesn't really matter i dont think

if it does then it probably just goes into the main LFS folder
(btw, the rar file is a compressed file incase you dont know, there is another file in it that you use)

I forgot that was a compressed file.
nice one...
Great tool!

Fast and can make little programs. Good work ex-teamy!
#16 - FL!P
FWIW, it doesn't work on my machine running V2 on XP Pro. It launches, but as soon as I try to change the camera height (whether from the hotkeys or the buttons), it gives me an alert reading:

Run-time error '6':
Quote from FL!P :FWIW, it doesn't work on my machine running V2 on XP Pro. It launches, but as soon as I try to change the camera height (whether from the hotkeys or the buttons), it gives me an alert reading:

Run-time error '6':

V2: That's your probem right there. With every test patch, the memory adresses change.
#18 - FL!P
Ah, OK, thanks. I'll wait impatiently for the next version, then.
Or go back to V, or have a second .exe file for using mods.
Nice hack, thx for uploading
Very nice!, Thanks . This tool has actually given me a league idea .
Quote from Leprekaun :Very nice!, Thanks . This tool has actually given me a league idea .

The RC Racing League?
Quote from Bob :or have a second .exe file for using mods.

In which case, please could someone post the V exe
Quote from Highsider9 :The RC Racing League?

I've already tried a go at this:

You dont need a camera hack. But I think you were just kidding maybe. Still, its kinda fun, and it saved me having to buy a real one and it statisfied some pent-up RC urges from when I was alot younger. Good fun with a controller style input. If there was some way to FORCE all peole on a server into this view - well, an RC league would be easy to set up me thinks.

Quote from duke_toaster :In which case, please could someone post the V exe

Will this actually work, I mean this attached copy here is not unlocked. Will it use duke_toaster's unlock information and make this "extra" lfs_v.exe work if it is put in his V2 folder ? AND will it even run at all - I would imagine all the new V2 associated files would be totally incomaptible with V1 EXE.
(I haven't taken the plunge to V2 yet)
Attached images
Attached files - 850.4 KB - 672 views

Live for Speed Camera Hack
(62 posts, started )