Why is BF1 used so little?
(75 posts, started )
I like the BF1 but I dont find a track to race in, i tried to at WE but I was 5secs behind of the WR and couldnt get closer xD But imo the BF1 rocks
I prefer the F08 over the bf1. if my wheel wasnt slightly broken, i'd probably be in a few leagues... but in my current situation its not worth the hassle...

Most people cant drive consistantly fast with the F08, and there's even a lower percentage that can do it with the BF1.
The BF1 is quite the fun hotlapper.... Not much fun in a race, since there are very few that can drive the car to its limits in a competition. Human reflexes as transmitted through a networked connection and the car's abilities don't really mix that well. Besides, the TC really makes the car not much fun. I really didn't like the FO8 at first, but after driving it in a league environment like LOTA, I think it is the best open-wheeler in LFS. Now, if they would only fix that aero bug.....
#29 - joen
I enjoy driving the BF1 and drove it quite a lot online when it was new. The standard of driving on servers was reasonable but improvable. I thought it was just like that because it was new. But over time the level even went down immensely. And I would be on full grid BW servers where I was one of three or four people could get in under 1:00.
So the problem is just that there's just not enough people being able to drive it at least decently.
Quote from sinbad :I don't get excited by BF1, or indeed any of the "fast cars" of LFS, simply because they're fast. Fast is meaningless, whether I'm doing 80mph in a UF1000 or 180mph in a BF1, I'm still sat on a chair doing precisely zeroMph. I enjoy the feeling of the car, the movement and a realistic reaction to my in input. I never race BF1 because I'd be alone on the server most of the time if I did, and on the odd occasion that I have been racing it on a populated server on a track other than yawnwood it has been a crashathon.

Hi sin
just to point out you are traveling at 67,062 miles per hour right now. we all are.
Quote from joen :I enjoy driving the BF1 and drove it quite a lot online when it was new. The standard of driving on servers was reasonable but improvable. I thought it was just like that because it was new. But over time the level even went down immensely. And I would be on full grid BW servers where I was one of three or four people could get in under 1:00.
So the problem is just that there's just not enough people being able to drive it at least decently.

You mean some people can't get under a minute? I think my first flying lap in the Sauber was under a minute, and that's with the default settings and a completely new car... I'm not saying I'm brilliant or anything (I'm quite clearly not), but I wouldn't have thought anyone would struggle to get under a minute!
#32 - joen
Quote from tristancliffe :You mean some people can't get under a minute? I think my first flying lap in the Sauber was under a minute, and that's with the default settings and a completely new car... I'm not saying I'm brilliant or anything (I'm quite clearly not), but I wouldn't have thought anyone would struggle to get under a minute!

Yup a whole field of them
I had the impression quite a lot of people were driving with keyboard though, constantly locking the brakes at just about every corner.
I remember I was behind someone and he slammed the brakes in the last section before coming up the straight on BW illepall: So obviously I ended up the rear end of the car. A couple of incidents like this later I disconnected and didn't enter any BF1 race after that.
Maybe it has improved after that, it was quite some time ago.
Quote from Forbin :@sinbad: You say you're doing 0 mph in your char, and you're right. However, I say you're going much faster than that, and I'd be right too.

@ you and the other pedantic knowitall up there :
Yes yes, whoooshing through space and all that. I'm sure, like me, you have adrenaline pumping through your veins 24/7. For me it's a relief to travel as fast as possible in the opposite direction, just to slow myself down and ease out of the mad rush I get for a while.

Next time I say I'm travelling at Xmph, I'll be sure to either say "Across the surface of the planet Earth", "through the air (of the planet Earth)" or I'll work out my direction relative to the orbit and rotation of the planet Earth, and subtract or add my planet Earth speed accordingly, thus giving people a true idea of how fast I'm actually travelling, rather than needlessly misleading people.
Since velocity is only relative to something else, and most of us here live on planet Earth, it's safe to assume you could do without that.
Quote from speedykev :Hi sin
just to point out you are traveling at 67,062 miles per hour right now. we all are.

Is that taking into account the expansion of the local universe too (relative to the point at which the big bang occured)?
Or the fact our solar system is on the edge of a spiral arm orbiting the centre of the galaxy? Absolute speed is very complex, and completely meaningless really.

Tristan - who says that all of nothingness wasn't already travelling at half the speed of dark, to the left, when it became into existance?
And maybe we're in a binary universe, orbiting closely around a second universe that we can't see as well.

This, I fear, could get silly.
I love the BF1 because I like racing against the best. If you can find a group of people who are fast in it, you will have awesome and very demanding races. This does require joining a league, though.

At some point you have a realization that it can do so much more than you've been expecting from it, and then you're fast. New racers need to find this limit *and* have a good setup, or they'll be wrecking. A bad BF1 setup is really bad, since things get fubar so fast. My advice to newbies in the BF1 is to use the default setup until you know exactly what you don't like about it, because the default set can get you very close to the WR without creating a wreck fest, while the hotlap setups are too unstable for multiplayer racing.
Its too fast and too difficult for most people. People complain it isn't fun - hah, thats because they just don't have the ability to go wheel to wheel for 10 laps against 5 other cars while setting near pb laptimes. Then it is fun
Quote from southamptonfc :Its too fast and too difficult for most people. People complain it isn't fun - hah, thats because they just don't have the ability to go wheel to wheel for 10 laps against 5 other cars while setting near pb laptimes. Then it is fun

One thing you learn when you get older I have found is that, Speed doesn't always equal fun, and fun doesn't always equal speed.

I can have a lot of fun racing competitive races in the slowest car in the game, the UF1, so excitment doesnt exponatianally increase with the speed of the car you are driving

You don't need to justify racing the UF1s when no critisism was levelled at racing that class of car or the fun that can be had with it.
I just said the bf1 was too fast and difficult for most people to drive at a level where they can go toe to toe.

This leads me to another point - that the people who are fastest in the bf1 drive the virtual streets of lfs with the smug satisfaction of knowing they are the best of the best.

Nearly everyone who can't drive them ends up saying things like 'they aren't as much fun' or 'you can't have decent races with them'. No, YOU can't have decent races with them

ps - you in general, not danowat.
Holy crap, I was hotlaping (bf1@ky gp long), damn it's hard to do it I just got 1:47.53.
But still fun.
you only at to say shut up speedy.
UF1 = "Ugly F1" right? Or is it "Ultimate F1"?

FWIW, I love the little cars, too. Guess I'm just another LFS fanboi.
It's personally to fast for me to control properly, but I think it's just getting used to thr braking points and hyper-acceleration.
Quote from VTiRoj :FO8 is more rewarding to drive, more of a drivers car IMO.

I agree with this, though I admit I haven't spent nearly as much time with the BF1 as I have with the FO8.

I think the BF1 will be much better for racing once the aero effects (dirty air) are fixed.
I'm inclined to think it's largely a self-perpetuating thing. Nobody drives the BF1 because nobody can drive the BF1 because nobody drives the BF1 &etc. I find the thing a challenge but can get around any given track in LFS without breaking it against a wall. Quite frankly, if it wasn't a tricky thing to drive you'd have to question how well LFS represents it. I dread to think what would happen if someone gave me some track time in a real F1 car. I suspect that assuming I managed to get away cleanly rather than stalling or just turning it through 180° in its own length, I'd giggle uncontrollably all the way down the straight, brake WAAAAY too early for the corner and then about halfway though the first corner just as I start gently feeding in the power I'd think something like "Hey, I really can drive thi...". *spin* Still, I like the BF1 but as others have said, the F08 is a better drive. I'd say it's my favourite car and not just because it's brain-fryingly fast. It does the aero thing but still has huge amounts of mechanical grip so you can actually slide it around a bit and still go fast. Granted, you can do that with the BF1 as well, but I often wonder whether neatly pulling out of the long gentle drift just as I kiss the ripple strip is because I'm improving or just raw stupid luck. It *is* usable on a public server, but not for everyone.
I totally agree with the above, but i would also say, it is fragile.
The bF1 is not necessarily always on the edge, yet it react to inputs and tyre collisions as if it is. the FOX can bang into another fox, and not really get set to the Formula Car Hospital, where the BF1 and not so much the F08 do appear more fragile. This makes for real if difficult racing, and it is not as easy to race period. not the drive, but the other cars, where a tin top can rub and bump and generally not have ill effects, this thing can't at all.
the racing is not as good
this of course may be down to sheer practice as it is blazing fast but the F08 races are very good on average, the jump to the BF1 does not yet create such good interactions online.
The FOX is superb, racing and driving, a little faster F06 maybe to go before the F08 and maybe a heavier grippier car between the F08 and Bf1 would allow for a gradual formual ladder.
ofcourse we all want and want, but the BF1 needs more practce servers and more practice period...although I have had cracker races at BW1 with it and FB1 even AS Nat... of course the server had a lot to do with it
CORE, MCPOLICE (where are you) are simply some of the best, DSR can be a good server too, a few goofs but good. and ofcourse the STCC servers
how far is you license?
Can't speak for anyone else but the reason I don't use it is that I'm no good at driving it. It requires far more skill than I possess to drive it well and driving it poorly is just an exercise in frustration.
I think it's because most LFS drivers are a bunch of big girls blouses and simply cant handle a real man's car.

/me slips into some flame-proof overalls and runs away at top speed

Why is BF1 used so little?
(75 posts, started )