The online racing simulator
Not really the standard type of edited pics, but hey it does involve an LFS model and DTP editing, so!
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feedback pls

here my pm xrr @south city..
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Quote from Konsole :feedback pls

here my pm xrr @south city..

That is awesome man!
Sam, so thats where the thing on your msn came from
Pretty nice Konsole. I like the scenery and the bluish theme... but I think that because the car is in the shade, it makes the car too dark and doesn't stand out enough :o

That and the side mirror is really bright

But I still like it :up:
another attempt.

what's fsaa and do i find that on photoshop?


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#407 - Don
full screen antialising - you have to enable it in your graphics card settings (drivers)
...or "Full Scene Anti-Aliasing"
nope, Don is right, "Full Screen"...
It's the same thing... :doh: (Can use Screen or Scene, doesn't matter)
Well, just call it FSAA guys
Quote from -freak- :WTF !!!!!!!!

DON, I want to have a baby from you !!!!! PLEASE !!!!


ROFL I couldn't express it any better! Don your work is totally outstanding.

I demand "edited pics exclusively by DoN" thread!
Quote from Don :something quick...

wohoo, it's great to see others racing my skins and with such a nice edit, it's even cooler! thx
#414 - Don
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very nice!

(added some new pics to ZT gallery)
YES, give it to me Don! Great
Lower the opacity, and try gaussian blur (Not sure if that would work)
just gotta copy an area of what you want reflected (REMEMBER! the ground doesnt become one giant mirror, water has a thick consistancy and so it forms puddles), just mirror it upside down, and lower the opacity of it (make sure you have only areas you want reflected, if you try to reflect a whole area it will look odd due to depth perception
its really not all to hard
Ahhh crap, Ven what I said was for the rain not the reflection lol. I'll make a tutorial for everyone
Here is the best I could explain it by, and the finished product in Hi-Res
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Reflection Example.jpg
Rain is more like a particle system than a surface
So you should add also some smaller dots in the bg, and brighter/bigger in the front.
But nice reflections (bit weird perspective though)
Quote from Don :

now were talkin babyyyyyyyyyy
top notch, one of ya best to date.
just shame the alloywheels are black.
u can further enhance this pic by playing with dirt and dust trail the wheels would leave on the air.
as is, ***** stars.
Quote from KiDCoDEa :now were talkin babyyyyyyyyyy
top notch, one of ya best to date.
just shame the alloywheels are black.
u can further enhance this pic by playing with dirt and dust trail the wheels would leave on the air.
as is, ***** stars.

Yes, that is very nice work there Don.

I'd lose the strange lighting on the inside edges of the tyres on the left (as we look) also, but some dust and debris would be killer
Thats one of the sexiest and most dynamic edited screenshots I've come across, Don, very nice work! A true artist :up:

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )