Tension Between Demo and S2
(196 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :... "9th birthday" ? Asshole. Get you facts straight. And because you are being like that, fine, i'm not getting s2 if I am not ready for it. GO and try to find another 13 year old demo racer as mature as I am.

I'm sure many of the younger demo racers who manage to arrive here without calling people "****s", have much more maturity than one who feels the need to insult another member. One example of one would be Shaun463 (Now is S2 Licenced) and he may have seemed to be over-antzy, but atleast he tryed to help, and never found the need to insult other forumers, He is also supposedly 8, which really says something about your maturity.

I bid you farewell with several words:

Grow up.
I only feel the need to insult other members when they insult me. And even then I don't do it so often. It just happened that the nature of his post was so vulgar in my mind, that I had to retaliate. I wont be walked all over because I don't have a so-called 'status' as you all are priveleged to have.
Being 13 doesn't mean you're immature, look at me, 15 and the best exemple of immaturity
We can all learn from you, RM Although your signature is utterly, inescapably, unquestionably vulgar

How about everyone else take their Xanax/Prozac/scotch and back up a bit so this thread doesn't end up like every other similar thread, i.e. with a padlock on it? Differences of opinion are all well and good (they are the life's blood of forums) but I don't think anyone needs to be throwing insults around. Group hug!
Prozac it is.

i'll step it down a notch, sorry to anyone I offended.
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :I only feel the need to insult other members when they insult me.

My advice, don't stoop to their level, just ignore the post. If the user really gets on your nerves, just add them to your ignore list.
Well, as I said, I won't be stepped all over. BUt I've been insulted way too many times in this topic to keep it along. I can keep it together though =)
Sorry to double post, but i noticed...this topic has had more views than the login details sticky, and more replies than any of the stickies in this topic...

My reputation lives on
Quote from '[COBRA-R :Arn't S2 racers, Demo racers with more options? Think that over.

Okay, I thought about it.

S2 racers are people who've contributed financially to the continued development of LFS. Demo racers are people who haven't.
And so, by insulting us and spamming us to buy s2, we can only gain respect by "contributing to the development of lfs".

That shows how respected we are, in code.

I thought about it.
Quote from [COBRA-R]Blingy :I hate it when S2 members come on, and say. "I hate Demo racers!"

Point me to topics where this happened.
I have never seen anyone say that.
This thread is about such a non-issue, like demoracers get slaughtered here daily. Oh boy, someone said something bad to a demoracer, he/she must hate them. Either I'm missing a whole lot on this forum, or some people just have really thin skin.
It has come to a point where I almost hesitate to tell a demoracer to go and RTFM about something (which I would tell an S2 racer just as easily) because he might get offended and I get accused of being an arrogant demoracer basher.

Quote :
And so, by insulting us and spamming us to buy s2, we can only gain respect by "contributing to the development of lfs".

Did he say that?

I've got some good advice for some of you demoracers: when someone replies to you...breaaattthhheee innnnnn....breeeaathhhee oouttt....think about the reply you just got for more than one second....think some more.... and then reply.
On a grammatical note, since when has "Arn't" became the contraction of "Are not" I always thought it was "Aren't"...?
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :And so, by insulting us and spamming us to buy s2, we can only gain respect by "contributing to the development of lfs".

That shows how respected we are, in code.

I thought about it.

Who? Where?
Okay, I got the easiest way for Demo not to be blasted by S2s: BY A LICENSE
You can ask us to breathe in and breathe out?

OMG!!#E!@312!2 PL0X GET ME TEH NEON HAXX0rrRZRZRZAZZZZZ-An s2's impression of a demo racer's question

Is there are hack for neons in s2? <---actuality

Now, the way an s2 licensed player reacts isn't pretty.
Who wants to flame the guy of the neon mod? <--- good answer
Quote from [COBRA-R]Blingy : WHAT IS THIS!? Arn't S2 racers, Demo racers with more options? Think that over.

I like to think S2 racers are demo racers with more responsibility, They can get banned from the game for any lenth of time if they act the tit, they can get banned from servers for any lenth of time etc etc. They can lose that s2 license if they don't act proper. Demo racers don't have any such worries.

Cr!t!calDrift: I don't think ive seen anyone directly insult you in this thread for whatever reason. You seem to be playing up the image of a victim. This in my view is why demo racers can be percieved to be a nuisance at times, the drama thats caused. Seems that theres a certian sect of demo players willing to scream PERSECUTION at the first sign of someone saying something they don't agree with.

And as for your famed reputation, I can find tons of threads on this forum that has more views and more replies. Seems everytime the topic dies off you jump back in spout some more bull then cry about the replys. Yay you, heres a medal.

Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :You can ask us to breathe in and breathe out?

I can ask, can't I?

Quote :
OMG!!#E!@312!2 PL0X GET ME TEH NEON HAXX0rrRZRZRZAZZZZZ-An s2's impression of a demo racer's question

Is there are hack for neons in s2? <---actuality

Now, the way an s2 licensed player reacts isn't pretty.

So basically, you hate seeing demoracers generalized, yet you seem to be in your right to generalize S2 racers assuming they all think the same?

Makes sense.

Seriously get out of your victim role.
I think joen has it bang to rights.

Cr!t!cal, you're determined that S2 licenced racers have a superiority complex. This is completely lost on the S2 racers, because they don't have. You're transferring what is, in FACT, your INFERIORITY complex.

You feel inferior, because you're a demo racer, and you blame the S2 licenced racers for that feeling. No fair. So stop trying to make a conflict where there isn't one. The only conflict that ACTUALLY exists is in your own self.

I'm 100% satisfied that this ENTIRE fake conflict is your own making. Give it up. It's making the forum look untidy.
You do get the occasional spot of demo-bashing or mild tension but really, it's not some kind of epidemic. I barely notice it until one of these threads pops up. To be frank, threads like this tend to cause more tension than there actually is from what I've seen over the past few years. Same with the old "why do pplz h8 drift0rz?" threads - they create more bad mojo than anything else that happens either on this forum or the track.
I totally agree. I think this thread should be put to bed. It's far from helpful, not remotely constructive, and serves only to perpetuate an over-generalised myth that does nothing but harm to the community.
This thread is closed

Tension Between Demo and S2
(196 posts, closed, started )