Nothing, which is precisely the point. You claimed* that because they enjoy / use the demo for a prolonged period of time, they're not interested in buying games and probably steal them instead.. your statement holds no water, thus exactly the same as my (deliberately) pointless comment
You didn't say that. No one's saying they shouldn't be told where to go, but not all demo users are asking for that
*sigh* This is going off topic now...... i said they are likely. (hence the word probberly). People who, while playing Demo for many months/year(s), who really like the game but wont buy it, however say they want extra features for free .....
And thus, based on the fact they dont want to pay for a game - Full S2- that they have played the demo version for such a long time, which if they didnt like, wouldnt play, who wont pay for it, when its relativly cheap for a game, why would they pay for others?
Demo Racers, asking for more cars and tracks for free? I didnt say that did i.... and im not telling them where to go. Just that rather than begging for extra content on an allready overly generous demo, they should go and buy S2
Again that isn't what you said, you're changing things to try and reinforce your rapidly collapsing "argument".. you stereotyped demo users as probable thieves, like many others here do just as I stereotyped you for liking "drifting". Some people come in asking for "nawz" and "tyres that produce red smoke".. which is stupid but they're part of the "drifting" community, so going by your line of thought that demo users are (probably) thieves, I must assume that all "drifters" are (probably) stupid.. right?
Maybe because they enjoy them more? or they have branded content or simply because they're of a completely different genre.
Again, you're stereotyping / generalising far too much... engage brain before fingers, please
I did think about what i said before i typed it. I still and will allways maintain that, some demo users seriously cant afford S2 full, while others, the ones (who not allways but often) want to get free content at a no cost could buy it if they wanted. They would just prefer extra things for free.
And, to be honest i dont like drifting. Hurts my arms.
I have played LFS since pre finished S1. I played demo for a long time, because i had to buy it, and since i was about 12 at the time, thats kind of understandable. I saved and bought it. It cost me £12. (now £24) The price of another racing game, lets say GTR2, which doesnt have the longlivety *spelling* of LFS costs like £29.99, which i recently saw it for.
You assumed that when i said they probberly crack other games, (which i honestly think they do), that i was sweeping the whole demo community. Not at all, just those who want free things for nothing. Beggars cant be choosers. But yes, you saying that people are (probberly) .... is correct.
either way nobody can deny that there is something seriously wrong with a demo that has more players than the full version that people actually organize events for and that causes players to keep playing it for years without a moments thought if the game might actually be worth 24 pounds ... and lack of content sure isnt the reason
You see, now we don't have an argument, some people really can't afford it, some people can and would prefer extras for free, _some_ being the operative word
Price really has nothing to do with it however.. I've paid for 4 licenses.. you've bought your licenses.. I'm sure the devs are grateful to us.. the point is that that's where our interests stop (or should).. _we've_ paid for what _we_ got, what anyone else does is frankly none of our business. Me fighting for "demo rights" is really none of my business either, but it's embarrassing being part of a community that treats them like they have the plague or something. I don't support the obvious freeloaders who just want more and more in the demo, however, that's still not for you or me to decide or even really make comment on.
I didn't assume at all... you posted (before you edited):
You _have_ grouped everyone into the same category, I didn't assume
What you think and what really happens are 2 very different things also. While in some cases your thoughts maybe correct, many times they won't be
I've been saying the same things for the last 40 minutes. But we seem to be understanding each other a bit now. Yeah i suppose i could have worded better but my point still stand valid. Now i must go and drink coffee.... goodnight
Agreed, a game demo isn't supposed to have it's own "community" with teams and events and all that. That's not the purpose of a demo.
If it was up to me I'd say there should be a time limit on (any) demo and I'm not talking about 20 to 30 days like a lot of software has, in the case of LFS maybe 6 months or so, so you can really get a feel for the sim and you may need a bit of time since a lot of players are new to the racing. After that, if you haven't made up your mind yet, you probably wont.
Or, you don't want to spend the money, in which case I say, tough luck, try something else. No freeloading. The Demo is very very generous, as said a few times before.
I know some, usually younger, players have a hard time when it comes to affording the full version, or maybe they cannot buy something over the internet. But that's life, life's expensive and not always fair.
There's plenty ways to earn a few bucks/pounds/euros/insert your currency here.
p.s. in case you wonder how long I was a demo racer, about 20 minutes.
It isnt an assumption, its the truth. We American men enter manhood by murdering. It is a time honored tradition. Myself, I have seven kills before age 14. Sometimes we have a specific way of murdering others. In Illinois for example, after you murder someone, you point your gun up in the air and scream "flatlanders!!" Then some crazy lightning bolt stuff goes on.
I played the demo on and off for about six months before I decided to buy the full game - I did not have much time to play and occasionally did a few hotlaps to try improve my best times with the demo combo. Only after a few months I decided to play online and see what it was like, and within a month of playing on the demo servers I bought the full game. If I had not enjoyed my time on the demo servers, I would not have bought the game.
Luckily I did not visit the forums before purchasing the game. If I had read this thread, or any similar one for that matter, it would probably have discouraged me from joining this online community.
I'd like to start a complaint thread about people who spend their time complaining on the forum, and chase them all back onto the track!
Like, come on ! You could cut us some slack! I hate being insulted by s2 racers, it just makes getting s2 seem useless
I'll consider on it though
EDIT:MadFred- So, I have been on lfs demo for 11 months. I loved it all, even with all the problems it had. I even made a team. Saying that was all useless is stupid, and inconsiderate.
And why is drifting stupid? Why do you dislike it? It's exciting and puts a twist on the game! Just because I like to drift blackwood *mutters*
Also, what is wrong with being "<15 years old"? I am only 13...and..well..I don't think I am acting immaturely...then again..don't all teenagers think that way? :P
Well I did not say it was useless. You have to read more carefully, I was just expressing my opinion about game demos.
I don't think it's a bad thing you have spent 11 months with the demo, I hope you loved every minute of it, and the fact that you made a team is great, that's what the online experience is about, playing together, teaming up, having fun...
You say that you are considering getting a license, well great, that means the demo has served it's purpose, it gave you a taste of LFS, and you want more. Believe me, and all the others that have said it, it is SO worth the money.
I'm just saying, that in my opinion there should be some restrictions with demos. Right now you can look at the LFS demo as a complete game. Sure it has only one track with different layouts, and 3 cars, but you have full acces to the options ingame. Plus you have unlimited acces to online play.
I just meant to say that normally a demo is not a game as such, but only a teaser of things to come, and usually you cannot even play a proper bit or you're restricted to half a level or track and bound by time. What would you have done if the demo would only give you 6 months? You would probably have had just as much fun and bought S2 sooner? Who knows?
You simply cannot deny that normally a demo would not be used the way the LFS demo is used. It's great that you can, but I think it's not the right way. To each his opinion.
That other stuff you mention I'm sure, does not apply to my post, as I never said anything about drifting or about youngsters being immature, you're probably refering to someone else.
I hope you join us in S2 as soon as you see fit. You have had a few bad experiences with less mature S2 users perhaps, but to be honest, that's only a very small portion of the people around, and yes, they are populating both sides of the fence.
The rest are good people from my experience, so don't let a few bad apples drive you away!!
In what world do you live? If a salesman wastes 3/4 of it's potential sales (because that is how much more demo users there are!) through free giveaways, he has to be the most incapable salesman on earth or very very generous... In that view, consider yourself lucky for what you have instead of asking more...
And there is no point in adding another car to the demo, for one simple reason: Unlike in other sims, the physics in LfS are universal. That means that what's true for one car is true for the other... And if you haven't recognized the fun you can get from the full version, you're either blindfolded or have no understanding of car behaviour and/or cars in general... Chances are you have no driving licence and have never experienced how it is to sit behind the wheel of a car... Am I right?
Normally demos are just window dressing - really bloody annoying window dressing that will run smoothly on your low end pc, and then when you shell out cash .... nothing works and some kidult entertainment company has shafted you for forty quid.
And then the software producing community have the gall to whine about how people crack their games. Treat people in that manner and you deserve to be cracked
That at least is why the LFS demo is as it should be... A fully working copy.
LFS S2 is worth having, the devs were very smart to make a demo you can play forever, however, that being said...s2 is so much better. It's not just friends, it can be like an extended family.
I never raced the demo online. I downloaded the demo one afternoon, bought s1 the next day, it was everything I wanted in a game...and I bonused all the tech support from the forums.
Because of being lucky enough to meet a few good people at first, I decided to try to start a team...we had an 8 person server ( 266 MHZ out of Oregon).....but for some reason people showed...we grew.
We grew by sharing, sets,info, we're up with servers up the yim yam, a great team of 10 guys.....we've held WR's and League titles (i.e. NAL ...NASSA Hallen 3rd)
The only line between S2 and that when we pay the devs they are more able to provide us with a better game.
That's another point of S2, not many people being ripped off, not that I've seen or know of any....S2 people will always encourage demo players to's a only grows with your support. BTW if you're so cheap as to not want this game, you should have bought it before the wheel.
No disrespect, but by your own logic, you cannot know what the sauber F1 car feels like IRL just because you have some experience in it's lower powered cousin either then. (Unless you have driven one. They DID get real life data from the team, I'd reckon it's pretty accurate to an extend, but who am I, I have never raced one IRL)
Granted though, the physics in LFS, although really good for this genre of computer games, if not right up there on top, are far from perfect!
I agree on the fact that you can't get all those RL variables in.
But that's a bit besides the point. You would have the FOX be available in the demo? and maybe an oval? That's what you said.
So what if the next guy wants to preview a street course, South City?
And maybe HE would rather have a taste of the GTR cars!
They simply cannot add content to a demo because you cannot please everyone and everyone would want something else, and it's never enough.
The demo is what it is, and allready it's more than, IMHO, a demo should be. You get a taste of FWD, RWD and a Turbo charged version.
If you understand the basics in these, you'll be able to work your way up through the formula class aswell. (And the rest) Isn't that part of the fun, discovering things about a game after you purchased it? More demo content means more people will have enough to do in there and don't buy the full game.
You said something about the demo getting people addicted, after which they will buy the game, but again, that is not the purpose of a demo, a demo shows you the product to be, and then you take the gamble and buy it, like almost any other product you can buy in life, and THEN you find out what it's really like, and THEN you get addicted, at least that's how it usually works.
Therefor the demo racer in LFS is allready very lucky to have a compleet, miniature, game which he can play indefinatly. Asking for more is, indeed, as said before, rude and unnecessary, because you wont get more.
I must agree with you that it's not cool to go and assume stuff about people and insult them as such.
I really don't believe what i am seeing here in this thread.
This Demo is not enough for you guys?! How ungreatfull can someone be?!
Jesus, you can play it online For FREE indefinately, you have 3 cars, and 3 variations of the Blackwood, and that is not enough?!
I have a great time playing on the Demo servers, a lot of Serbian people are there, so i like to jump in, and help them with some advices, etc..
But how cheap can you be to ask MORE for free??
If you wanna know how FOX behaves, then caugh up the bloody 35 euros, is it really that much?
I can understand if it REALLY IS that much for some, but, than you gotta be bloody greatfull for this great Demo, that you can play indefinatelly, and always enjoy every minute of it.
Is it really hard to accept that these three guys have a family, that they have to eat, pay bills... etc.. is it really hard to accept, that you have to pay for ONE bloody game in your so-used-to-crack life?!
You type "multiplayer LFS crack" in the and nothing comes up?? oh my god.. the end is near..
How dare they, less than S2 drivers.....Hmm.....that would cause the problem, let me ask you, if you seen some NooB.......what you do.....just keep *hitting on him/her/he/she/
You're uptight, Loosen up, "gotta be loose to be fast"
I was never given any abuse or the like from S2 members when I was a demo racer, infact..I was complimented on and someone told me to get S2, because they want people like me in the community.
90% of demo users are like "y0! how do i get de spinnerz?!?" "I want n0s, I want bodykits" and all that crap, not all of them are, but i see a request for bodykits and the like, look to the left and see Demo Racer.
Most of us understand that some cant afford S2, they are too young, or other reasons, not all of us live in first world countries. Us S2 users dont hate people like you, its the people that play demo all day, all night and dont pay out a tiny sum to help the devs who have put 6 years into making a game for us to enjoy. Two reasons I bought S2, I wanted to broaden my horizons by getting more cars etc and too support the devs in the brilliant job they do making this game.
I dare any demo user to buy S2 and regret it. It is one of the best choices I made and one of the worst for my social life
Wise Words: Demo users...stop acting idiots and we will respect you. You gain alot of respect the day you buy S2.
You do get what you pay for, If you like racing on demo, good for you enjoy, race it for the next 10 years if you like , but you will not get what LFS is really about .
Its been posted many times how much better the racing experience is in the full version.
To answer the OP question, No of course not.. have you seen the mess the world is in ATM that is Tension, I come here for fun and relaxation.
Buy a licence or stick with the demo makes no difference to me I judge others by how fair and clean they race, demo or s2.
I know demo users are getting about 1% of what the licenced version offers and I'm not just talking about more cars and tracks it's even better than that .