I totally agree with the above, but i would also say, it is fragile.
The bF1 is not necessarily always on the edge, yet it react to inputs and tyre collisions as if it is. the FOX can bang into another fox, and not really get set to the Formula Car Hospital, where the BF1 and not so much the F08 do appear more fragile. This makes for real if difficult racing, and it is not as easy to race period. not the drive, but the other cars, where a tin top can rub and bump and generally not have ill effects, this thing can't at all.
the racing is not as good
this of course may be down to sheer practice as it is blazing fast but the F08 races are very good on average, the jump to the BF1 does not yet create such good interactions online.
The FOX is superb, racing and driving, a little faster F06 maybe to go before the F08 and maybe a heavier grippier car between the F08 and Bf1 would allow for a gradual formual ladder.
ofcourse we all want and want, but the BF1 needs more practce servers and more practice period...although I have had cracker races at BW1 with it and FB1 even AS Nat... of course the server had a lot to do with it
CORE, MCPOLICE (where are you) are simply some of the best, DSR can be a good server too, a few goofs but good. and ofcourse the STCC servers
how far is you license?