Like some others, I too am having some LOD popping issues. All graphic settings are maxxed out, but I am seeing a lot of objects pop into view. This has been occuring since patch V at least. I assume it is Scawen trying to optimise the LOD for lower end machines, but my machine being a high end one, I don't need as much optimisation. On the first lap of the first track session after loading a new track, I get the terrain (grass, asphalt) popping in and out of view, too. As in it becomes invisible for a split second before returning to view. This has also been happening since patch V.
What does the Dynamic LOD reduction do? What does the Gearshift Debounce do? both located in the Misc section in Options.
With regards to the minimap; I think all cars should still be arrows, as the arrow shows the direction the car is facing. Usefull when slow/stopped cars are on track for sure.
I think the player car should have a larger arrow. Aside from that, colours should be defineable for those of us who are colour blind. I myself have it in multiple forms; Blue/Purple, Red/Green, Red/Brown, Green/Yellow, Green/Orange, Brown/Orange, Brown/Green... I think that's about it... My colour blindness is not sever, but it is expansive. I am affected by a large number of variations, but not in all values of those variations. By one of Scawen's posts, it seems he has added user-defineable colours to his ever-growing list. Awesome

What different cars should there be, though?
-Cars on same lap, ahead of you.
-Cars on same lap, behind you.
-Cars a lap behind you
-Cars a lap ahead of you
-Your own car.
I don't think we need something different for cars multiple laps ahead; all you need to know is whether or not they are ahead of you or behind you, and if they are on the same lap. In regards to the way to drive when near someone, you treat someone putting you one lap down the same way you'd treat them putting you three, four, five or twenty laps down. It's all the same

I think possibly the leader could have their own colour, too, when the leader is not yourself.
Great work with the new patch Scavier! Game gets better and better!