briezh, I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head.
let's face it, since we're the toughest kid on the block, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. just that simple.
I really like how some of them think that Gore would've been SOO much better as a president.... Maybe it's cause he invented the internet?
cause he hugs trees? Maybe it's his socialist style attitude?
Oh and I don't really remember the exact instances, but the other guys commited acts of election fraud as well... Oh wait I do know of one.
If you're an American in an American labor union of some sort. you run into that problem... alot. If you have any conservative (republican) view points you best keep them to yourself otherwise you could find yourself black balled, meaning no work and usually some "pacifist liberal" will vandalize your car.
When I first heard that, I didn't really believe it. But when I talked to a good friend of mine who is in the IBEW (electrician's union) he pretty much told me the same exact thing. In fact he was telling me about some poor dumb ass that showed up to the hall with a Bush/cheney sticker on his car and he was blackballed and they shot out his windows. So much for the peace loving party of Gore, huh? When I was in the ILA (longshoreman's local #28) they had STRONGLY advised us to vote for democrat party candidates and tried to register everyone as straight ticket members.
Which, come to think of it was a waste of time since almost everyone there has felony records and can't vote (LOL I don't have any felonies so I can still vote
I don't know why the union members keep fooling themselves with the illusion that the Democratic party is really pro-labor. they just want the votes. Just as bad as people believing the Republicans are pro family values.
Also, we're gonna have fun with the 2nd amendment again once Hillary becomes president again.
But about Africa.
Do you eurotypes actually think more than 5 seconds ahead? Do you have any idea whatsoever what Africa is going to be like as a whole in the next 20 years if things continue along the current path?
Lemme guess. Y'all have all the faith in the world in the U.N. and the African Union straightening things out huh? I especially love their remarkable progress in Darfur.
me personally? I don't think an American military presence in Africa will do a damn bit of good. I also think that Africa's woes can be indirectly attributed to EUropean Colonialism. So don't be whining to us about this one.
I would say the Eurotypes ought to handle this, but they still hopelessly believe that diplomacy and dialogue will prevail.
Trust me on this. I come from one a those areas in America where "every kid has a gun". When you're you're dealing with a two digit IQ type that shot his way into power and now thinks he's divine, diplomacy is just not gonna work. Neither are sanctions. and Dialogue? please.....
Where I come from "dialogue" is what a wimp does to try to avoid getting their ass kicked.
But that's OK blame Bush. it seems to make you feel better.
And please, no more one sided facts. it gets old.