Hi Guys,
I just got my G25 last week, and have been configuring it pretty successfully for the 8 sims I drive regularly (GPL, GTL, GTR2, RFactor, LFS, RBR, Netkar PRO, and NR2003).
I've been reading through every discussion on here about the G25 and Force Feedback settings for LFS, but haven't seen the issue I'm having mentioned exactly. I've tried every setup configuration mentioned in those threads, for the control panel and in the LFS settings page.
The issue I'm having is that I'm only feeling the rumble strips if the wheel is centered (car pointing straight ahead). If I drive over a rumble strip while the wheel is turned to any degree off center (2 degrees to 90 degrees and beyond), I don't feel the rumble strip. I'm also not feeling the "train tracks" on the bridge at Fern Bay. With my old Wingman Formula Force (old red), I felt the rumble strips strongly and consistently, as well as the train tracks, and I felt very immersed in Live For Speed.
I also feel like my G25 is not telling me when the front or rear tires are losing traction too well. Again, this was something the Formula Force's feedback "reported" very well. The force feedback on my G25 is strong, but it's not giving me the real feedback I'd like to feel, to tell me what the car is doing. So far the tire/road interaction felt more realistic in LFS with my Formula Force than with the G25.
I feel like a big part of the immersion from the force feedback is missing. Can someone who has figured these issues out perhaps offer some ideas, please.
I've tried every setting between 180 and 900 degrees of rotation, centering spring on and off (with slider at 0), spring forces at 101 and at 0, damper setting at 101 and at 0, overall effects strength at 100 and at 101.
I've tried all the different controller settings suggested within LFS as well. Still no rumble on the strips unless the wheel is pointing straight ahead. I've checked the cfg.txt file in the main LFS folder, and FF Steps is set at 256 as someone suggested to check.
The G25 is giving me a lot of feedback to tell me what the car is doing in other sims (especially in RBR, and with some tweaking in GPL, RFactor, GTL, and GTR2). I haven't tried it with Netkar Pro or NR2003 yet.
But I'd really like to be able to figure this out for LFS, rather than switching back to my Formula Force just to drive LFS! LOL
The force feedback in LFS is known to be some of the best in any of the great sims, and I know this first hand from driving it for years with my Formula Force. I'd like that same great feedback with my G25. So I hope someone can help me.
Thanks so much,
I just got my G25 last week, and have been configuring it pretty successfully for the 8 sims I drive regularly (GPL, GTL, GTR2, RFactor, LFS, RBR, Netkar PRO, and NR2003).
I've been reading through every discussion on here about the G25 and Force Feedback settings for LFS, but haven't seen the issue I'm having mentioned exactly. I've tried every setup configuration mentioned in those threads, for the control panel and in the LFS settings page.
The issue I'm having is that I'm only feeling the rumble strips if the wheel is centered (car pointing straight ahead). If I drive over a rumble strip while the wheel is turned to any degree off center (2 degrees to 90 degrees and beyond), I don't feel the rumble strip. I'm also not feeling the "train tracks" on the bridge at Fern Bay. With my old Wingman Formula Force (old red), I felt the rumble strips strongly and consistently, as well as the train tracks, and I felt very immersed in Live For Speed.
I also feel like my G25 is not telling me when the front or rear tires are losing traction too well. Again, this was something the Formula Force's feedback "reported" very well. The force feedback on my G25 is strong, but it's not giving me the real feedback I'd like to feel, to tell me what the car is doing. So far the tire/road interaction felt more realistic in LFS with my Formula Force than with the G25.
I feel like a big part of the immersion from the force feedback is missing. Can someone who has figured these issues out perhaps offer some ideas, please.
I've tried every setting between 180 and 900 degrees of rotation, centering spring on and off (with slider at 0), spring forces at 101 and at 0, damper setting at 101 and at 0, overall effects strength at 100 and at 101.
I've tried all the different controller settings suggested within LFS as well. Still no rumble on the strips unless the wheel is pointing straight ahead. I've checked the cfg.txt file in the main LFS folder, and FF Steps is set at 256 as someone suggested to check.
The G25 is giving me a lot of feedback to tell me what the car is doing in other sims (especially in RBR, and with some tweaking in GPL, RFactor, GTL, and GTR2). I haven't tried it with Netkar Pro or NR2003 yet.
But I'd really like to be able to figure this out for LFS, rather than switching back to my Formula Force just to drive LFS! LOL

Thanks so much,