You know, I was gonna post on that thread from the banned troll about this but the thread quickly devolved into nonsense and got locked.
WHen you look at getting the licenses for LFS all at once, then yeah it's
gonna be expensive. That's getting the licenses all at once. And to you UK guys that think that getting both licenses at once is still a bargain price
compared to boxed games, you pay too much for boxed games and should really revolt against your government for ridiculuos taxes and tarrifs

That's it! Dress like Indians, sneak into London's waterfront, raid the docked freighters and dump every video game title you see into the harbor!
(Hey it worked in Boston)
The cost of living in the UK is a lot higher than most other places and I'm sure that the costs for whatever you have over there is going to be adjusted accordingly. I bet if the devs did this game from like Nebraska, they could sell it for less, but not much though. And they gotta eat and pay bills in the UK.
When I got S-1 it was only for I think $20 usd and S-2 was like 22 or 24 dollars. When it's broken up like that, then, I really think LFS is about the best bargain you can get in puchasing a video game. but added together
it starts to sound pretty expensive.
I won't go into how much content you get with these licenses as most people seem to get stuck on the overall price.
You could tell them to get the licenses in installments, but apparently not many are wanting to do that. And that sucks. S-1 is better than what it was two years ago and should keep a bunch of people happy as it is.
But everyone wants to get what they perceive to be the complete package
and complains about the total cost of that.
I honestly think S-3 will not pick up very many new people for that very reason. because then your looking at even more money to be spent for the
first time buyer and again, I doubt they'll go for the installment plan.
And that's not just Americans not buying lfs s-3, that's everyone. Even UKers.
The exchange rate between the dollar and the pound has always been about 2 to 1 for as long as I can remember. it fluctuates some here & there, but not all that much. even so, the cost of goods coming into the US from the UK has always been on the expensive side ( I think they're still pissed by the Indian thing in Boston)
So if you're an American, comparing the price of LFS to other British imports, you come out ahead especially since we don't have to pay excise tax, import fees or heck, even sales tax.
LOL Those people that think LFS is expensive now don't know the half of it.
I know I spent close to $300 on lfs by way of wheel & computer upgrades.
But that's ok the entertainment value from just having S-1 alone and using a mouse surpassed that cost. And when I plunk down that 12 pounds for S-3, I'll still be happy knowing i "spent too much $$$ on a @#%!! video game".