Dirt on tyres
(68 posts, started )
Dirt on tyres
Just want to know what everyone else thinks about this....

I think the dirt on the tyres is WAY to extreme. It's a great feature but it's not realistic.
You cant even hook a wheel over a curb or you'll get dirt on your tyres which will make u suffer for the next 3 or 4 corners.
I'd vote for it to be toned down at least 50%

Just my thoughts
Simple awnser, Don't cut corners. Dirt happens, embrace it or drive an AWD.
#3 - Lible
It`S not realistic in rallyX, because tyres wouldn`t get dirty if driving on rallycross track.
I dunno, dirt seems to come off quickly enough. Perhaps it does reduce grip too much, but then obviously it depends how dirty you get the tire. If the dirt bar is quite short then the difference isn't much, it's only when it's fully caked that you really notice it.

Lible - so rallycross tyres never get dirty eh? That's pretty amazing.
#5 - M.Mos
Agree partly. I think a slick could behave like that. But with normal/super its unrealistic and extreme. Did some UF1 racing as aston/cadet And a dirty rear wheel needs 1-2 laps to totaly clean up again.

If you ever touched a hot slick , you know its is more like chewing gum. And everything which is forced into the tire will stay there for a while
#6 - Lible
Quote from Bob Smith :Lible - so rallycross tyres never get dirty eh? That's pretty amazing.

No, they would get dirty if you go to grass, but when driving ON TRACK, they would not.
#7 - tpa
My teammate GPunkt happens to be the german RallyX Champion of 2003 and he said that he liked the simulation of dirty tires.

According to him, the loss of grip is about 30% and that it does stay there quite a while, especially on slicks.

Sidenote: They use slicks in rallyx racing, with an improvised profile cut into them, depending on the track... no knobbly or hybrid tires to be seen anywhere on those cars
I've been watching some karting events, and had a close look to the tires after races. Dirt, grass and stuff really seems to stick into hot slicks as far as I saw and tried to pick dirt and stuff out of the tires.
Quote from M.Mos :If you ever touched a hot slick , you know its is more like chewing gum.

It's not something exclusive to slick tyres, even standard road tyres get extremely sticky when they're hot, and would still pick up a load of dirt. Probably a bit less than slicks though

Personally, I think the effect is superb in LFS. I love how it punishes you when you've stuck one corner off the track, and you can feel it
Yea, it is done great.. But depends how much you went into grass/sand.. If it is just a litlle, it would be noticable just in the next corner, and then it would fall off.. I don't think that it is exagerathed...
Quote from Lible :No, they would get dirty if you go to grass, but when driving ON TRACK, they would not.

So where do you drive on the rallyX tracks then, because they have dirt roads in them.
I think the dirt on tires feature is perfect, seems to act very much like I would expect a dirty tire to...and with the rally thing, yes rally tires get dirt on them, but it doesnt effect the traction on the dirt, because the traction mostly comes from the knobs of the tires not the friction of the outer surface of the tire, but it would be effect if the groves got filled in...but thats a whole differnt subject.
Duration of dirt adhesion is fine, loss of grip is hard to tell if it's realistic for road tires, mostly because I think the road tires aren't convincing to begin with. It's a great feature though.

They are doing rallyX with slicks, tpa?! Wow, that's kinda cool. "Knobbly" tires in LFS when in the real world people get to use cut-up slicks...

Is Lible maybe thinking of autoX? -the kind of mistake I would like to make if I *really* had to. Beats losing car keys any day.
Quote from nikimere :Just want to know what everyone else thinks about this....

I think the dirt on the tyres is WAY to extreme. It's a great feature but it's not realistic.
You cant even hook a wheel over a curb or you'll get dirt on your tyres which will make u suffer for the next 3 or 4 corners.
I'd vote for it to be toned down at least 50%

Just my thoughts

i know someone that isnt a racedriver like you and requested the EXACT same thing. he wasnt heard maybe you are...
Quote from Lible :It`S not realistic in rallyX, because tyres wouldn`t get dirty if driving on rallycross track.

#16 - Gunn
In a recent F1 broadcast an ex-driver said something like: It can take several corners before you have any real grip at all, and sometimes a lap or more before full grip returns. This was in response to tyres on grass, if I recall correctly.

Not all tyres and situations would be equal, but indeed race slicks get slippery and stay slippery for several corners or more after getting dirty.
Quote from Tillverkad :I've been watching some karting events, and had a close look to the tires after races. Dirt, grass and stuff really seems to stick into hot slicks as far as I saw and tried to pick dirt and stuff out of the tires.

Very true, gravel sticks to slicks when they are hot. I think the effect is realistic.
hi. I don't know a thing about real racing, other than I think it's rigged...

but I've seen them take a brasing torch and a scraper to slicks that had dirt and crud build up on them, once the car pitted and they reused them later.
I also imagine where there are alot of skids on the track, that there would be a loss of traction at that point.... it seems so with S-2.

but from what I've seen tires, especially slicks when hot, can collect alot of dirt and debris on them... espescially if the driver takes the "scenic route" on the track.
#19 - tpa
Quote from Racer Y :
I also imagine where there are alot of skids on the track, that there would be a loss of traction at that point.... it seems so with S-2.

I haven't noticed this effect in S2 and actually quite the opposite is the case in real life. The more rubber lays on the track, the grippier it gets
ok i see most people are talking about the length of time the dirt stays on the tyre. i'm not saying that is unrealistic, its probably true (i dunno i never look at my tyres when racing) but the affect it has to the grip of the car is unrealistic. you shouldn't have so much grip loss.
i see some people talking about F1... well this isn't F1, a touring car is much defferent because the car is much softer and dirt on the tyres doesn't affect the handling that much.
it's a great system just a little too much friction lost i think.
Listen to Niki, he knows what he's talking about.

Although I got used to it, I too felt theres too much grip loss when tyres get dirty. And after experiencing it in S2 now it gives me creeps every time I see a car put a wheel on grass in any other sim/game or when watching real races. For example in last BTCC race at Croft cars were often taking a lot of dirt on all 4 tyres cutting the flat right kink before the very fast right corner, and I was concerened whether they would loose it there, but no, they just kept on racing hard and close as ever. Of course I don't know what drivers felt at those times but from the TV cam I couldn't see them slowing any bit at all. I know if that was LFS I would have to slow down quite a bit or slide off the track.

The section after back straight in Blackwood can be a real disaster if I put a left rear wheel on the dirt on the exit and then everybody else catches me through the next right S turn when I have to take it hmm 10-20kph or so slower. In GTi.
#22 - Rayo
After seeing that new patch Q doesnt address this specific issue Im forced to BUMP this topic. I know dirt like it is now helps preventing people from cutting grass but it feels heavily overreacted, both in terms of loss of adhesion and duration. On a side note, I think it would be more real to lose the car that suddenly if you are riding the outside curbs on entry of fast turns, something that I think its sort of missing also.
Yeah although i haven't done any real racing it does seem to be too extreme the amount of grip you lose, but i also don't think the dirt actually stays on the tyres long enough.
Quote from Rayo :I think it would be more real to lose the car that suddenly if you are riding the outside curbs on entry of fast turns, something that I think its sort of missing also.


First, we don't have "rumble strips" in LFS but merely smoothish curbs. Second, the curbs often provide more grip than the asphalt because they're so slick.
#25 - axus
I think that the issue is that if you only a small portion of the width of the tyre goes on the grass, the grip loss is the same as if the whole tyre had gone on the grass. We should have inner, middle and outer sampling spots for tyre dirt IMO.

Dirt on tyres
(68 posts, started )