I tried various ways, what you said above, and they either come out to squashed, or well, just doesn't look right. I played with a blank peice of A4 paper, and A4 in half, looks just about right.
no dont squash please. thats the most newbish thing u could do and im glad you didnt do it
respect the aspect ratio of pics. so when i say fit them in a or b, its like drop them inside a4 and resize (according to dpi of a4 u should prolly upscale) maintaining aspect ratio.
for example:
new A4 landscape orientation 150 dpi or 300 dpi
load 4 flyers. ctrl-a each, copy paste each into A4 layers.
pics should be smaller than a4...
resize (upscale) each flyer inside a4 using shift key so u maintain aspect ratio till u maximize paper space.
or use any other techniques that exist to do the exact same.
if u really prefer 2 per paper then nevermind what i just said.
ps: a 4 flyer in a4 landscape would look like your 2 attachements side by side and btw, your attachments are of a lower res than even my original files? those are just previews, not the full scale A4s right?
pps: a way faster way of doing the same would be to use acdsee multiple pics printing. the prog helps u a lot by doing all the tasks for you. direct download link to trial here (no idea if trial prints)
Wooo, slow down Kid. Speak english. Drop this there, and here, and do what I have used Publisher, and have rescaled accordingly to fit both on a A4. I haven;t edited the picture ( size or ratio in PSP ) well, just the Year but thats all I done.
why 2 pictures on the flyers ? and i think a4 is too big for a flyer (or do you mean 2 pics on one a5 ?) ...
id go with one pic per a5 flyer and a feature list and website link etc on the back
if you wanna do differently please ask someone else or try something else, i have other stuff to do now, sorry. i also edited the years. assuming those thumbs are just small scale previews, your publisher efforts would also work out good (even though 2 per page is huge for small flyers).
if u go to any professional solution just hand them the original pics, and let them do the composition after u explain them your aim.
both my version and the original pics still have to be dot-gained before printing. you remind them of that.
Damn forgot to book my tickets - modelling engines on a computer (Ricardo's WAVE) is just too engrossing...
So I'll try my best to get in on the door (arrive early), or if anyone has a spare ticket (cos someone dropped out, or because they just decided to get an extra one for the 'fun' value) then let me know
Either your router uses those ports (the 65080 bit) or you have blocked all other than the default 80 port for WWW on your firewall.. these should work
i would be careful if you get a camera on jezza, as on a site ive seen, they point a camera at him, and a convo goes like this
bl = go on, say turbo-nutters.co.uk kick ass
jc = ok, turbonutters, all the guys and girls at turbonutters.co.uk...your all gay, every last one of ya.
bl = cool
funny, cause there all ass', but its not a def that you like it or find it funny