The hardcore mode (using the 100% savegame) is kind of ok. Thanks for posting! Its on many torrents now as well.. Grip levels seem realish, but it shows some unrealistic aspects, like roads that make cars jump at 60mph where the actual speed limit seems to be 50?
The auto head turning with steering is very very very annoying so its basically 'bumper cam' only for me. That is a bit of a shame, especially with the hardcore physics being 'acceptble', then being basically forced to play in arcade view is kinda worse than it was in 'arcade' mode.
Car dynamics aren't quite sim like, its kinda odd how you can sort of use power to get some sliding happening, but weight transfer whatever you like, that won't break rear grip or make it easier to break grip when used together with some power.. Yet when grip is lossed its lossed big time.
Probably another victim of:
- Hmm we need some physics thingies
- google
- pacejka! great! 60 odd parameters that I don't really understand but we can say we're using a real tyre model!
- aaaah here we have some grip graphs, grip drops to half after you peak, sure yeah!
Still its a fun diversion and I'm lucky enough it doesn't crash much here.