I usually stay afay from such kind of discussions, but this time decided to join. I'm not going to fight to the death defending rFactor or bashing LFS. I have both games, like many people here and "there" (on rFactor forums) and I got my part of fun from both games. I also played most other autosim-games, including GPL, Nascar 2003 Season with mods, GTR/GTR2/GTL, netKar, RBR, so, I have some references to compare with.
I used to play LFS around mid 2005 till spring 2006. That was great. Really. I missed many things in the game, but I enjoyed playing the game (participated in leagues as well as in pickup-races), and never joined/started topics like "I'm paying for an unfinished product", though I was disappointed that some features wasn't implemented and wasn't even on the to-do list. I agreed that I'm buying "alpha", but that's not the case. I bought a game and I compared it with alternatives on the market. I didn't like playing with this "alpha" word when talking about LFS that time, and I don't like when people take use it as a "shield" now, especially considered we don't know what (and when) will be available in S2 full. But nevermind, let's move on.
So some things I didn't like about LFS.
- no false starts. Just put in 1st gear, press throttle and wait for green. Arcade. No excuses. Easy fix,

Yes, but 1.5 years passed, and it's still there. For some reason Scawen decided to left the thing this way.
- damage.
wheel4hummer mentioned he hit walls many times while playing rFactor on a show and the car wasn't damaged. Was it hard to suppose that the game on a show could be (and most probably was) set to "damage off"? I can assure you that in most mods in rFactor collisions will affect your car quite much. If you wish, of course - it's adjustable.
Now back to LFS. If you ask me, the damage in LFS very far away from being realistic. Just take a V8, for example, and drive it to a wall @full speed at 90deg. angle. Very nice visualisation. But nothing changed in car's behaviour. Arcade again. And damage isn't adjustable, so no way to get rid out of it. After this, don't tell me about rFactor having problems with damage. It has, of curse, but compared to this, they're just close to being non-existent
- tracks. I always missed different tracks. Preferrable, real-life tracks. But all LFS could offer me 1.5 years ago (nothing changed since then) is 6 tracks (with a few layouts each).
These are the main reasons why I moved to rFactor at that time. I was a bit afraid I will meet that "feeling" problem with rFactor, but I didn't
I love rFactor since then and find it has more features I need, but I also still see LFS as a very good simulator. I could point out (and do it, when asked, and sometimes when not

which flaws LFS has. I still see many advantages in LFS over rFactor or GTR2 or any other sim. I think LFS and rFactor are too different to compare. They're just from differend worlds and are for differend purposes.
Mods made all sales for rFactor? Yeah. That is what rFactor was intended for. That was a plan

ISI stated this form the beginning. But anyway, who cares? Only those who has limited access to Internet. All other just download the mods they like and play. They don't care who did it - ISI or modders. ISI gives modders very good support, modders give rFactor support by making mods. Users buy rFactor because of mods. Everyone is happy.
I wouldn't like lfs being moddable except car visuals. I mean the only moddable thing should be the car's look so we can make our own cars.(not the specs of the cars). Because if LFS becomes moddable, there will be hundereds of idiot tracks and non-accurate cars around and will be hard to find a proper server to make a real race...
Along with "hundreds of idiotic tracks" there would be dozens of masterpieces. But you're wrong about idiotic tracks anyway - it takes pretty much knowledge to make a track, and if you possess this knowledge, you won't make idiotic track. OK, some will do, but rarely. I'm not sure if it's fair to give links to rF stuff here, but I hope, yes. Anyone who is interested, can check the
rFactor Central to see "idiotic tracks". There is lots of very good tracks, most of them are. And along with very good, there is masterpieces
Nordschleife or
By the way, many tracks in rFactor are multy-layout too
So generally I don't think modding is bad. Yes, there is some side-effects, but generally I think modding is a good thing. And in case of rFactor you can easily find out which mod is good, and which is not so good - just check
Hall of Fame on the rFactor Central, where 99% of ever-made mods and tracks and utils for rFactor are available
I put Rfactor on my computer. I promtly deleted it. thats not me being a fanboy, thats how crap it was. I was driving STRAIT and it felt like I was in a full fledged tires squeeling corner for how much steering wheel pull I was getting
Nothing personal, but this is just an immature post. I just hope you knew you had to tune up something and just was lazy to do it. You should understand that the game can't behave this way. In your case it, the problem was, most probably, a "feature" of ISI games, where for all Logitech wheels (and some others) you should set FF effects strength to negative value.
The post is getting a bit long, so here is the conclusion:

Guys, stop bashing other sims, be it rFactor, GTR2 or something else. All sims have their weak and strong sides and all sims could be much better, if someone put more effort into it. I find it insulting, to say "rFactor is unfinished product". Yes, it has it's flaws. Which sim doesn't? LFS has it's strong sides, rFactor has it's. Both games lack some features. GTR2 also. And all are priced around the same. Yes, LFS is called "alpha". If you're happy to say "it's alpha, someday I'll get more features for free because Scawen still supports LFS". Yes, someday S2 will be finished and will have more features, then things will change, but now it has no many desired things and I'm not sure if (and when) S2 finished will have rain and day/night and live track and more realistic damage and realistic tracks and and tire punctures because of a debris of another car and many other stuff like weight penalties, grid edition, private qualifying, pace car. In case it will have, my S2 license is still with me :P But now all this is already available in rFactor (except for Live Track and rain).
Live in peace. Think positive or, at least, constructive.