As I'm sure your all aware, I have a large post count, but I does genuinely annoy me when people say I spam, I try to make helpful, on-topic posts, and as I have an opinion and some knowledge on both LFS & PC's on a forum like this I get a large amount of opportunities to help people, and I do. I don't make spammy posts (although I have made a couple in the past) such as "xxx voted to close this thread [1/8]", and to be repeatedly told that my posts are spam really pisses me off considering some of the research I do into some posts I've made. What annoys me even more is that I often get these posts from people like "imthebestracerthereis" etc which is blatantly hypocritical! I do understand that some of these posts are made in jests, but it still annoys me!
If you do find a spam post by me, post it here and unless it's really funny it's gone (Said this before, but it has been ignored)
If you do find a spam post by me, post it here and unless it's really funny it's gone (Said this before, but it has been ignored)