Media biased towards Democrats?

Sure, that's what those rightwing fascist media barons want you to think

As if Rupert Murdoch is leaning toward Hillary or Barack. Liberal media, that's laughable.
Some quick facts about Iran:
In the 1950s, the Iranian people democratically elected president Mossadeq. He didn't meet with the approval of the US, so the CIA engineered a coup and installed the Shah, who reigned for a couple of decades until 1979, when the Islamic Revolution, a popular movement which arose in response to the Shah's abuse of his power and collusion with the US, deposed the Shah and insitituted theocratic (i.e. religious) rule, with the Ayatollahs in charge. The Ayatollahs remain in charge to this day, with blabbermouth Ahmadinejad with about as much real power as the Queen has over Australia or Canada. If America wishes to complain about those nasty Ayatollahs ruining everything and whipping up hatred for America, they need only look in their own backyard and in their history books to see the root cause of it.
Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (which the US and Israel have both breached by having large nuclear arsenals which the US in particular continues to increase, and are therefore completely hypocritical when launching verbal, or literal, attacks on anyone regarding nuclear weapons). Under the terms of the NPT, Iran has the right to pursue uranium enrichment for the purposes of generating electric power. Noone, but noone, has been able to produce a shred of evidence that Iran is doing anything but precisely that, yet there stands Sherriff Bush, six-shooter in hand, warning everyone (yet again) of bearded nut-jobs wielding WMD and pointing them at "Amurka" (and we all know how much we can trust him when it comes to WMD). Most competent analysts (from the CIA, MI6 through to the IAEA) have concluded that IF Iran was after weapons-grade nuclear material, they are about a decade away from being able to produce it.
Much is being made of the capture of 15 Britons being held by Iran, allegedly for trespassing into Iranian waters. Has anyone even heard of the five Iranian officials who were abducted from a liaison office in northern Iraq in January? There is no current state of war with Iran so why would US forces capture Iranian officials? What is the situation where one country can do one thing and yet castigates another country for doing the same? Where is the outcry about those captured Iranians? Perhaps the so-called "liberal" US media missed that one ...
Dear ol' Ahmadinejad has been accused of wishing Israel to "wiped off the map". A tiny bit of research will reveal that for the past few years he's been badly (and, one would assume, intentionally) misquoted. What he said directly translates to "the regime occupying Palestine should be wiped from the pages of history". Clearly this has a different meaning - rather than wipe Israel off the face of the earth, he's expressing a desire to see regime-change (note how it's a dirty word when a Mid-Easter says it?) in Israel ...
As for the appeasement of Iran - which has no real navy or air force or even a land force capable of deterring the US for too long - it's not Iran which has continually threatened, meddled in and attacked other countries since the end of WW2. It's not Iran which has installed & assisted friendly dictators around the world at various times (Iraq - yes, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Nicaragua, Chile - in fact most of Latin America, and the list goes on) while simultaneously bleating about freedom and democracy (both of which are being steadily eroded in the US by Bush's beyond-Nixonesque domestic policies). And isn't it funny how many US-friendly dictators reside in oil country? With such a long history of meddling, invasion and flat-out aggression (the kind which got the Nazis hung at Nuremberg - at which trial the crimes of bombing civilians were removed from the charge sheet, as the US & UK would have had to face the same charges due to their own blitzkriegs in Germany & Japan), the dubious honour of being the only country to use nukes in a war, ever, and with a defence budget of over 400 billion dollars, which eclipses most of the rest of the world put together, who exactly should we be appeasing? We may not like Iran's regime and what it does to its people, but there are worse things happening in Zimbabwe at the moment, and Turkmenistan, and Chechnya, and Palestine, and China, and many of the states the US (currently) calls its friends - the most notorious being Saudi Arabia, where you can still see people butchered with swords on a sunny afternoon, if you dig that stuff. Why aren't US politicians calling for regime change anywhere that isn't sitting on a million barrels of oil? Are we supposed to believe that if the chief exports of Iraq & Iran were coffee beans and hemp fibre that the US still would have blown over 400 billlion USD so far, killed 3500 US servicepeople (500+- more than were killed on 9/11) and maimed far more, and cost the lives of over 600,000 Iraqis (a heck of a lot more than were killed on 9/11), most of whom were non-combatants? You're worried about appeasing Iran? Wake up and smell the falafel.