The online racing simulator
#26 - JTbo
I think I drive really quite bad, but who cares, we had fun there

How many annoyances there?
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#27 - JTbo
Also one good advice is to race because of racing, not because of winning. 100% guarantee to get more enjoyable races
Quote from BlackSheep720 :These are the things that really, really bug me

1. Racers who use the macro "BLUE FLAG!!! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!"

2. Racers who think slower racers with a blue flag should be veering off the track to let the passing car go by

3. Racers who berate you for "not using your mirrors," when they don't know that there's such thing as a blind spot

4. Racers who attempt to re-enter the race after a severe crash (without pitting first)

5. Racers who try to pass you on a tight and slow turn

6. Racers who rear-end you and call you a crasher

7. Racers who vote to restart after crashing themselves

8. Racers who try to disconnect you if you accidentally hit them, even if they weren't in contention in the first place

9. Racers who think it's a good idea to tweak or test a new setup in the middle of a heated race

10. Racers who beg and beg for the winner's setup, when they don't realize that what they need is skill

I hope that if you've ever been one of these racers you will understand how mad you make people by doing this kind of stuff, and you will never do it again. Thank you in advance.

if you don't like this people enter to a league, a private STCC, but i agree with 7 and the 8th point.... well good thread.
Quote from LFSn00b :I was just kidding...

And what do you mean by "too old mind for teenager"?

a point of view that is so mature for teenagers??, im a teenager... and maybre they catalogue me as a 25yo man
Quote from JTbo :No, you are too old to be teenager, oh yes also you don't crash T1 constantly and vote for restarts, no teenager can miss that

I guess I'm rather average too, 1.34.70 at BL GP with XRG, really frustrated that can't go under that

crashing at t1??, no one can miss that, im a teeanger, and i think almost all the races, i raced, i didnt crash, and if i crash is because the fps( 6fps)
#31 - JTbo
Quote from chanoman315 :crashing at t1??, no one can miss that, im a teeanger, and i think almost all the races, i raced, i didnt crash, and if i crash is because the fps( 6fps)

It is 90% of joke really

Usually those that are very young don't have learned patience and they try to be first no matter what, even they can't control their vehicles yet to be first.

It is special that such young person has patience to wait and learn, those will be also fastest, that is why I like n00b, I think I like you too
#32 - Davo
Bitch bitch, moan moan. raar
One thing I really cant stand, is when you get the guy that you two rub side by side coming out of a corner, and he decides to turn hard into your rear quarter panel, spinning you. I have had that happen to me a couple times today on the New & Bronze STCC server, and it pisses me off. I hope I explained that good.

#34 - JTbo
Quote from KanseiDneova :One thing I really cant stand, is when you get the guy that you two rub side by side coming out of a corner, and he decides to turn hard into your rear quarter panel, spinning you. I have had that happen to me a couple times today on the New & Bronze STCC server, and it pisses me off.

That one that has outside line should ease off a bit in such situation, I think Then overtake at straight because his line gave more exit speed from corner
I only hate the racers that push me wide/wreck me/rear-end me on T1
Use brake please..
Quote from chanoman315 :crashing at t1??, no one can miss that, im a teeanger, and i think almost all the races, i raced, i didnt crash, and if i crash is because the fps( 6fps)

6 fps???

I wouldnt like to be anywhere close to you at a Start
Quote from keithano :I only hate the racers that push me wide/wreck me/rear-end me on T1
Use brake please..

This is what I came here to post, but now I don't need to bother.

There is nothing worse than getting a fairly good start and being shunted off the road at T1 because none of the other cars seem to have brakes.
Crashes happen every day, but ....

Imagine FE green, 23 people, say UF1 (they are popular these days), because most of racers have common sense, they think: "okay, let's take it easy on T1-T2 and press hard from t3, t4 or wherever".

Ideal scenario: 23 UF1's forming a queue tidily on T1 and probably T2, just warming tyres and accumulating adrenaline…

Actual scenario: 6 UF1’s forming the queue that got away because they were ahead “at the right place”, 10 UF1’s ‘simulating’ a car-park after a bomb, 3 UF1’s that throw the bomb are already saying sorry or pitted in the garage and the rest 3 UF1’s predicting the future just slow down enough to make slalom through the ‘car park’.

What create this situation? Those 3 guys trying to overtake 10 people at the beginning taking advantage of somebody else common sense and that is what I most fed up in LFS: the clever-guys that just spoil races trying impossible manoeuvres.
Quote from Dajmin :This is what I came here to post, but now I don't need to bother.

There is nothing worse than getting a fairly good start and being shunted off the road at T1 because none of the other cars seem to have brakes.

Not sure about other people's computers, but at some times, I will hit the brake button on my mouse, and nothing will happen at all. Sometimes it happens with the accelerator, what you have to do is get off the brakes, tap the gas, then get back on the brake button for them to work again. Thankfully that hasn't happened when I was around cars in LFS. So, essentially, I have no brakes at times!

#40 - JTbo
Quote from KanseiDneova :Not sure about other people's computers, but at some times, I will hit the brake button on my mouse, and nothing will happen at all. Sometimes it happens with the accelerator, what you have to do is get off the brakes, tap the gas, then get back on the brake button for them to work again. Thankfully that hasn't happened when I was around cars in LFS. So, essentially, I have no brakes at times!


I think that you really should solve this issue before entering online races. I don't know anyone having such issue.

Before entering online servers, one should be able to control car and his computer should be able to run LFS such way that it won't cause any problems. There is no such thing as computer's fault, it is always racers fault, some keep IM software open or antivirus has automatic updates enabled, little popup and crash, who's fault? Yep, racer's own fault, not computer's or anything else. That is called responsibility and it is up to racer himself to keep his software and hardware in such state that it won't cause any problems.

No automatic anything running background.
No instant messaging running background.
Don't download pr0n same time when you race online, no matter how much you have bandwidth or how low you have limited it, it will cause lag.
Make sure you don't have controller trouble
Learn to control car before entering online, remember often going slower means going faster, specially true at beginning. I can't count how many guys I have told to brake earlier and go slower to corner and they have made new PB because of that.
Last but most important, patience is key to victory.
Oh yeah,one more thing, it JUST happened to me, inthe STCC New & Bronze room, leading with about a 4 second lead, with one lap to go, I "Lose connection with host." Now, thats a REAL thing to get pissed off about.

Also, I have no programs running in the background, its ona completely separate PC.

If I crash in T1 or where ever... , then only because my FPS is going 6 like for 2-3 secs. this is very annoying..
Quote from Jakg :because there are some corners where you really shouldn't

2 corners as an example - SO Sprint 1 Rev, T1...

You go round a tightening left hander into a VERY tight right hander - people overtake on the outside of the first part, and push people out of the way as there's no room for them at T1.

SO Sprint 2, Turns 2, 3 & 4...

Your line is critical here, but on the exit of T2 i brake to line myself up for T3, someone is behind me at T2, but slides up the inside on the entry of T3, now i was going for the apex - but now what? if i don't give them room, they will either hit the wall, push me off the track or both, and if i do give them room i'm going into the wall at T4

Some corners should be corners where you shouldn't pass, but it isn't a hard-and-fast-rule - we need something were drivers think about whether its a good idea, some LFS players have it, most dont....

it's called "Common Sense"!

EDIT - I'm a teenager (15), i learnt racing games with NFS:Porsche and then NFS:STFU, then i moved to LFS - i'd like to think that recently (ie last 3-4 months) i've actually become quite quick, although my race-craft REALLY leaves alot to be desired

It is more 'It's not sensible to overtake there' than 'It shouldn't be an overtaking place' Every single part of a track is a place to overtake some more sensible than others. Take your example both drivers would have to give a little to make it through and so would slow both drivers down - making it not sensible as you loose too much time.

Quote from Jakg :LX6 + Clutch + H-Gate + 540 Degree = Sweat + Fun + Slowness

^ The best equation ever ^

Wimp use 720
#44 - JTbo
Quote from Greboth :
Wimp use 720

Even 900 is probably less than that car really has Of course car really does not exists but if we think Caterham for example.
1. Racers who use the macro "BLUE FLAG!!! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!"

2. Racers who think slower racers with a blue flag should be veering off the track to let the passing car go by

its seems pretty normal to me that people in first place are alloud to do that if the race depends on it you dont have the right to intfer with a plave that aint in front or behind you if you realy cant stand them dont race
Quote from BlackSheep720 :5. Racers who try to pass you on a tight and slow turn

I've heard these arguements before... they're pretty poor tbh!
There is no such place on a race track where you cant overtake.
Every inch of tarmac is an overtaking opportunity.
People who say "ohhh you cant pass there" should learn how to race.
You're not supposed to say "You can't pass there," you're meant to say, "You're not supposed to be able to pass there!"

#48 - JTbo
Problem arises when someone is trying to overtake there without needed skills to do that.
If you give a following driver enough room to start the overtake, then it's YOUR fault, and you then have to give room (albeit squeezing and making life difficult for him) for the rest of time he's alongside.

If someone starts to outbrake you round the outside of T1 at Sprint 1 Rev, then what the hell where you doing giving him enough room to do that? Now all you have to do is brake late and hard, and try to squeeze him towards the apex, making sure that he doesn't lock up and go into the side of you. It's called... RACING
The problem is people don't concede when they lose a place like that. They hold their own position and normally end up taking both the opponent and themselves out of the race.