leagues and subsections
(700 posts, closed, started )
It looks like another cleanup is needed...
A-spec, VRL, Sun Force and the Portugese league aren't exactly active :P

Would it be possible to hide those sub forums that haven't had anything in the last 30 days or so?
The portuguese league isn't inactive : http://www.simracingportugal.net/lfs/
There just aren't many posts posted here.

Sun Force Cup the same thing

A-Spec - i've moved it to inactive leagues section
FIS GP Subsection
Hello Victor.

I am running a team/league. It would be nice to have a place to publish the schedule. It seems that a subsection is a great idea.

Could you help set one up named "FIS GP"?

Hi Victor,

Posting here because PM is turned off for you Victor.

I'm sure you're busy right now with patch X but I need a new subsection set up in the leagues section if possible.

The league is called 'The Gentlefoot Challenge' (GFC) and the website is www.gentlefoot.com/LFS

Is a dual class formula with FOXs and FO8s on track together Strict rules and penalties mean drivers score more points of they don't hit other cars. First meeting is scheduled for this coming Sunday.

Is it possible to get a banner ad or something for it for the forum?

Thanks mate.

James (Gentlefoot)

you can send a banner to our regular email.
Quote from Victor :done.

you can send a banner to our regular email.

Thanks Vic - fast and efficient as usual
Much the same as Gentlefoot.

Name of League: AustralAsian League
League Website: www.AustralAsianLeague.com

Offspring of the old LFSendu league, but now (well, has been for a while) seperate from them and is striving in the land down under =]
sure, done. And you're the section moderator too.
Hi Victor
Superior Master Series has been running locally in Denmark for a year under one of VCS´s arrangements. VCS has now changed and became Unity-racing.com, so Unity-racing.com is now the arrangeur.

Now after it has shown up to be succesfull in Denmark, we would like it to be an open international seria for all countries. Therefore we would like a forum here, if it´s possible.

I´m the head admin for Superior Master Series and would like to be the moderator.
Hm, it doesn´t seem to read this posts above...I still wait
Sorry, I didn't notice it. The section has been added now and you're moderator of the section as well.
Good luck!
Quote from Falcon140 :Hello Victor,

I have created a league called Kyoto Nights. We would like a sub-forum please.

Website: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Kyoto_Nights/index.php?act=idx

Done ...

Quote from scoobyrbac :Hello,

I would like to have DTP - Race Division Series! in a subforum is possible.

here is our league info

And DTP's forum

Also if you make me moderator, could you please make br0nd moderator also? He has helped setting this up.



... and done
Thanks Victor
i've done your first request and then I moved the LFS Drift Cup to the inactive section. The website url it has linked is a joke, and noone seems to participate anyway.

Your request for a new subforum is denied. You need to have a running league. I'm a bit tired of everybody asking for a subforum even before they know what they're doing with it. Running a league isn't something you setup in 5 minutes. I needs a lot of thought and planning and organising skills.
Ok ill get em done this weekend and upload them
"De Vlaamse racing league (VRL)" has gone inactive on lfs races. Can you set the subforum to inactive? Thanks
DeadWolfBones is now a co-administrator of IGTC so could you give him moderating rights to the IGTC subforum please.

Thanks, Ben
Quote from Jos Belgium :"De Vlaamse racing league (VRL)" has gone inactive on lfs races. Can you set the subforum to inactive? Thanks

done ...

Quote from BenjiMC :Hello,
DeadWolfBones is now a co-administrator of IGTC so could you give him moderating rights to the IGTC subforum please.

Thanks, Ben

... and done
This thread is closed

leagues and subsections
(700 posts, closed, started )