Pit wall in Blackwood made me deaf :(
(43 posts, started )
I know what shotglass means, when (getting technical) an identical sound wave is produced to the frequency of noise which is causing the problem, but out of phase with it and cancels out the sound you hear. Hmmm, but thing is, your ear is not producing a sound wave as such, so I'm not sure.

Oh yeah I guess that's what they wanted me to try in the clinic I went to..

They are just like hearing aid devices and they generate the same sound you have in your ears. That's another way to make the brain habituate the sound.

They were very expensive though and the health insurance didnt cover it unfortunatly. But I was told the succesrate was less than 10% and they didn't make it go away, just get less loud and a bit easier to live with.
#28 - CSU1
Quote from SamH :That sounds like a middle-ear infection to me. In fact the whole thing does. Still, I hope the reason you've not posted in here since last night is because you're patiently sitting at the ER getting it checked out. That would be one hell of a regret to have for the rest of your life, if that's where you needed to be right now and you weren't there.

@ DFS_MadFred.. that's a bad deal, bud. Really sorry to hear about that I hope it can be fixed! I very often get tinnitus late at night, after a busy day dealing with lots of people - and especially if I've been wearing headphones. It's always gone in the morning, though. I can't imagine what you're going through!

I think It maybe an infection too as I have been very I'll with flu this past two weeks, the worst dose of it I ever had , could'nt move out of bed 3 douvets and my skin was so cold it had goosepimples, so I think it may have been that the loud noise kicking the infection into full.

As I said the quack ain't open till morning and don't think it's an ER job tbh, thanks ever so much for your concern @DFS madfred: sorry to hear of that I cant imagine how annoying that must be.

It may be all in one just feeling strange from the antibiotics and flu pills this past week that was making for the dizzyness etc, it is really weird when a part of your senses go like this, you think that people do be talking to you as you think you can hear mutters etc when in fact all you do hear is more low frequencey noises..it does play tricks with the mind.

And there was me thinking haha! I've got myself some kick-ass sennheiser's
Quote : And there was me thinking haha! I've got myself some kick-ass sennheiser's


My ears are constantly playing up in a low level kind of way, like annoying (but tolerable) pressure, and feeling as though they're a bit inflammed sometimes. I'm really starting to take more care now- when I was young I would listen to unbelievably loud music (Glenn Branca, techno clubs, all kinds of experimental noise music) and I love listening to music at home on the headphones, play games, compose, etc...

CSU1, in your case I imagine that your flu has something to do with the symptoms you feel. Flu can really affect ears, being connected to sinus, there might be blockages and inflammations- and of course that affects balance. That 'woozy' feeling that you get with flu, that's all ear related I think. Take things very carefully, don't listen to loud music, (esp with headphones)- very important to give your ears a rest. Don't go swimming and do stupid stuff like deep diving.

And see your doctor if pain persists..!

Get well soon.
#30 - JTbo
Sometimes it is needed to doctor 'open ears', not literally but I don't know procedure very well as I have never had ear infection, not even when I was a baby, I'm lucky for being immune for few common diseases, ear infection being one and stomach disease, where you throw up and can't eat is second (don't know English name for that).

Anyway, that ear popping can be if there has been lot of lime involved this flu and you have not sneezed properly your nose, pressure building to your ears cause of that, quite common really.
I remember cousin of mine had to go to operation where they did fixed his ear drum or something because he snorted all lime inside, or then that is what they just told me to get me to use hatchet, lol, anyway can be those two are related and you should go doctor so they can look if there is need for some medicine, if it is infection and not cured properly it may have consequences too.

Hope you will get well soon and can enjoy from LFS again
#31 - CSU1
Quote from JTbo : where you throw up and can't eat is second (don't know English name for that).

Ya, I think thats called I eat like a fly disease!!!
Maybe this is a good reason for Scawen to finally FIX the goddamn collision sound issue? If I understood right that this unfortunate event happened because of that.
give up the replay, or make another one and give it to us!
Quote from deggis :Maybe this is a good reason for Scawen to finally FIX the goddamn collision sound issue? If I understood right that this unfortunate event happened because of that.

didnt he limit the number of tyre sounds that could be played at once to get rid of it at some point during the sound fixes leading up to patch v ?
Its amazing that people seem to think they're immune to everything when they're younger. Id see this as a warning and go easy on the volume next time, you might just be lucky and get away with it.

There is a reason why your MP3 doesn't play this loud and is limited to XX amount of decibels :P I believe exposure to 100+ Decibels longer then 30 seconds does start to have its way with your ear(s). You'll notice that once you go raving or clubbing, you'll be needing a hearing aid the next day
#37 - CSU1
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :give up the replay, or make another one and give it to us!

Why? So you can all look and luagh and say "Oooooh! aaamuahauhaumhaumha! thats where his ears popped LobloodyL?

@ kid222: What on God's are you on about ?

"LFS, A mind blowing experience".....
Quote from CSU1 : Why? So you can all look and luagh and say "Oooooh! aaamuahauhaumhaumha! thats where his ears popped LobloodyL?

@ kid222: What on God's are you on about ?

"LFS, A mind blowing experience".....

Any news?
Quote from CSU1 :I think It maybe an infection too ...

It may be all in one just feeling strange from the antibiotics and flu pills this past week that was making for the dizzyness etc,

If you're getting dizzy it could be Labyrinthitis - my girlfriend's had that on and off for the past year. They can give you drugs to stop the vertigo symptoms but they can't treat the actual infection, you just have to wait for it to go away.
#40 - CSU1
Quote from thisnameistaken : you just have to wait for it to go away.

Pretty much what the quack said, I think he's insane, every time I go to see him he gives me a full medical, which pi*ses me off, and the tries to prescribe just about every medication he can, money hungry nut.

Anyway ear infection after a bad dose of flu and general feeling of shittyness as you can imagine, anti-biotics and NO LOUD MUSIC!!! for a while .
Thanks guys
Quote from Shotglass :didnt he limit the number of tyre sounds that could be played at once to get rid of it at some point during the sound fixes leading up to patch v ?

yup, at least it was somehow reduced in some U test patch, but only reduced, not completely solved.
#42 - CSU1
Ot: whats with all the "crashing sounds" threads popping up
xrt latest V patch sound makes me like that, even with very low volume.... i switched to daves sounds, adjusted here and there, its fine now....

ia have Tinnitus from my job perhaps... a bunch of computer servers with scsi hdds... i wear in-hear noise canceling phones now, with very low music playing. Its nice.

Pit wall in Blackwood made me deaf :(
(43 posts, started )