Sometimes it is needed to doctor 'open ears', not literally but I don't know procedure very well as I have never had ear infection, not even when I was a baby, I'm lucky for being immune for few common diseases, ear infection being one and stomach disease, where you throw up and can't eat is second (don't know English name for that).
Anyway, that ear popping can be if there has been lot of lime involved this flu and you have not sneezed properly your nose, pressure building to your ears cause of that, quite common really.
I remember cousin of mine had to go to operation where they did fixed his ear drum or something because he snorted all lime inside, or then that is what they just told me to get me to use hatchet, lol, anyway can be those two are related and you should go doctor so they can look if there is need for some medicine, if it is infection and not cured properly it may have consequences too.
Hope you will get well soon and can enjoy from LFS again