(93 posts, closed, started )
#1 - Jakg
As I'm sure your all aware, I have a large post count, but I does genuinely annoy me when people say I spam, I try to make helpful, on-topic posts, and as I have an opinion and some knowledge on both LFS & PC's on a forum like this I get a large amount of opportunities to help people, and I do. I don't make spammy posts (although I have made a couple in the past) such as "xxx voted to close this thread [1/8]", and to be repeatedly told that my posts are spam really pisses me off considering some of the research I do into some posts I've made. What annoys me even more is that I often get these posts from people like "imthebestracerthereis" etc which is blatantly hypocritical! I do understand that some of these posts are made in jests, but it still annoys me!

If you do find a spam post by me, post it here and unless it's really funny it's gone (Said this before, but it has been ignored)


I don't mind people spamming, as long as it's funny or maybe even a little bit constructive or helpfull even off topic. So I won't be saying you're spamming, I guess more people would agree I spam more
#3 - joen
Quote from sgt.flippy :I guess more people would agree I spam more


j/k...well, not really actually

ontopic: I don't see you as a spammer. But I think people tend to assume that people with a postcount like your's must be Anyway I don't mind the occasional nonsense post, as long if it's or can be considered as funny. It's people like "thebestnoobthereis" which annoy me to death.
#4 - th84
I dont see what the big deal is. Post as much as you want. I made a couple of post's about your post count getting deleted in the Phlos thread, but I was just joking.(i didnt call them spam though, I just asked Phlos to delete your's and lfsnoob's post's, just for shit's and giggle's :razz

90% of my post's are spam.

If people dont like your post's/postcount, tell them not to read your post's.

Keep on keeping on Jakg!
#5 - Jakg
Quote from joen :But I think people tend to assume that people with a postcount like your's must be

yup, thats the biggest problem!
I don't think you're a spammer, I think you just have no life. Look at me for instance, hardly any posts due to my hectic social schedule...
Now my feelings are hurt too
#8 - Jakg
Quote from thisnameistaken :Look at me for instance, hardly any posts due to my hectic social schedule...

Kev, you deleted several THOUSAND posts of yours
#9 - th84
Quote from Jakg :Kev, you deleted several THOUSAND posts of yours

I was gonna say.... I thought his post count was MUCH higher.
It seems this thread is magnetised for attracting all spammers of this board
imo post count doesnt say if anyone is a spammer (jakg and tristan are )
they more show how much ppl are around, and usually these are the ones who have some knowledge of that what they are writing.
oh and stg.flippy is a spammer too, 1600 posts in a few months lol.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I don't think you're a spammer, I think you just have no life. Look at me for instance, hardly any posts due to my hectic social schedule...

You just work too much

Jakg isn't this thread spam as well
#13 - JTbo
There is always so much talk about post counts that maybe it really should be made hidden? I would be happy with that.
Wonder if this forum will go the same way as RSC and not display post counts. Some people seemed to get too worked up by them.
bah, I spam more then you Jakg. Post counts just show your an active user that has knowledge. Only a few "real" spammers exist in these forums.

/me thinks of at least 4 people who are spammers.
#16 - SamH
Jak, the term spam refers to the quality of the post, and certainly not the quantity. Perhaps people misunderstand the term because they get a lot (quantity) of spam (low quality) in their email boxes.

IMO, you're not a spammer. None of the people who show as having a higher sadness rating than me are spammers, IMO, including you, and scanning the list I'd say none of the people on the first page could be accused of spamming. Probably for many pages, but I haven't looked. Everyone there posts largely (almost exclusively, and some post only) quality posts.

You CAN post trivial posts and still not be a spammer, as far as I'm concerned. Some people who've joined this forum have only EVER posted zero-value posts. They are spammers. You are not. This forum, of course, revolves around LFS.. but it's also the community centre/coffee shop for a whole bunch of people who, over time, become friends. So our principle focus is LFS.. it's the thing we have in common.. but you can kick back, here, and have a good ole natter just like you would in any other social environment.

Relax, Jak.. you're doing okay
Jak, don't worry. I was in the same boat as you (and I think you probably called me a spammer too), but the vast majority of people don't think spammer just because of a high post count.

The trouble is that there aren't many threads worth posting in these days, which is why I've been caught and relatively inactive lately on the forum. When clicking New Posts I see about 70 a lot of the time, and I'm doing well if I reply to more than 5 these days.

As long as you don't consciously spam then I think it's okay. But if you are just making pointless posts for the hell of it (like some here do) then just close that window/tab before clicking submit.

Edit: well said Sam!
Bob? Sam is Bob?

Anyway... I remember the days when Jakg started posting on these forums, and I do remember thinking that much of the stuff was a bit less useful and I was scared by the avatar he had I think you've changed into better direction and calling you a spammer is a joke really, they mostly contribute which I think cannot be said from 90% of my posts..if anyone even bothers to read them anyway.
Quote from ajp71 :Jakg isn't this thread spam as well

You know i was thinking that lol.

Its all been said before you (jakg) and tristan are both just spammers

TBH i count most of the off topic section as spam as most of it is useless (some funny and great topics though) and the "whats your favorite colour" threads. Spam is useless (especially for posting on here, i suppose if your starving its teh bestest thing in teh world!!!) and un worthy of reading, but your posts generally are ok

Also as said post count suggests whos been round a bit and knows things, not always but usually, and a high post count doesn't always mean spam .

But meh, ignore the spam whores who say your spamming lol.
Quote from SamH :Jak, the term spam refers to the quality of the post, and certainly not the quantity.

and our survey says.. ah aghhhhhhhhhh.

Spam is most definitely quantity and nothing about quality and the term originated from a Monty Python sketch where the word 'spam' was repeated over and over and over to multiple people in the vicinity.

Doesn't matter whether it's a single useless word or a complete genius answer.. if it's repeated over and over to a "crowd", it's spam.

Although Jak has an unhealthy (IMO) post count, unless he's repeating the same message over and over, it'll never be spam.. maybe annoying to some to see him replying multiple times (with different content) to just about every thread that exists on the forum, but it still doesn't qualify as spam.

At least you didn't call it 'SPAM' which I'm sure would upset Hormel


Quote from tristancliffe :Edit: well said Bob!

I think you have a complex about that. Really. I didn't even post in this thread (until now).

Anyway, Jakq, while I might be agree with a previous poster and say some of your earlier posts were, not quite spam, but of a not-really-worth-posting nature. Of course that's going some time now, if you were really creating lots of spam you'd have heard from one of us by now.
Quote from ajp71 :You just work too much

I'm actually working now.

But to be fair I'm working now so that I can make all my customers happy enough to not bother me tomorrow so I can take the day off.
Quote from Greboth :
TBH i count most of the off topic section as spam as most of it is useless (some funny and great topics though) and the "whats your favorite colour" threads.

Whats spam to you is the section I click on the most, yes its a forum dedicated to LFS & related topics, but its also a community as Sam explained so nicely. And with relatively little LFS-related activity at the min, there's not much to waffle on about.

One thing I've seen other forums do, is not have posts made in Off-Topic sections count towards your post count. Just a thought.
Jak, I think you're quite un-spammy. To me it's the total percentage of nonsense that someone posts that makes them a spammer. I'm sure you remember someone called "imthebestnoobthereis". Here perhaps a week, posted less than 30 times, started maybe seven threads, all starting with "what's your favourite ... " and ending with "lol lol lol lol lol" and bam - banned. Now there was a spiced ham launcher extraordinaire!

I challenge anyone to look through all of your many posts and label more than 50% of them spam...
(510N3D) DELETED by 510N3D
Quote from Hankstar :I challenge anyone to look through all of your many posts...

Heh, that in itself is quite a challenge! Especially since you can't get more than 500 results for a single search, you'd have to search through each forum at a time or something to limit results.
This thread is closed

(93 posts, closed, started )