Update to latest stable patch Y 
+ Be sure to read the front window for hot key shortcuts
+ Must be in SHIFT + U camera mode
+ Update to Patch Y
+ Added update for Test Patch Y22 (Requested by Kahin)
+ Added .NET version - Might be buggy - But works OK for me (trying to phase out VB6 - Let me know :razz
Note : I noticed when applying the hack that the camera in this patch didn't lift or lower on command and had to wiggle the camera for it to shift position, just be aware of this as it still works. - I'm not sure if this was the case with the last few Patches but when in paused mode, the camera will lift and fall as you apply the hack.

+ Be sure to read the front window for hot key shortcuts
+ Must be in SHIFT + U camera mode
+ Update to Patch Y
+ Added update for Test Patch Y22 (Requested by Kahin)
+ Added .NET version - Might be buggy - But works OK for me (trying to phase out VB6 - Let me know :razz

Note : I noticed when applying the hack that the camera in this patch didn't lift or lower on command and had to wiggle the camera for it to shift position, just be aware of this as it still works. - I'm not sure if this was the case with the last few Patches but when in paused mode, the camera will lift and fall as you apply the hack.