The online racing simulator
Project Nurburgring
(246 posts, started )
:gnasher: A lot of people are completely missing the point.

Why can't the Ring be used in LFS as it normally is used IRL??

Almost as a "track day" venue. That would be great IMO. I agree it would be rubbish for pick up races on public servers, but could be ok for league races.
I guess we'll just have to wait for a track editor then ...
I would love to drive around the Nurburgring as like a track day. I think it would be rubbish for races but would be a hell of a lot of fun just to drive around on like what most people do when they go to the Nurburgring. This might be a better idea when the amount of people on the server is increased as you could truly have a track day .
I'd much prefere a "Project Bathurst" or "Project Spa Francorchamps", LFS is a "Racing Simulator" you cant really race on the ring. Sure it's nice to drive, but it would be crap online.
I'd like to have the 'Ring in LFS.

Paul (Rover 220) Lap 1, 12 mins. Lap 2, crashed.
#31 - Vain
Quote from DaveWS ::gnasher: A lot of people are completely missing the point.

Why can't the Ring be used in LFS as it normally is used IRL??

Almost as a "track day" venue. That would be great IMO. I agree it would be rubbish for pick up races on public servers, but could be ok for league races.

I always chuckle when some one says "Oh no, the Ring wouldn't be fun, it's actually a bad track. No one would drive it."
Why? Because people drive on that track in real life. And they spend money for it. A lot of it. Just to drive there. Not to race, just to drive. 'Hotlapping', if you will.

Oh, and saying that racing is impossible is also a great statement. After all the Ring hosts a 24h race. 'Overtaking is impossible!' ... Right....

Depends on person, not my mummy at least
Maybe someone from the forum, several if the need rises...

There are imho basically just two reasons why the ring is outside from our grasp. Time and money. In that order. I see no actual reason why it couldn't be pulled off, if people paid something like 10 or 20€ and few thousand actually paid it. It would take quite a delicate process but I see that it could be done. But To actually create the ring in LFS. It would take just way too much time. You could create two or three real or fantasy tracks in the same time.

However, as I see it, the track would work in LFS, imho. Not as a public race track but defenately as a league race place and as a hotlapping and trackday track. It would work because the main thing at driving at the ring is the "driving on the ring"-thing. Just to be able to race on that legendary track would imho be enough for many. If you create a fantasy track that is as long it wouldn't be as popular because no one is interested about fantasy tracks that are 20+km long. It would be just a HC hotlap track.

Nurburgring is everything that LFS tracks aren't atm. Very fast and very challenging straights. Very fast corners an very slow corners, lots of height differences and the narrow track width with deceivingly little space to go off. Lots and lots of bumps, suspensions shattering holes and corners. Other long tracks like Isle of man don't have that test of hardness and toughness what the ring throws at you. Even if it was the greatest track of all times, it would still be too time consuming to get into LFS.

As I see it, the only way to get a real track into LFS is that the devs choose and create the track behind closed doors, finish and release it just when it is ready. No public voting system or money raising system would work because people would just seek for better allternatives. Like let's say we had three possible tracks. Ahvenisto from Finland, Snetterton from England and Sachsenring from Germany. If all of these would be available, would there be any reason to make public polls about it? No. If the devs want a real track into LFS, I'm sure they have already made their minds of what kind of track it should be, where it should be located and what they need for it. I'm sure they won't mind if we ask around but the decision is theirs and I'm very sure that any extra pressure from us won't make it come into reality any faster.


Mosport, Laguna seca, Bathurst
And that Sachsenring looked nice as well. Scavier, you know what to do

Quote from nikimere :I'd much prefere a "Project Bathurst" or "Project Spa Francorchamps", LFS is a "Racing Simulator" you cant really race on the ring. Sure it's nice to drive, but it would be crap online.

I too would love to have Spa my favourite race circuit

But, without wanting to sound rude, "you cant really race on the ring. Sure it's nice to drive, but it would be crap online." is a load of horseshit tbh. It would be great online, i reckon it would get a lot of use as a 'trackday' type circuit..and you most certainly can race on it..i've had many,many great races on it in GTR. I dont understand where your coming from on that point.
Lets be honest....any length of tarmac that you can get two cars side by side on can be used to race on.
Come on, get real. Nurburgring? Thats like 14km around.

You really expect Scawen who whoever makes these great tracks to slave over it for 14km??? I think there are much higher prioty tracks. Not to mention he could do 3-4 tracks in the time it took to do Nurburgring. Great track though it is, but not very practical.

I would love the nurburgring in LFS. Even if I find the current tracks sometimes hard to drive.

But as people have said the time to make it would be a bit silly. Plus the accuracy needed. Get one corner wrong? the wrong hieght? the wrong lenth of a straight and a lot of people will whinge about it. and whinge and whinge and whinge. Any real track, in a simulator like lfs will have this problem. Just like any real car :/ With a fantasy track, no one knows of it, so no problem :P.
Good point
Fricken hell, I would kill Micheal Schuacher's dad just to get ONE LAP on the 'Ring in LFS. Also, Indianapolis, Silverstone, Imola, and the OLD spa. Or mabey the current one. Can't make my mind up. Anyway, both Nurburgrings should be in LFS. So +1,000,000
The 'Ring would not be a good thing I think. The large part of what makes it so special in real life, is the other drivers. Anyone can go on it, and you will have a much larger number of people then you can currently fit in a LFS server.
How many do you need on the track at one time? I would think even for how long it is, 24 is plenty for a track to have some "traffic"
The time it would take to make the Nurburgring would be wasted time. The novelty would wear off within the first couple of weeks and the track would only ever see use in league racing. I'd love to race the longer Aston configs in the LXs online but fact is they just don't work online. People get fed up waiting for the race to finish, people get fed up waiting for a 8min race to finish.

How many times do you race a small 5/8mins race and a few people join and just vote to restart. I hate when people do that, and could you imagine how frustrating it would be to have spent 10mins getting near the end of the lap when someone decides they want to restart.

I'm not against a longer fantasy track being made, either from scratch or based on a current circuit but unless it has shorter configs made up from it, it will be a waste of time.

[old man style rant] What the bloody hell is wrong with the youth of today? Why cant anyone concentrate for more than 5 mins at a time?
Why bother playing a SIMULATION if you cant be bothered to race for more than 5 mins?
Have you ever seen a 5 min race in real life?
Pah...If you cant race at least 30 laps on a decent length track don't try and pretend your a sim racer[/old man style rant]

" How many times do you race a small 5/8mins race and a few people join and just vote to restart."

Hmm, admittedly I've only been racing LFS for 6-7 weeks, but i race nearly every day and i've never seen that happen.

None of this matters anyway...i very much doubt we'll see real tracks in LFS.
I would rather have Rockingham, Saschenring was mentioned - maybe even Mallory Park than the ring - reason being that 10 min long lap tracks will never get used.

Or - here's a suggestion for an R/L track in LFS - what about the Birmingham Superprix circuit that was used in the early 90's?
How anyone could NOT want to have the Nordschleife in a Driving Simulation is totally incomprehensible to me.

There are so many Arcade Racers out there, why shouldnt a Simulation simulate a real Track?
#44 - joen
Quote from George Kuyumji :How anyone could NOT want to have the Nordschleife in a Driving Simulation is totally incomprehensible to me.

I don't think people are against having it in LFS, I think they prefer to see the time spent on creating it (which would be A LOT of time) be used to create 2 or 3 other tracks which bring more to online racing.

Quote :
There are so many Arcade Racers out there, why shouldnt a Simulation simulate a real Track?

It isn't necessary imo. It doesn't make it more realistic. As I've said before, reality doesn't equal realism.
i would donate 10$ to have nurburgring in lfs.
#46 - CSU1
Quote from joen :I don't think people are against having it in LFS, I think they prefer to see the time spent on creating it (which would be A LOT of time) be used to create 2 or 3 other tracks which bring more to online racing.

It isn't necessary imo. It doesn't make it more realistic. As I've said before, reality doesn't equal realism.

Would track data not already exist? Could it not be bought? Why would anyone need to spend A LOT of time getting data when its been done countless times before?
#47 - joen
Quote from CSU1 :Would track data not already exist? Could it not be bought? Why would anyone need to spend A LOT of time getting data when its been done countless times before?

Maybe, but it still would have to be modelled, mapped, textured, etc. And I don't think the devs would want to just convert some track from another game.

Besides: in other games/sims it was either created by a mod group and not the game creators or by a larger development team with more than just one artist.
Quote from CSU1 :Would track data not already exist? Could it not be bought? Why would anyone need to spend A LOT of time getting data when its been done countless times before?

Even with track data it would still need the 3D work.

If we get an R/L track, maybe Mondello ...
#49 - CSU1
Quote from joen :Maybe, but it still would have to be modelled, mapped, textured, etc. And I don't think the devs would want to just convert some track from another game.

some track? The Ring you mean,right? Map data is all it is, and wouldnt say it would be too much of a problem for the devs to convert it to LFS's track data:

Imo it would take longer to plan out and design a new fantasy track than it would to get/buy well mapped data of the ring

@ duke: thats the easy bit m8
#50 - joen
Quote from CSU1 :some track? The Ring you mean,right? Map data is all it is, and wouldnt say it would be too much of a problem for the devs to convert it to LFS's track data:

Imo it would take longer to plan out and design a new fantasy track than it would to get/buy well mapped data of the ring

Yes, I mean the nurburgring. I think there's more to it than just inputting some track data and voila there's the track. I really think you're underestimating the time needed to do all aspects of creating of such a long track.

When making a fantasy track there's no accuracy needed in the sense of making it as close to the real one as possible.

Project Nurburgring
(246 posts, started )