Kyoto 2.0
by Electrik Kar
Download 17.5 mb
Note: Some textures used in Kyoto are also used at Blackwood. I haven't included those files here- I am assuming that you already have the latest Blackwood update. Apologies, but I didn't really want to double up on textures. That, and I would probably end up forgetting to include some anyway. Hope this is O.K.
As usual, comments and ideas for future updates and corrections are most welcome. If something looks a bit sketchy- (like the big Kyoto sign for example
? ) I'll be happy to work on it...
by Electrik Kar
Download 17.5 mb
Note: Some textures used in Kyoto are also used at Blackwood. I haven't included those files here- I am assuming that you already have the latest Blackwood update. Apologies, but I didn't really want to double up on textures. That, and I would probably end up forgetting to include some anyway. Hope this is O.K.
As usual, comments and ideas for future updates and corrections are most welcome. If something looks a bit sketchy- (like the big Kyoto sign for example
