Tension Between Demo and S2
(196 posts, closed, started )
Greboth - you're digging a hole for yourself now. total konfuzion is a second account of an S2 licensed racer. Nuff said, move along.

Edit: slow. OMG 7k+ posts, you whore.
How did everyone know who total konfuzion is apart from me *mentally demotes self to forum noob*

OMG Jakg!

On -topic : What happens on demo servers is nothing to do with and doesn't affect S2 user's but it doesn't stop demo user's being grouped under wreckers/crackers - they are not but it doesn't stop them being grouped that way. Just like many other society groups e.g. people who wear hoodies. I wear a hoody, have for years and will do as they are damn comfortable but i know wearing it will tarnish me, as all hoody wearers, as yobs. Unfortunatly that seems to be the way society is based and eeryone makes instand judgments on people and just because this is online doesn't mean the people typing don't also make sudden judgments on people or put them under social headings.
#28 - Davo
haha how ironic, perfect example of demo user bashing
There is hardly a tension between Demo and S2 users, demo users just like to blow things out of propotion and act like they are being treated differently. If a demo user asks for weather or anything thats been beaten to death a million times, they get the same response a S2 user gets.

Now what annoys most people are demo users who come here asking for more content for free. I'm sorry but to me that is just down right bad manners. The devs are actually paying to let Mr I've played the demo for 2 years play the game and they feel the devs owe them more! They have bandwidth costs, ok probably not a huge amount goes to one user but it all counts at the end of the day. Demo users of this game should be thanking the developers for being so generous, name another racing game that offers a free unlimited multiplayer demo...

There have been plenty of demo users who have earned great respect in the community through adding tools to it. Some of them have problems purchasing the game and most end up rewarded for there hard work by some genrous person.

Another thing that happens here quite a lot is demo users showing up from no where asking someone to buy them a license! It's too much like hard work for them to spend an hour every day earning money.

Personally I believe a lot of demo users create tension through what I've said above. To me it just seems like demo users want to feel like they are unfairly treated... when if they act like any other S2 users (bar some) no one would even pick up on the fact they are demo.

I'll end it with a quote that would annoy some as an argument for more free demo content, I wont name the person.

Quote :I have been playing LFS since the S1A and the demo does get pretty boring.

I raced demo for a little while, and when S1 was released, my brother got the license, and started playing. Usually he would be off somewhere, and I'd hop on his account and play the full game, and couldn't get enough of it. When S2 finally came out, and I had enough money to upgrade my account, I never had any problems with already licensed racers giving me any problems. (Even realized a few guys from other games that I play, or played, seem to be pretty active here as well). It's a good community, with some great competition. I have to agree with some other guys, when they get annoyed with people that should DEFINATELY know english, comming in with things like "omg omg omFG, i want liek, doriftos, and doritos lolololol, wowowww, i want nos, and zausts!!!!!111!!1! lol, rofl, lmao!!!!1". I can understand others, who come from non-english speaking countries who don't speak good english, and for them, there's probably a few people who speak their language to help them out, but it's the lazy ones who do speak English, that just don't. Until about 6 years ago, I didn't speak a word of English either, but if I can learn it and do it in that amount of time, I'm sure the kids that grow up in the U.S. or England should know it better than I do at 14+ years old. Besides that, the only thing that ever bugged me in the slightest in LFS, was the people who have binded "BLUE FLAG! GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY! MOVE NOW!!!".

(Mine's: Blue flag. Please make room. <- I only use this when I've been following lap traffic for at least a sector, and he's still fighting me...)

Oh, and "get S2!" It's more addictive than crack, meth, heroine, and cigarettes combined!
Quote from total konfuzion :My real account would be Ian.H, of which I've bought 2 S1 licenses and pre-ordered 2 S2 licenses. Most people worked that out now by checking "more posts by......" but you didn't bother, you just jumped to the same conclusion most do and took things at face value

I jumped to the conclusion that you had spent £48 and it still said you were a demo racer so was asking a serious question of why you didnt buy it for yourself (i understand now) and the "fool " was a joke, but as usual jokes on forums get taken seriously lol.
Lets leave at that though

Quote from total konfuzion :As I've said previously too, demo users that come in with 2 posts saying "I think there should be 10 more cars in the demo" and have no intention of ever buying it are just freeloading and I don't support that, but if they have a legit suggestion (which may include adding more content, not necessarily to the demo however.. but with a certain addition, it might be what _they_ (and perhaps others) need to buy a license) then I'd support that in the same way people with S1 / S2 licenses are constantly asking for this that and the other in S3, yet probably only 0.5% of users who post here have pre-ordered, thus in theory, having no more ground for future suggestions than demo users (IMO of course). Yes, you've supported the devs.. but you've got what you paid for as the LFS structure is done in stages each costing.

I don't think anyone disagree with you one this one that valid suggestions backed with valid reason (with valid being open to interpretation) are good suggestions no matter who they come from. I think to be honest, as some said earlier, when the same suggestions come up again and again or stupid suggestions are made (like more content in demo by a demo user because they dont want to buy the game) then people seem to get annoyed. And i am generalising here - it does seem the suggestions are largely made by new users to the forum with large numbers of those being demo user's.
Hi folks,

I'm a demo racer. I've been a demo racer for three months now. I agree with some of the views posted by Cr!t!calDrift but I have no serious complaints about S2 members. In fact, most of them have proved to be very helpful when approached for help. Many here share their knowledge, including their setups, with the newbies. And I happen to thank them when I race with them on the demo servers. I always do. I always leave the race saying "thanks for racing with me" even when I lose badly.

But I've had lots of problems with newbies and some not so new demo racers. If I happen to join a race and win over them, they get angry, call me names and crash into me. To all this, I never respond, it's a game after all.

I normally spectate a race before joining. First I want to see what type of cars they are driving and second, I want to see how they are driving. I am a clean racer, not too fast, but clean. If it looks like they are behaving somewhat, I join the race and wait in the pits for a restart.

In all my races only once have I bumped a fellow lightly when passing him and then I let him go by me to make up for my lack of skill. I don't think that's bad sportsmanship. But for someone to come looking for me after the race is over and wreck into my car for whatever reason, is not sportsmanship, they are simply bad losers.

I'll be buying an S2 license before the end of this week, hopefully to find some good folks to race with. I need to get out of the demos before I lose my mind.

Thanks to all the good S2 racers who have welcomed newbies like me into this game. It is well appreciated.

Kind regards,

You sound like just the kind of guy that we're always looking for, Jim. A respectful racer who just hasn't quite made the plunge into S2 yet. I'm sure that once you get it you'll have nothing but good times since the licensed servers are a lot tamer than the demo servers, as a rule. It's amazing how much more respectful people can be once they lose their anonymity.
Quote from Foropsico :...

I think the point was that the devs earn a living from LFS, they pay for the master server and the bandwith etc to do with that, which means a small part of the costs is on demo players - but the cost for demo player i would assume would be small and so from those players who cross over into s2 the devs get there money back. So now the devs are making lfs, earning a living off lfs and themselves paying for lfs as well. Every licenced player has bought the game to support the devs but also to buy the game and the demo is there to show what kind of game lfs is. Demo's by there definition almost are not supposed to be played for years. So yes asking for more in the demo can be bad manners, If the demo user in question posts up that they think there should be more in demo with a valid reason, more than a purly selfish reason, then that would be accepted yet every post i have seen like that is a purely selfish thread which is bad manners.
An example of this would be where free taster's are being given out, like in supermarkets. You don't expect to be given a free taster, than given some more and then some more all for free. The free taster is there to advertise that product and to let people know what it is like - Why do you need to try it 2, 3, 4 . . . . times? Same as LFS it shows off the physics in the 3 basic cars, shows what great online coding there is, shows what racing online is like (assuming good server) how exciting it is etc.
IMO the only reason any demo user could ask for more cars/tracks in demo is a pure selfish one.

Before anyone complains - this is not against demo races, it was purely to explain the reasoning behind why it is bad manners for demo user's to ask for more in demo.

Edit : spelling
Quote from Foropsico :This is a great contradiction. Firts you say that demo user just like to act like they are being treated differently, then you say you cant acept demo users posts asking for this and that... So, they are treated differently or not?

Read the post carefully . I also said if a S2 user posts asking for something like `weather`, `more damage`, `NOS` they will get the same reaction as a demo user posting the same things.

Quote :Some one just tell me. How a demo user asking for more content in demo are harming you at the point you consider this bad maners? You could just said, i am not agree with ading more content because reduce the S2 sales. ¿But why this type of cuestion are interpreted like bad maners?
And why you are so worry about the devs? in what way this afect you?

How did you come to that conclusion? Since when did something have to harm someone to be bad manners? If someone gives me something for free I don't go ask them for more. I recently got given a MP3 player for helping my Dad's friend out, I respected the kindness of him to give me something. I didn't go and say can I get better headphones, or more music on it... That is what I'd class as bad manners and is the same with LFS. Demo users should be grateful for what they receive, a demo version that is free with unlimited multiplayer and it never ages. No other racing game is this generous and you'd be pushed to find any game that offers this. You won't find that sort of genorsity from a big publisher that's for sure. Another point is that a demo user may well be using LFS for free but the developers are covering the costs of them, all be it very small but still I'd imagine it adds up to something.

Who said I'm worried about the developers? This is a community where we have our own opinions. At no point have I ever tried to convince others to believe my views but judging by the reaction in threads with demo users asking for more I can see I'm not the only one.

Quote :I am usually be considered a demo user that "have no intention of ever buying it" (s3 licence). This just a prejudice. I would buy S2 when i can buy a good wheel first. How did you know who will buy the game? Are you a psychic?

Again, where did you pull that conclusion from Didn't even mention your name and now I'm being accused of being `prejudice` . Who said I know who is going to buy the game, where does my post even bring that into conversation. You've also put one of my points across about some demo racers (I've seen quite a few who get along fine with S1/S2 users, even make things for the community) seeming to want this idea of them being treated unfairly. I don't even bring anything to do with you or knowing who will buy the game yet you've brought it up into the conversation to take a dig at me claiming I'm `prejudice`, strangely Creating a scene?

Quote :
It could be that some S2 users live through this game and take all this stuff like a personal think?

People are passionate about this project but I doubt anyone takes any personal hurt from suggestions or critics, maybe the devs but I doubt they lose sleep over it.
I completely agree with greboth here, the problem isn't they're demoplayers, it's what they are asking for. I never played a demo more than a month, there are people here playing the demo for years!

Ian, little bit earlier today I almost reported you as a cracker too, but I read the thread about your ban, so something came flashing in my head telling me there was something I was forgetting. People just shouldn't report crackers in the thread, but through the complaint thingy. Than the mods can take a look at it, contact the person, and make out what's going on.

Also, Ian, you say we aren't allowed to ask for S3 stuff because we haven't bought it yet, but don't you think S2 players are more prone to buying S3 too, than demo players asking for (free) extra content? I see a bit of a difference here.
Quote from sgt.flippy :People just shouldn't report crackers in the thread, but through the complaint thingy. Than the mods can take a look at it, contact the person, and make out what's going on.

I've been trying to drill that into people for months. Still not happening.
Quote from Bob Smith :I've been trying to drill that into people for months. Still not happening.

Well, I probably shouldn't be saying much, but there are quite some childish things and weird stuff happening lately, it's like it's full moon all the time nowadays. Less interesting threads, more crappy threads/just for fun. I think I've been around for too long already to see many interesting things here. I never really get to play lfs much, so I'm very active here on the forum instead, and I enjoy myself very well with it, but lately I'm just getting bored.

I think the problem with the report button is, that some people might be afraid of useing it. I think I only used it once or twice, and wasn't even sure if I was allowed to, because it seems so drastic and stuff.
Reporting a post isn't drastic at all IMO, just use it when you see something that you are sure a mod should be aware of. All it does is drop us an email with a link and whatever text you typed in.

If it's something you think we should see, but there's definately no sense of urgency, or it's really minor, then just PM your favourite mod instead. /me clears inbox in preparation
I have two S2 licenses and spend alot of time on demo I enjoy meeting and helping newbies out, many of whom move to S2

It always amases me how negative a small number of S2 users are about the demo experience demo is no different to S2 in that you gain a reputation and once you know a few fellow racers and join well run servers you have very good races.

I have had absolutely terrible times on some poorly run servers on S2, and have also had great times in well run servers with reputable drivers. I can say exactly the same about my demo experiences

I've met plenty of mature people between 30 and 50 on demo also, so stereo types do get rather tiring as I said earlier most often the minorities are the ones that make the most noise and hence people think it is the norm when it simply isn't.
(My account's reactivated )

Quote from sgt.flippy :Well, I probably shouldn't be saying much, but there are quite some childish things and weird stuff happening lately, it's like it's full moon all the time nowadays. Less interesting threads, more crappy threads/just for fun. I think I've been around for too long already to see many interesting things here. I never really get to play lfs much, so I'm very active here on the forum instead, and I enjoy myself very well with it, but lately I'm just getting bored.

I've noticed this too, at one point, there was interesting threads worthy of discussion, now 80% seem to be just for the sake of posting out of pure boredom. I know people joke about and say "say goodbye to your life" when newcomers buy a license, but really, that should just be taken as a joke but the more time that passes by, the more that's scarily becoming reality, people seriously do need to find better things to do with their lives than to post the drivel that's become the latest fad of new threads.. IMO of course


Quote from Ian.H :I've noticed this too, at one point, there was interesting threads worthy of discussion, now 80% seem to be just for the sake of posting out of pure boredom. I know people joke about and say "say goodbye to your life" when newcomers buy a license, but really, that should just be taken as a joke but the more time that passes by, the more that's scarily becoming reality, people seriously do need to find better things to do with their lives than to post the drivel that's become the latest fad of new threads.. IMO of course

[yoda]The irony is strong in this one[/yoda]

You've made a bunch of posts from 2 seperate accounts in what could be viewed as a fairly pointless drivel oriented thread!
Quote from Blowtus :[yoda]The irony is strong in this one[/yoda]

You've made a bunch of posts from 2 seperate accounts in what could be viewed as a fairly pointless drivel oriented thread!

I would have only used 1 account, but that wasn't an option (no I'm not complaining, just stating a fact).

Pointless? Most of my recent posts seem to have proven a point.. a damn sight more than "if you're 20, post here" or "what colour is your cat's 3rd tooth from the right this morning?" type drivel


If you don't like the off topic, don't scroll down that far? Its there so pointless stuff like that doesn't find its way to the parts normally filled with more informative posts.
Anyway, back onto the topic, maybe we should ask the devs, do they feel sore or cheated when a small minority of the community (next potential customers) get fun from the demo? When the small minority continue to have fun at their own level with the limited content? Live and let live. If they ask for more content the devs will say "No, buy the full game if you want more". Fair enough, argument ended. Why oh why are S2 players so resentful of the small slice of demo users that are happy to dip in and out of the game racing XFG's round BL1 all day? What difference can it possibly make to the full S2 users own enjoyment of the game?
I get really tired of this continual bickering. It will continue for another few posts then someone will step over the mark and the thread will be locked and binned, then another one will pop up in 3 days time
Quote from Bob Smith :I've been trying to drill that into people for months. Still not happening.

want to take my job lol? i get them all the time but i can't do a damn thing about it
funnily enough, for me, the decision to buy a full licence, had nothing to do with a forum, or about other people who have also bought a licence, and more to do with the fact that i liked the game
Quote from al heeley : When the small minority continue to have fun at their own level with the limited content?

Well, They will anyway because they are the kinda people who dont want to pay for a game. They probberbly (and note thats a guess rather than a straight up accusation) torrent all thier games and crack them etc.

Quote from al heeley :If they ask for more content the devs will say "No, buy the full game if you want more". Fair enough, argument ended. Why oh why are S2 players so resentful of the small slice of demo users that are happy to dip in and out of the game racing XFG's round BL1 all day?

Because of the wreckers, and the minority who whilst looking ok on the 1st lap, ram you at the 1st corner on the last lap saying "they were going for broke". Also, the people who whilst running best times of around 1.42, 1.41 perhaps, call you who running 1.36's "Slow and Noob". Just like last night. I dont dislike demo racers, i just dont like them saying
Quote from Demo Racer : oooooh Hi there im new. I was wondering if:rock_band at the next patch you can open the fxo and rb4 to demo. It would be good:wtf2: and make more people buy S2 Full.:smileyrai

Quote from Foropsico :In my case, i proposes to add the FOX for example, to give you an idea of the physics of a formula race car ///// But this is not about love, is about show devs the money

@Foropsico - I'd think , to the devs this is about love and money. They have bills to pay, kids, and they want a life. They cant go out with thier girlfriends/wife/freinds with £1.20 in thier pocket. Im sure in S327 when there are 30 cars, then possibly, maybe, you will get a few extras from another class. But they way to test them is to buy a licence.

Quote from al heeley :
I get really tired of this continual bickering. It will continue for another few posts then someone will step over the mark and the thread will be locked and binned, then another one will pop up in 3 days time

Yeah I agree there, thats what tends to happen when people get carried away with off topic flaming wars and the like.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Well, They will anyway because they are the kinda people who dont want to pay for a game. They probberbly torrent all thier games and crack them etc.

You're exactly the person I've been proving a point about over the past 2 days.. why? Maybe they just enjoy what's offered but have no interest in further aspects of LFS, doesn't mean they're criminals.

I think "drifting" is stupid, not necessarily the _people_ who do it.. but now I must assume that because I think "drifting" is, that you are also.. am I correct? I also have a stereotypical view of Nissans..............

Am I also to assume that 80% of US people are murderers because they're allowed to have guns?
umm ... at what does the fact that you
Quote : think "drifting" is stupid

Quote : I also have a stereotypical view of Nissans

got to do with this subject? Yeah, the people who drift may not be stupid. Most of them are not, just enjoy drifting. Your logic is illogical. I simply said that most demo users dont want to pay for the game. You should have seen enough people saying "im not paying £$xx for a game"

When they enjoy whats offered, thats cool. Im fine with that, but when they are like "omfg give us more cars pl0x", when there is an awesome S2 with like 10 or so extra cars over demo, why dont they buy it instead of asking please give me a new car.

But, im sure if you read my post in its entirety you may then understand my POV better.

and I dont live in UsA, so tbh whats that, again got to do with Demo and S2 relations. But, just between you and me, and this forum *cough* if i was in america, i wouldnt exactly ever be at ease if someones got a 9 millimeter in the drawer.

This thread is closed

Tension Between Demo and S2
(196 posts, closed, started )