Kyoto 2.0 (high res)
(31 posts, started )
Kyoto 2.0 (high res)
Kyoto 2.0
by Electrik Kar

Download 17.5 mb

Note: Some textures used in Kyoto are also used at Blackwood. I haven't included those files here- I am assuming that you already have the latest Blackwood update. Apologies, but I didn't really want to double up on textures. That, and I would probably end up forgetting to include some anyway. Hope this is O.K.

As usual, comments and ideas for future updates and corrections are most welcome. If something looks a bit sketchy- (like the big Kyoto sign for example ? ) I'll be happy to work on it...

Attached images
I dare anyone to say now that LFS looks crap! This is totaly realistic!
The grass is great! so is the tarmac, damn i gotta upgrade my computer!
This is a great proofe, that you don't need fancy bling bling effects and Direct X 12, you just need talent!
Great work Electrik! Thanks for this, and thanks to Eric and Scawen for the awesomely realistic graphic engine!
sweet. looks better than my cock up attempt at it

good stuff mate well done. iv been waiting on this since i messed mine up a bit lol
Forgot to mention; the sky I've used in these shots (cloudy afternoon) is a slightly colour altered version of one of Don and Kid's skies. Their pack doesn't override the clear day or cloudy afternoon default Kyoto skies, but of course you can rename a couple of their high-res skies, saving them over the old skies. I'm a bit too tired to do it tonight, but I'll edit this post tomorrow with recommendations on what I thought were good choices for Kyoto. Also, I'd like to be able to include the colour corrected sky as an extra, but I'd better try to get Don's permission before I do that. Again, I'll leave this until tomorrow. Happy racing,
Looks fantastic...Thank you very much
#6 - axus
Many thanks again! These look absolutely fantastic. I think the Kyoto GP kerbs could use a few cracks in the paint and a bit more detail but apart from that, these could hardly be better!
Nice work yet again, EK! You are definitely the texture king

Shame I can't download this one since I still have no net connection at home (3 weeks tomorrow!), but I'll be grabbing it as soon as I can.
Quote from Dajmin :Nice work yet again, EK! You are definitely the texture king

I`ll just quote Dajmin as I can`t think of anything more appropriate

Fantastic work.
#9 - Davo
Great work. Thanks.
Great work again from old master. Now we have these unbelivble textures for: Blackwood, Aston and Kyoto? Is that right? I hope you'll make it for rest of tracks

Thank you for caring about us...

GO GO GO Electric Kar
VERY nice Kar, comparing the default LFS textures to yours in PSP you can really see the difference.

Good work man, can't wait to see more track textures from you
#13 - axus
Looking at the ads around the oval section, they do look very nice on their own but put next to one another, they sort of don't blend I think.
Yeah, I know. I don't know what the problem is. I went through lots of different ideas with the ads, including having them framed, having ads with pictures, having non-racing related Japanese ads... I kept on finding that nothing really worked there, also there were mapping headaches which didn't allow for anything apart from a very basic texture. So what I ended up with was a kind of mish-mash of things, real life ads as well as the fictional game ads. It's a bit of a mess, and it doesn't work.

I've started work on Westhill, and want to leave Kyoto behind for a little while. But I will get back to it sometime. Doing the ads doesn't inspire me, I guess that's why they end up the weakest element. But I'll get it sorted sometime. Try not to worry about it!
Awesome top work. Kyoto is completely reborn with this textures
Thankyou so much, this was the only track I needed an improvement on! excellent work, now just waiting for you to finish the other tracks,

come on hurry up!!!!

Nah, in all seriousness, excellent work, I wish I had the paitience to do something half as good as this!!!
brilliant, utterly brilliant yet again! Please could you let us know how best to utilise the high res skies on tracks that dont necesarily already use them, they make a huge difference.
Nice! Please another link where to download.
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
Awesome work
Wow, i'm suprised i don't have these yet!
do anyone know if it takes mutch on the computer with those heavenly good looking textures, atm I am having a nvidia geForce 7600gs, peentium4 3.0ghz proccesor and 2gb ram..
I am going for a upgrade on my comp, but just wondered if it maybe works?

btw: my first post on this forum, but this truly desrve it =)
Floodan, you should be fine to run these.

PS, there are other higher-res track textures by me which can usually be found over here..

but the place they're being hosted has been down for some time, unfortunately.

You could also try the LFS Database Hi-Res Pack, with textures from many different LFS community members- I think the most upto date track textures are in there too. Link to download is...


Kyoto 2.0 (high res)
(31 posts, started )