The online racing simulator

Poll : February's avatar - tick all that appeal

Closed since :
First game you ever played
Pit Girls
Album covers
Film villans
Photo of yourself
Photo of one of your hands
obscure outdated electronic equipment
(Respectable) Portrait of Tinyk
Self portrait
I decided I'll just make it my personal Darkwing Duck-month.

"Let's get dangerous!"

You can't stop me. I outnumber you single-handedly!

voted for first game

personaly mine was F/A 18 for the Commadore Amiga

along with carrier command, cant find any pics though

scratch that found some, used to play this game for hours and hours and hours

Then, the first game?

My first game played was.....

Oh bollo*** I'm sooo old!!! Look at the graphics
Anyway I haven't grown up, because I still enjoy playing this game on NES emulators.

From the cover I've just realised how fit the girl actually was...Oh yeah let's go to rescue her...
Attached images
So seeing as January is over in a matter of hours, are we going to accept that "First Game" is the winner? I have my screenshot ready and waiting

(I'm asking now because I have no net connection at home and will have to update avatar from work)
I'm in the no avatars camp (no sigs too.... it all adds up to visual blight...), but if you need something to challenge the tedious themes on offer, how about a subject to make people think a little?

Pit girls? Pah... How about female racers?
I dont remember wich game was the first I played!
i say "first game wins"....

<- anyone remember this?
As it stands, it's a draw with both pit girls and first game having 22 votes...

Good old Jumpjet ... don't know if it was really the first first game though, but definatly one of the first?
Am I the first person who overuses "first" that extremely or is someone else first?
Quote from mattupson :As it stands, it's a draw with both pit girls and first game having 22 votes...


Still a few hours left....!
Well for me its clear:
- something new and fun
- I will skip old heritance from the past (i.e. Pit girls)

Pit Girls its just a chauvinist idea that shouldnt be there to vote in the first place, the first we erradicate that kind of things the best for everybody.
It isnt Februaru yet
At my place :P
I decided I'll make it the "daily new darkwing duck avatar month". 1st of febuary starts with the first scene from the intro. I'll propably need half a month to process the intro alone.

Lotus Challenge @ Amiga
booooriing avatar won

Really the first game must have been Space Invaders (or some clone) on ZX Spectrum, I was probably 3-4 years old or even younger. I just remember it but I probably had no idea what it actually was... so I choose Lemmings
Iirc it was defenately Nemesis I on MSX

I still remember that music. My friend had it, I guess I was around 6 or 8 then

Avatar coming soon

*memories *
I'll probably change it later.
Outrun FTW!
Elite! I stayed up till 3:00 am on school nights earning credits by gun running, got totally hooked on this for months.
Can't top Mario