This poll is for the people who have expressed an interest in attending the 3rd LFS UK Gathering / Meeting / whatever, as detailed here. Please do not vote otherwise. Thank you.
OK a more interesting poll we can all take part in... what cars do you want to race. We're to run 2 LFS races so I'd suggest one road car and one race car.
You'll notice the choices are in the loose classes LFS provides, the most popular race class and most popular road class will be then be expanded and individual cars will selected. Everyone is to be racing in the same car, that way we all know we're on absolutely level ground and everything is known to be fair.
The poll is also multiple choice, you can vote for as many classes as you'd like to race, but only the most popular road and most popular race class will be used. Obviously voting for every single class really doesn't help matters, as would not voting for any road classes (or any race classes). Hopefully everything is clear as mud.
Once cars have been decided on, we can shortlist an appropriate set of compatible tracks and pick one for each car. More on that later though.
OK a more interesting poll we can all take part in... what cars do you want to race. We're to run 2 LFS races so I'd suggest one road car and one race car.
You'll notice the choices are in the loose classes LFS provides, the most popular race class and most popular road class will be then be expanded and individual cars will selected. Everyone is to be racing in the same car, that way we all know we're on absolutely level ground and everything is known to be fair.
The poll is also multiple choice, you can vote for as many classes as you'd like to race, but only the most popular road and most popular race class will be used. Obviously voting for every single class really doesn't help matters, as would not voting for any road classes (or any race classes). Hopefully everything is clear as mud.

Once cars have been decided on, we can shortlist an appropriate set of compatible tracks and pick one for each car. More on that later though.