Poll : Who deserves to be respected more?

The very fast drivers who don't neccessarily have WRs and aren't as devoted.
No doubt, WR setters are the the ones to look up to and admire. Absolute devotion.
When does the respect end or when does it begin?
Hi all! I wanted to make a post to see how the LFS community views a matter which IMO, is quite a controversial subject. Now, the idea behind this thread and poll is to ask you is how much respect should you give to those drivers, specifically, the usual WR setters and those who don't set WRs but usually beat them online and then those who are really quick yet aren't WR pace but are very good racers. Personally, I think I'm quite quick as a driver, I have a lot of experience in LFS and as a sim racer, however, I don't have a single WR (altho, I may change that soon ) but I can generally always be within 0.5-0.2 of a WR. The question is now, who do you respect more, the person who basically devotes their life to LFS or to the person who is a very fast driver but doesn't spend as much time on LFS. Just so that you guys don't bite my head off, both sides are skillful talent and perhaps those who are the usual WR setters are extremely skillful drivers.
#2 - Lible
I gave my voice for the "usual fast drivers". I like them more. Usually, many drivers are able to get WRs, but what's the point? There's no fun in driving hours and hours to get that another 0.01 off your lap time. But it sure is fun to drive online, even if you're not very fast.

EDIT: I also accept 100% with sidi.
Quote from sidi :I respect anyone who is a nice person in general and as such i'll give my vote a miss,i have had great races with ppl whom are both fast and slow but i guess the most respect would go to someone i can race side by side without any major incidents as to me thats what lfs is all about.

My opinion aswell
The people that impress me the most are those you can join a combo they've never driven before and still get to within a second or two of a WR after only a few laps.

I respect racecraft more than outright pace too.
Quote from sidi :...i guess the most respect would go to someone i can race side by side without any major incidents as to me thats what lfs is all about.

WR don't mean shite in racing, I would go along with sidi's statement too.
Quote from sidi :I respect anyone who is a nice person in general and as such i'll give my vote a miss,i have had great races with ppl whom are both fast and slow but i guess the most respect would go to someone i can race side by side without any major incidents as to me thats what lfs is all about.

Agree very much on this
Quote from sidi :I respect anyone who is a nice person in general and as such i'll give my vote a miss,i have had great races with ppl whom are both fast and slow but i guess the most respect would go to someone i can race side by side without any major incidents as to me thats what lfs is all about.

My thoughts exactly I don't really give a rats ass about if you hold a WR or are 0.2 sec off WR or 6 sec off WR for that matter. It's the person's character who wins my respect and how much of a gentleman they are on and off the track

Fast drivers I remember for a little while... competitive, fair, and courteous drivers I remember always
Where's the "both" option?

I have respect for anybody who I can race against safely and fairly, and who doesn't whine every time there's a bit of accidental contact (I really get tired of those people who air their little grievances in chat after every single bloody race...).

I also have a lot of respect for the uber-aliens because out of the ones I've come into contact with (Biggie, Bawbag and Sinbad spring to mind) they're all really cool, friendly and helpful guys.
#10 - CSU1
Quote from Sternendaal :

My opinion aswell

Yep ,your online at oval junkies.lmfao!

The way I see it is if a guy is screaming up behind me and is no doubt faster than me as he is blasting through corners and killing his set every two laps I dont have much respect for the way he drives because all he wants is a quick time and doesnt care if he takes others out in the process.

That is not racing, no respect there; thus he wouldnt get past me UNLESS he showed me he was prepared to carry out a propper overtaking manouver.

I admire watching faster drivers but they usually show little knowledge of propper racecraft.
although i voted for the second, i´d like to mention that "WR setters" usually don´t need hours to set one

still, the best drivers, judged by their performance, are people without that many WRs.
I agree with Sidi and Gentlefoot

And i like drivers who are prepared to share their setup's with those of us who haven't got a clue about/don't really care about setting up cars.
I agree with everybody.

Aww! Grouphug! :grouphug:

Sidi +1
WR's and laptimes hold no rellevance to me in the slightest. All the respect I give to follow racers is earned when my wheel arches are gently brushing theirs.
#15 - Dru
Quote from The Moose :I agree with Sidi and Gentlefoot

And i like drivers who are prepared to share their setup's with those of us who haven't got a clue about/don't really care about setting up cars.

Could not put it better myself

i have not voted in the poll becuase it does not answer the question who i respect in LFS.

If you are all of those three (but particulalry 2 and 3) you get my respect anyday
Quote :The question is now, who do you respect more, the person who basically devotes their life to LFS or to the person who is a very fast driver but doesn't spend as much time on LFS.

this is a very different question in fact to the one in your poll.
I respect neither, I respect those who contribute to both the community and the online game in a positive way, who race fairly and who participate in a balanced way. racing competitively but at the same time within the context that the game is a leisure pursuit and should be fun. It doesn't matter if they are fast or slow.
usually i like the ones more that dont play "guys who love to eat applepie and wear red dresses" off against "guys who'd rather drink milk and wear green shirts".
#18 - CSU1
Quote from chrinkler :usually i like the ones more that dont play "guys who love to eat applepie and wear red dresses" off against "guys who'd rather drink milk and wear green shirts".

Everyone to his own I suppose
I find this kind of pointless tbh. Both the groups brought up in the poll deserver respect in thier own ways, so by picking a side feels wrong imo I didnt vote
Yep, you need to add the third option: "it makes no difference to me".
-which is not the same thing as saying "i don't have an opinion....."
#22 - JTbo
Can you buy better wheels with respect? Can you get faster with respect? I would say, respect is useless
i respect the drivers capable of driving quickly, consistantly, and with exceptional racecraft. its nice to have a good clean fight.

also, i like people that arent stingy with their sets!
Quote from JTbo :Can you buy better wheels with respect? Can you get faster with respect? I would say, respect is useless

yes you can ... in nfs

+1 btw
Sorry, but everyone knows it RESPEK in "da hood", wiv me homies..........