The online racing simulator
#26 - Dru
Quote from r4ptor :Less than 5.

yup - me too. I did less than two laps of BL1 as a tryout with with cP Fat_Panda on a demo server and i went off and bought S2 straight away
#28 - Davo
My early trials of LFS didn't have me convinced at first so I drove a lot on demo. probbaly 2 hours a day for a couple of months. When I tried S2 it only took 2 short weeks on demo to finally get my licence.
Probably 50 at max, but I can't really remember. I drove quite a few miles offline in S1, though before I finally jumped online (I was too scared to suck and mess up other people's race :tilt.
It would be anyone's guess but I started in 2002 as well. 19/08/2002 to be precise with the original 15.7MB no music demo. Version 0.04L

I think I would be underestimating if I said I thought I have done 50,000KM + in this game. I spent a lot of time on it.
1/2 a lap of blackwood
Quote from Crash Dummy :It would be anyone's guess but I started in 2002 as well. 19/08/2002 to be precise with the original 15.7MB no music demo. Version 0.04L

I think I would be underestimating if I said I thought I have done 50,000KM + in this game. I spent a lot of time on it.

50,000km since 2002?

I've done 12,847km since the 4th Feb this year....shit..I've realised i might have a little addiction problem at this rate I'll have caught up with you by the end of May
Yeah from the start. Just to put it into prospective. I know especially when I was really hooked I would race for up to 8 hours a day or more and that went on for a long time.
Oh and racked up 20,000km over 12 weeks of being a courier in real life... 9 hour days doing on average 330km per day and I rarely got to go very quickly at all. Most of the time I was below 70Km/h compared to LFS, doing average speeds probably double that for just as many hours per day. :Eyecrazy:

I've done 34229.14KM since S1 was released and I know I would have put in many more hours of alpha demo the since we got S1 and S2
Approaching 100,000KM isn't sounding so crazy anymore.

No wonder I wore out so many steering wheels. :lol:
#34 - JJ72
Quote from Crash Dummy :It would be anyone's guess but I started in 2002 as well. 19/08/2002 to be precise with the original 15.7MB no music demo. Version 0.04L

I think I would be underestimating if I said I thought I have done 50,000KM + in this game. I spent a lot of time on it.

Wow I don't see you very often since S2!! I remember having races with you and a bunch for SCR guys back in S1 vividly though .(although you might not remember)

I think I have more than 8000km too since I participated in Andre's original LFS league way before S1, there were days where I just sit and do 5 lappers of GTi/blackwood for 6 hour straight, and was never bored.
i played GTR for about 9 months, and wanted to love it, but was totally frustrated by the physics. then i got the LFS demo, and during the first lap the rear end came loose, but i recovered, and it felt so real i couldn't believe it. i bought S2 the next day.
#36 - mr_x
I think i did 2 races then bought it!

The first car I drove in S2 was the UF1
About 3...
I too found LFS in 2002 (.1E, dated Oct. 7th, 2002 to be exact). I think I raced a lot more back then than I do now. You'll rarely find me in public servers these days unless I'm practicing for a league event, and even then I'll sometimes do that offline so I can collect telemetry data.

I currently have 40000 miles since the day S1 came out, so my guess is I had around 5000 miles accumulated before S1 was released.
I wasn't around for S1, but I bought S2 the day after I tried the demo. I doubt I had more than 30 laps before I laid down my money.

Best $50 I ever spent.
#40 - S0ul
i guess i did around 2000...I dont know why i waited so long...
I think I did few hundred with a mouse, and that felt like an awful lot back then.
Then I got a wheel, drove a 3-lap race on rallycross, and bought the game.
I must have driving 150 laps at least on Blackwood 1 in the XFG. maybe 50 in the XRG. about 50 in the XRT. Blackwood reverse 200+ laps in the XRT. less that 30 each in the XFG and XRG. as for rallycross. maybe 90 laps in the XFG, XRG. about 10 in the XRT. I also drove around drifting in the car park a lot in the XRT and XRG. i didn't do much XFG'n in blackwood carpark. too slow to avoid the wreckers. In S2 i still constantly get "LFSW reports first lap on this car/track combo" message. I had the demo for about 2 months. driving about 2 hours a day 4-6 times a week(it was summer time ).

the first car i drove in S2 was the FXR on SO5!
Hmm....late 2002 to june/july 2003....probably somewhere in the region of 20k miles (often raced hours every day)
I think I played for a few hours in BL rally on demo before buying S1.
#45 - JTbo
I think quite a lot as it was not possible to buy LFS straight away, so I did most of driving perhaps before I got license actually.

LFS was first game that I did play online, after that I have tried few but there has been no similar fun in those, only playing PES6 and Soldat with brother has been as fun as playing LFS online.

But how many miles, well maybe something like 30 000 but I really have no idea, such long time ago, I really can't remember that far too well.
Quote from LFSn00b :Yeah... I agree...

That's from rscnet ages ago, before lfsforum existed. I remember laughing so damn hard, hah.
mine was probably 10 miles lol 8 laps round blackwood, and then i bought s2
Somewhere between 50.000-100.000km on Demo can't be far off, I started on S1 and played it like mad. Now I've had S2 license for 1,5 months and I've already rolled 11.000km, but I guess that's alot to do with driving faster cars.
1 or 2 races before getting the S1 licence but many miles in the S2 demo when everyone was driving that.