Some of these features you have talked about deggis are in S.T.A.L.K.E.R There you are limited by the amount of weight that you can carry, mas is 60kg, if you have over that you simply cannot move, this bit "not moving" is a little bit silly as you just stop and all you can do is look around until you drop a gun or ammo or anything that you can to make you lighter again. Nice little feature is that when you are close to the limit say 59kg and you run, climb jump this seriously hurts your stamina bar, goes down very very quickly. If you were only loaded by 10kg of weight then your stamina goes down very slowly and you can run further jump and climb anything. It also has bleeding after you get shot your health bar continues to drop and you have to bandage yourself up, you can also get radiation poisoning which severely affects you and your health keeps dropping until you inject yourself with some anti radiation medicine.. or drink Vodka lol...

Still though the rest is unrealistic, shoot em ups can never be as realistic as real life as deggis already pointed out.. unless they start selling guns with the game that you would hook up to your pc via usb, mount it on your monitor and next time you get shot in a game it will shoot you. hmmm lol
think games are realistic as they possibly will get for now, until processor power and graphic power develops and people find a new way to give you reality.