Well, I am rebuilding my bike right now but I will post a pic of what it should look like after I am done. That beast has some serious power, I mostly ride it offroad and it is scary as hell but hey, that is what makes it fun right?
I bought the thing a few years ago and just rebuilt the engine and did minor work. Now it is time to do the rest since I found a few cracks in the frame that need welding.
Well, this is the closest I could find.. Mine just has a 1976 gas tank.
http://www2.yamaha-motor.fr/ac ... /ym50_doc-13-xt500-77.jpg
Just looking for pictures I found a 86 that looked kinda neat then remembered that I had a tank from one

I think I will put it on, the current one is 30% bondo anyway.
http://yamaha.ecritel.net/actu ... /ym50_doc-13-xt500-86.jpg
Off topic:
I just realized that almost every motorized thing that I have owned has had massive ammounts of power. My first bike was a 1980 yamaha YZ50 with a big ol' 80 engine stuck on it.
Second bike (1980 yamaha YZ80) we milled the head, put a 8th over Forged wiseco racing piston in it (making it 85CC), Boysen power reeds, K&N performance air filter, and we had to get a RK racing chain to reduce stretching when I hit that powerband and the front tire went straight up.

Still have that one...
Third Bike, The XT500 above.. Wiseco Forged racing piston, performance carb and that was about enough. I figured since it has almost broken my leg a few times starting it I was done with trying to make it worse.
My car.. Good god. 1997 Audi A4 quattro 2.8 with somewhere from 400-500hp (I will put it on a dyno some day). Twin turbo, forged pistons, chipped, injectors, intake, fuel pump, throttle body, Well the list is huge so... The point is that it hauls some serious butt. it is beyond FXR fast.