ArmA - Armed Assault
(40 posts, started )
Quote from franky500 :basically being OFP 2 (but due to licencing ect could not use that name...)

Codesuckers owns the license names but it's still not a real sequel. It's just OFP1½ with a turbocharger.

OFP2 is a another project and known as "Game 2" due the licenses thing and afaik it's been under developement for some years already. THOUGH I don't know have the plans changed or anything... obviously Arma was a longer and bigger project than they had first planned.
i am HUGE OFP fan, but OFP is allready too heavy to run smooth here, so i dont dream with ArmA, BUT ARMA FKN ROXES !
Well I downloaded the demo earlier, and it (surprisingly) was playable once I tweaked the video settings a little.

I'm still gonna hold off for a while before I purchase though.

After browsing through the forums, this bit of software kinda reminds me of Vista next to XP.
Sure, the new version is a little prettier, but there are a lot of problems at the moment. The devs are working hard on fixing them, but it will be a year or so before it finds it's feet.

For now, I'll stick to XP (OFP)
Fun yes, but "pure simulation"?
PK machine gun VS bus driver behind his windshield is ineffective, bullet holes in bodies are always the same, rubber boats don't sink when you strafe them, helicopter blades are tree-proof, .50 cal doesn't get past car doors.. arcade vehicle physics?
And no ragdoll.
i can take out a uaz with 1.5 mags from a g36k.
Quote from franky500 :ARMA Is a brilliant game and really does carry on the OFP Series nicely. Have had it for donkeys years. and even after a good 6 years OFP is still a great game to play.. and ARMA is even better. basically being OFP 2 (but due to licencing ect could not use that name...)

In answer to the origional poster. that will be perfectly fine. few members of my team have worse than that and dont have any problems. qulity on High for some of them. but normal will give you better loading times between the map ect.

ARMA and OFP are what LFS is to NFS. pure simulation and strategy

Cant agree more with you, now just cant wait till someoen releases Crimecity or something like that
If i had better RAM i would go past the recommended Line :/
Quote from jegorchangai :Cant agree more with you, now just cant wait till someoen releases Crimecity or something like that

hehe.. did we ever meet in there?
Quote from Breizh :Fun yes, but "pure simulation"?
PK machine gun VS bus driver behind his windshield is ineffective, bullet holes in bodies are always the same, rubber boats don't sink when you strafe them, helicopter blades are tree-proof, .50 cal doesn't get past car doors.. arcade vehicle physics?
And no ragdoll.

It's been always more like just overall simulation of modern warfare... that's why vehiche physics are pretty arcade compared to real flight sims. And yes I've always thought also that especially the gun modelling needs to be way more accurate, at least on par with some other games and mods (e.g. Red Orchestra). But still the best advantage is the scale, together with WWII Online (never played though) it's still pretty much the only game with this kind of landscape scale.

Calling OFP as simulation is maybe bit too over the top but how you can call driving sims as simulators where you can crash a wall and press restart? You get point... simulating combat with virtual humans is way harder than simulating mechanical vehicles.
There just doesn't seem to be any developer willing to make a realistic shooter.
How complicated would the physics be? Modeling (overall, including gameplay, not in the strictly physics stuff) the human body's reactions to impacts and wounds etc might be the most complicated parts.
Ballistics, penetration, all that stuff is pretty simple. Havok has provided affordable, quality general physics for some time now, for all the non small-scale physics..
What else would demand substential coding? It certainly would make a lot of shooters more fun.
more fun = arcade way like Battlefield series...

I think the hardest part is the human movement... in most of the games you can run faster than Michael Johnson with robot-like stamina. Anyone who has been in the army knows that when you're carrying 20 kg stuff + gun, you can't move easily. When you're proned and some big rock is against your balls, you just can't turn around in 0.1 secs and shoot somebody behind you like you can do in games.

I think wounds are pretty easy to implement after all, even the first Rainbow Six game had enough complicated wounding (either you were dead or wounded). Only thing that needs is bleeding after getting wounded. Main thing would be that one shot can always kill. Not really that hard to do but still you have stupid percent health bars in most the games...
Some of these features you have talked about deggis are in S.T.A.L.K.E.R There you are limited by the amount of weight that you can carry, mas is 60kg, if you have over that you simply cannot move, this bit "not moving" is a little bit silly as you just stop and all you can do is look around until you drop a gun or ammo or anything that you can to make you lighter again. Nice little feature is that when you are close to the limit say 59kg and you run, climb jump this seriously hurts your stamina bar, goes down very very quickly. If you were only loaded by 10kg of weight then your stamina goes down very slowly and you can run further jump and climb anything. It also has bleeding after you get shot your health bar continues to drop and you have to bandage yourself up, you can also get radiation poisoning which severely affects you and your health keeps dropping until you inject yourself with some anti radiation medicine.. or drink Vodka lol... Still though the rest is unrealistic, shoot em ups can never be as realistic as real life as deggis already pointed out.. unless they start selling guns with the game that you would hook up to your pc via usb, mount it on your monitor and next time you get shot in a game it will shoot you. hmmm lol

think games are realistic as they possibly will get for now, until processor power and graphic power develops and people find a new way to give you reality.
more fun=realism (after all I play LFS and not NFS )

Realism in the way how human bodies react after being hit means that they simply collapse to the ground. That holds for rifle calibre and .50 cal. You would need to hit with quite a big gun before bodies start to fly (and they would most probably explode rather than 'fly').

ArmA - Armed Assault
(40 posts, started )